[翻譯] Jim Thome 回來了

看板WhiteSox作者 (Manawenuz)時間11年前 (2013/07/06 07:42), 編輯推噓3(301)
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當特助(?!) http://0rz.tw/6spAN Jim Thome wanted to keep playing at age 42, but no major-league offers came in and now the future Hall of Famer has joined the White Sox’s front office as a special assistant to general manager Rick Hahn. 老湯米42了,他還想打,但沒人給他約。所以這位可能的未來名人堂成員接受了白襪 給的offer,來給GM Rich Hahn當特別助理。 Thome, who played for the White Sox from 2006-2009, will have a role working with both major leaguers and minor leaguers. “I don’t think I could ask for a better situation than being in Chicago and with the White Sox,” Thome said, via Chuck Garfien of CSNChicago.com. 06-09湯米在白襪打球,現在他會跟整個白襪系統打交道。湯米說他覺得這是個好選擇 (超級懷念他跟Konerko的左右門神組合) Thome has always been incredibly popular everywhere he played, so it’s no surprise that the White Sox wanted to bring him aboard, but it’s sort of a shame that he couldn’t find a part-time designated hitter gig for one last run. He hit .252 with a .752 OPS last season, which, just for instance, is a higher OPS than everyone on the White Sox this year except for Alex Rios and Adam Dunn. 湯米不管在哪打球都超受歡迎(我記得之前有個好人排名,Thome只落後Sean Casey) 所以白襪要把他弄回去就不意外了 但湯米沒能弄到一個兼職指定打擊實在很怪,他去年打擊率.252,OPS.752,去年全白襪 只有Rios跟Dunn打得比他好(我要寫個慘字) One of the greatest power-and-patience sluggers in MLB history, Thome ranks seventh all time in both homers (612) and walks (1,747) while being 20th in OPS (.956). 湯米應該是MLB史上最強的愛選球強打者之一,在全壘打跟保送兩項都高居史上第七 生涯OPS也是史上第20 大早起來發現Axelord今天又是發球機,不如來討論一下Thome的新工作 Southside sox有篇文章說案情不單純,言下之意是Thome可能是教頭備選 各位覺得呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Danks 來自: (07/06 07:43)

07/06 12:25, , 1F
07/06 12:25, 1F

07/06 15:16, , 2F
07/06 15:16, 2F

07/06 16:29, , 3F
我比較想看他打球 代打也可以
07/06 16:29, 3F

07/06 21:02, , 4F
07/06 21:02, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1HrrdS-h (WhiteSox)