[討論] 迷樣的 SPEY

看板Wine作者 (豪邁的驚嘆號!)時間13年前 (2011/02/16 00:28), 編輯推噓6(6010)
留言16則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/4me2kga 標題:Whisky with a history is back at its old haunt. More than 20,000 cases of SPEY Whisky are sold in Taiwan each year but the single malt, which is distilled in Scotland and bottled at Greencroft near Lanchester in County Durham, has not been available in the UK. 中略 John McDonough, managing director of Harvie's, said: "The link with Seaham Hall comes from my great-grandfather. "He exported whisky to the USA in the 1920s, shipping the cases out of Seaham Harbour. The cases were stored at what is now Seaham Hall Hotel before shipment." 中略 He teamed up with colleague Hung Ho, who is now country director for Harvie's, and decided to export whisky to the Far East. Hung Ho聽起來像是台灣人的樣子... 所以SPEY這牌子是台灣人和"祖先是禁酒令時走私酒"的蘇格蘭人合作 專門賣酒給台灣嚕? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/16 02:13, , 1F
去年台北的場 曾經問過他們的人員「這牌子是不是台灣人創
02/16 02:13, 1F

02/16 02:14, , 2F
的 結果也沒回答我就走掉了....
02/16 02:14, 2F

02/16 12:31, , 3F
心虛啊 科科
02/16 12:31, 3F

02/16 19:01, , 4F
02/16 19:01, 4F

02/16 20:08, , 5F
有人送我一瓶SPEY總裁推薦single malt...該喝嗎?...
02/16 20:08, 5F

02/16 20:30, , 6F
02/16 20:30, 6F

02/16 21:02, , 7F
02/16 21:02, 7F

02/16 21:03, , 8F
02/16 21:03, 8F

02/17 00:47, , 9F
02/17 00:47, 9F

02/17 00:48, , 10F
02/17 00:48, 10F

02/17 00:49, , 11F
02/17 00:49, 11F

02/17 12:23, , 12F
這品牌有必要搞這麼神秘嗎? Matissee不也是台灣品牌?
02/17 12:23, 12F

02/18 08:04, , 13F
02/18 08:04, 13F

02/23 00:39, , 14F
02/23 00:39, 14F

02/23 00:39, , 15F
02/23 00:39, 15F

10/15 17:49, , 16F
10/15 17:49, 16F
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