[心情] 轉換一下心情 來當ROCKER!!!!!已回收

看板WomenTalk作者 (你好正)時間8年前 (2016/01/16 16:14), 8年前編輯推噓1(100)
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16歲就要受到政治影響,沒辦法你生在台灣 誰說政治是大人的遊戲,已經影響到年輕人的未來 聽首歌吧!! 誰說中共是國家了? 一手拿人民幣另一手拿五星旗的恐怖份子 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwjCvu4dYWY
附上之前板友翻譯的歌詞 Chinese Democracy/中國民主 It don't really matter Gonna find out for yourself No it don't really matter, uh uh Gonna leave these thing to Somebody else 這一點都不重要 你要靠自己搞懂 一點都不重要啦 把這些爛攤子留給別人吧 If they were missionaries Real time visionaries Sittin' in a Chinese stew To view my dis-infatu-ation 如果他們是傳教士 現代的空想家 坐在中國這熱鍋上 看著我如何冷眼旁觀他人的狂熱 I know that I'm a classic case Watch my disenchanted face Blame it on the Falun Gong They've seen the end and you can't hold on now 我知道就是那種難搞的經典例子 看著我不感興趣的臉 你就怪在法輪功身上吧 反正結局人人都瞭,你無法隻手遮天啦 'Cause it would take a lot more hate than you To end the fascination Even with an iron fist More than you got to rule the nation When all I've got is precious time 因為你需要比現在更多的仇恨 才能終結這場狂熱 就算你用比統治國家還高壓的鐵腕 但我有的是珍貴的時間 It don't really matter Guess I'll keep it to myself Said it don't really matter (matter, matter) It's time I look around for Somebody else 這真的不重要 我還是自己知道就好 就說了真的不重要 是時候該環顧四週,找志同道合的人了 'Cause it would take a lot more time than you Have got more masturbation Even with your iron fist More than you got to rule the nation When all we've got is precious time More than you've got to fool the nation When all I've got is precious time 因為你需要花更多的時間 而老子又打了一次槍 就算你用比統治國家還高壓的鐵腕 我們有的是珍貴的時間 就算你再怎麼愚弄國家 我們有的是珍貴的時間 (Guitar Solo) It don't really matter I guess you find out for yourself No it don't really matter So you can hear it now from Somebody else 這真的不重要 我想你總會搞懂 這真的不是很重要 反正你從別人那也會知道 You think you got it all locked up inside And if you beat them enough they'll die It's like a walk in the park from a cell And now you're keeping your own kind in hell When your great wall rocks blame yourself While their arms reach up for your help And you're out of time 你以為你消息封鎖得很好 你以為痛打他們讓他們死就夠了 現在遊行已經從牢房散佈至公園 你只是在自我毀滅而已 當你的長城動搖,怪你自己吧 當他們的手臂渴望著你的救援時 你早已過時了 -- 1958年的宣傳彈 現在打到你家信箱裡了 台灣好自由好民主 好到中國共產黨都可以參加選舉了 維持現狀根本是天大的謊言 http://imgur.com/FPOF6dd
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1452932099.A.C3B.html

01/16 16:15, , 1F
Axl Rose!!!!!!
01/16 16:15, 1F
※ 編輯: jack0805449 (, 01/16/2016 16:15:57
文章代碼(AID): #1McVm3mx (WomenTalk)