[情報] 100129 JYPE給韓飯的回復

看板WonderGirls作者 (WG宣美~卡基馬)時間14年前 (2010/01/29 11:25), 編輯推噓3(305)
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100129 JYPE給于韓飯的回復 Hello this is JYP Entertainment. First, for all the fans who have expressed love for the Wonder Girls in a mature way, we just want to say thank you. 1. Sorry if our response made the fans feel awful. Because we were trying to organize a way to communicate with the fans, we could not meet the requests. For now on, in order to prevent any misunderstandings we will be releasing written responses, please understand. 大家好,這是JYPE。首先要感謝所有fans以成熟的方式給予Wonder Girls的關心。 1.如果我們之前的回復使你們難過,請見諒。我們只是想找個更妥善的方式和fans溝通 。為了確保今後不會有再有誤解,我們會書面回復。 2. I did not translate this part because it was talking about why kwonderfuls were not informed before international fans and they used too many big words for my korean skills. Sorry 2.這部分的回復sunmikiwangjang沒翻譯。這是關於為什麼國際飯比韓飯更早收到官方通 知宣美離隊的事。 3. There are two reasons for adding a new member. First, because Sunmi’s decision to be put on hold was not planned, all the past works of a five member group, needed to be approved by contract parties, these parties expressed disapproval of a four member group. The Wonder Girls overseas agent and managers felt that the girls are just about to rise in popularity and to suddenly lose a member and stand on stage would have a negative impact. Second the other four members agreed. If the members wanted to remain as four members, revising the contracts, even through all the hardships mentioned, the company would have to allow it. However, because the members were not did not know when Sunmi would return and how long they would have to stay as four, the members thought it would be troublesome, they agreed to add a new member. Thus the company suggested Hyelim and the four members agreed. Including the new member, the girls are planning on starting their first schedule next week in China. We cannot disclose any information regarding this schedule because it is a commercial promotion. Although Sunmi will be on hold until the end of Febuary, because this is the start of the commercial with five member Wonder Girls, at this event it will include Lim instead. The press have already knew the girls have returned but we wanted the fans to know this news first so we told the press to hold on the news. The news is planned to be released tomorrow afternoon. 3. 加入新成員有2個理由。 第一,宣美離隊是出乎預料的事,WG之前的作品都須經過廠商的認可,而廠商們都反對4 人組合的WG。WG的國外經紀人認為WG的知名度正在往上升,這個時候少了一位成員會帶來 負面影響。 第二,其他4名成員都同意了。如果要繼續以4人組合,修改和約條例,公司還是會同意的 。可是,成員們都不知道宣美何時會回來,認為一直以4人組合的方式繼續下去會很麻煩 所以決定歡迎新成員的加入。公司於是提議了小蘋果而成員們也同意了。 WG將在下個星期前往中國,到時候新成員Lim也會參與。礙於商業考量,我們這時候不能 透露太多關於這次活動的消息。雖然宣美還是在WG裏直到月底,這次的活動是商業活動的 開始所以將讓Lim參與。媒體已經知道WG回國的消息了,只是我們想要讓fans先知道所以 叫媒體先不發出去。消息預計在明天下去正式發出去。 4. Sunmi putting her career on hold and decreasing the number of members would cause a lot of problems but if Sunmi returns and joins the Wonder Girls, increasing the number is not a problem. When the time comes when Sunmi wishes to return, the company will discuss with Sunmi her thoughts and the other members thoughts and follow their decision. Right now, except Sunmi, the other members are in Korea. Just like the fans have asked to meet the girls, we are planning on meeting the fans. Representing the group, the four members are planning on a way to meet the fans and on Febuary 10, Sunmi will also join the members to celebrate their 3rd anniversary and have a time for a last farewell meeting with the fans. This may take some time because we must take into account Sunmi’s thoughts and because she is still a minor, her family’s thoughts must also be heard. However, because the members want to meet the fans, we will try hard for the members to have the opportunity to be together with the fans. Once again we thank the fans who have expressed their love in a mature manner. We will try hard to listen closely to the fans and we will try to have the artists with their fans be close to JYP Entertainment. Thank you. 4. 宣美離隊,fans的離去肯定會造成WG人氣下滑,可是如果宣美回來了,人氣上升肯定 沒問題。如果到時候宣美決定歸隊了,公司會和宣美商量她的想法還有和其他成員的想法 然後照宣美的決定。 目前,除了宣美以外,其他成員都回到了韓國。就像fans要求和WG見面,我們在計畫一次 粉絲見面會。4名成員計畫在2月10日去會見fans。宣美也會加入WG 3周年慶祝活動然後再 正式和fans道別。這可能需要一些時間因為我們需要考慮宣美的感想還有她的家人的想法 也需考慮(畢竟她還未成年)。不過因為組員都想見見fans,我們會儘量製造機會的。 我們再次感謝所有fans的愛戴。我們會儘量聽取fans們的意見。謝謝。 From: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=703103037 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rnw 來自: (01/29 11:26)

01/29 11:37, , 1F
01/29 11:37, 1F

01/29 11:40, , 2F
為什麼最想回家的宣美現在反而還在美國 Q__Q
01/29 11:40, 2F

01/29 11:42, , 3F
01/29 11:42, 3F

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01/30 19:37, , 7F
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01/30 19:38, , 8F
每個人站的角度不同,真的是負面嗎?? 真的很討厭等秒= =
01/30 19:38, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1BObKvhs (WonderGirls)