[情報] Halo 5 Hunt the Truth ep. 00

看板XBOX作者 (Cage)時間9年前 (2015/03/23 22:48), 9年前編輯推噓18(1805)
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http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/ Halo 5 最新宣傳網站啟動,本篇提供翻譯參考。 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 防雷頁 Benjamin Giraud I'm a journalist and war photographer. I've seen the absolute worst of humanity and I've also seen the best. A few months ago, I was hired to do an in-depth profile on the Chief. Join me as I hunt the truth. 我是記者兼戰地攝影師。我見過人性最壞,和最好的一面。幾個月前,我被聘請來做一個 針對士官長深入的傳略。請跟我一起捕捉真相。 Bullet: Look for The Details 子彈:找出細節 子彈上的文字依照時間順序分別是: SON/兒子 ABDUCTEE/遭綁架者 VICTIM/受害者 ORPHAN/孤兒 RECRUIT/新兵 SOLDIER/士兵 WARRIOR/戰士 ALLY/盟友 HERO/英雄 SAVIOR/救星 TRAITOR/判徒 The end is only the beginning. 我們才剛剛開始 Join me next Sunday 3/29 as we dig deeper. 下週日3/29再與我追尋真相。 Episode 00. PRIMER 第00篇 前導 What began as a high-profile hero story quickly turns into a full-blown investigation. Sources claim they know the "real Master Chief": The boy, the soldier, the hero...the traitor? But who's telling the truth? 原本一個眾所皆知的英雄故事,急轉直下成了全面的調查對象。有來源聲稱他們瞭解 「真正的士官長」:就是那個男孩、那個士兵、那個英雄、那個……判徒?究竟誰在 說真相? [AUDIO] When you're a war journalist you see a lot of horrible stuff. All the stories I've done. . . I've seen the abusolute worst of the humanity, but I've gotten to see the best. Six years ago, I saw him—the greatest, the most mysterious hero of our time—up close in action. I witness first-hand what he did that day. And it changed everything for me. Anyone listening to this knows exactly who I'm talking about—the guy who saved us, saved earth, saved mankind —Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan 117, whom we now known is simply the Master Chief. A few months ago I was hire to do a in-depth profile on the Chief. . . exclusive access, the whole thing. Since then I've gotten to talk to a lot of people who claim they know the "real Master Chief": the boy,the soldier, the hero. . . the traitor? See. I've always known where the story is going before it started. I know exactly the story I wanted to tell for years, the story all of us wanted to hear: glossy, inspiring, the blockbuster hero biography. That's all what it supposed to be, but the truth isn't always that clean. When I pulled that first loose thread, something broke. Now everything is caving in and I find myself stuck in these ugly questions, questions I never intended to ask. Frabicated histories? People who [INAUDIBLE]? Cover-ups of cover-ups? That steady drumbeat of theories that used to sound insane now they don't seem so out there. Ane these disturbing rumours, reports of anomaly. Something big is happening in deep space. And I can't even cooperate a single fact of one man's life. It's clear to me now. I can't fix the pretty story, but maybe I can break the ugly one. For the first time in my career I can honestly say I don't know the shape where this is going. And in fact the. . .the possibilities have me lying awake at night. But I believe we all deserved to know the real story. We need to know where this leads. I know what I'll do. So I find myself back in the begining. Who is the Master Chief? Where does he come from? And is he keeping us safe? Join me as I hunt the truth about the Master Chief. (音檔)做為一個戰地記者會看到很多可怕的事情。所有我所做過的報導讓我看見了 人性最黑暗的一面,卻也看見了最明亮的那面。六年前我看見了他,那位在我們的時 代最偉大、最神秘的英雄,我看見他戰鬥。我親眼見證了他那天的事蹟,這改變了我 的一切。任何在聽的人都知道我在講誰:那個拯救我們、拯救地球、拯救全人類的一 級士官長超級戰士117,簡言之就是我們熟知的士官長。   幾個月前,我被聘請來做一個針對士官長深入的傳略、獨家資料那類的。從那之 後我跟很多自稱瞭解「真正的士官長」的人談話,瞭解那個男孩、那個士兵、那個英 雄、那個……判徒?   在那件事發生之前我很清楚故事的走向,我很清楚我多年來想說的故事,所有人 都想聽的故事:那個浮誇、激勵人心的英雄傳記巨作。原本應該是這樣的,但真相不 是總是那麼澈底。現在原有的計畫正在崩塌,而我困在這些醜陋的疑問,那些我從不 想去提的疑問。捏造過的歷史?(聽不懂)的人們?煙霧彈中的煙霧彈?原本聽來不 切實際的說法現在似乎不那麼荒誕了。這些驚悚、異常的謠言和報導,有件大是在宇 宙深處發生。我卻無法把一個人一生中的一點事實拼湊起來。   我現在瞭解了,我無法修補美好的故事,但或許我可以打破醜陋的傳聞。在我的 記者生涯裡我第一次能坦白我不知道我在追什麼,其實各種的可能性讓我輾轉難眠。 不過我很肯定,我們有知道真相的權利,我們需要知道這背後的藏著什麼。我知道我 該怎麼做,我回到了起點。誰是士官長?他從哪裡來?他在保護我們的安全嗎?請跟 我一起捕捉真相。 Journalist. War photographer. 記者 戰地攝影師 For decades, I've served the galaxy as a journalist and war photographer. I've covered human-interest stories on Earth and in the Inner and Outer Colonies. I've also contracted for the government, covering military affairs. I was at New Mombasa when the Master Chief first appeared to combat the Covenant attack. 幾十年來我作為一個記者和戰地攝影師為銀河服務。我專跑地球和其他殖民地的人類 新聞。我也與政府締約,報導軍事事務。當士官長第一次出現在對星盟的作戰時我人 在新蒙巴薩。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/XBOX/M.1427122120.A.75D.html ※ 編輯: jj95042 (, 03/23/2015 22:49:33

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超黑 完全沒有畫面
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感謝翻譯! 期待這次的故事
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推翻譯 ign說下禮拜還有預告
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推翻譯!下周一會有live action trailer噢噢!
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