Re: [情報] Susan Miller 月運勢 2013年 4月--巨蟹

看板Zastrology作者 (努力搞定積分ing)時間11年前 (2013/04/01 13:53), 編輯推噓24(2400)
留言24則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
You have just arrived at your most important month of 2013 for professional progress and affairs, and if you play your cards right, you should see a major breakthrough in the weeks ahead. Top-level positions are hard to get, as is new business, but if you begin interviewing or pitching now, you have the best new moon of the year to help you. Along with the new moon in Aries will come the Sun, Uranus, Mars, and Venus - all in Aries, too - to help you. All these will gather in early April to get things ready for the majestic new moon to arrive April 10, at 21 degrees Aries. Once that new moon arrives, hold on to your hat - things will move very quickly, because Aries is fire, and fire is fast!  你已來到2013年事業發展最重要的一個月,如果你發揮得宜的話,將會在未來幾週  內看到重大突破。新的高階職位是很難得到的,但如果你現在開始面試或佈局的話  ,將有今年最好的新月前來幫助你。除了新月,同時在白羊座的還有太陽、天王星  、火星與金星,也都會前來幫助你的。這些都集中在四月初,把事情做好準備以迎  接這個雄偉的新月吧(新月時間:4月10日,白羊座21度)!當這個新月來到,抓好  你的帽子啊!事情將會改變迅速,因為白羊座是火相星座,而火是很快的。 To have FIVE cosmic bodies in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame is remarkable, and each will act like little loyal friends dedicated to seeing you get ahead. To have Uranus as part of your team of supporters says that when offers come up, they will come up suddenly and surprise you. You may find yourself standing at the right place at the right time. Mars will be part of the team too, and that's good news, for it means you will be very motivated to investigate any opportunity presented to you.  同時擁有五個天體在你第十宮,意謂著第十宮象徵的榮耀、報酬、成就、名氣是很  顯著的,而且每一個天體都會很忠誠得幫助你獲得這些。當天王星作為你的團隊支  持者之一時,意謂著支援(或是聘書)將會來得很突然及意外。你將會發現自己在  對的時間站在最對的位置。火星也是這個團隊的一員,這真是個好消息啊!意謂著  你將會很積極地調查任何呈現給你的機會。 Having Mars now in your prestigious tenth house of career success is very good news, and you will have Mars there until April 19. Mars typically stays six weeks (he arrived in March) and won't be back again to your tenth house of fame and honors for two more years. While you still have him at your side, you must make the most of this, by making appointments for interviews and presentations. Be determined to see as many high level people as will let you through the door. Ask friends for tips and introductions too, and leave no stone unturned from April 1 to 19. Show the world that you are on a mission to make a name for yourself and you will see results!  擁有火星在你聲望值很高的第十宮,這對事業成功是相當好的消息!而且火星  在此待到4月19日。火星在此停留六週(他三月就來了),而且在未來兩年不會  再來到你那象徵榮耀與名聲的第十宮了。目前你仍然擁有火星站在你這邊,必須  為了你的面試與簡報多做許多,以製造更好的機會。確定看到許多高層次的人,  可以讓你通過這扇門。問問朋友有沒有小撇步,或能不能幫你介紹,在4月1日~  4月19日這段期間內想盡一切辦法,向世界展現你是個叫得出名字的人物的使命  吧!你將會看見成果的。 One day to watch will be April 6, when Mars and Venus align perfectly in your house of reputation and career success. This would be an ideal day to schedule an interview. Your natural charm will be very strong, and I bet you could turn anything to your advantage on this day. Give it four gold stars!  值得注意的日子是4月6日,這天火星與金星完美合相於你那聲譽卓著與事業成功  的宮位中。這是個排面試理想的日子!你的魅力增強,我敢打賭你的優勢會發揮  得淋漓盡至。這是個四星級的好日子呢!! Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is in Gemini, and is still orbiting in a hidden place in your chart (twelfth house). In this area, benefic Jupiter will see to it that you get help from a VIP who cares about your progress and will do all he can to see you do well. You may not be aware of this person who has singled you out to be groomed for a bigger role in the future. If you do find out, you will have to promise to keep the identity of this VIP confidential. You really do have a guardian angel, dear Cancer - and it's not the fuzzy blue kind in animated films - but a real life guardian angel who will go the distance to help you do well.  木星,這個傳送禮物與幸運的使者,現在在雙子座,同時也是在你星盤中的隱藏  宮位(第十二宮)。在這個地方,提供利益的木星將會給你個在乎你進步的重量  級人物,而且會為你做所有他能夠做的。你可能不知道這個人,但這個人是被單  獨挑選而來的,以為了你的未來可以發揮更大的作用。即使被你發現了,但你仍  必須幫這位重要人物保守身份上的秘密。新愛的蟹子啊!你真的有一位守護天使  ,這不是模糊憂鬱的動畫電影,而是活生生的守護天使呢!而這位守護天使將會  跟你保持距離,以幫助你做到最好。 Every plot needs a villain (a harsh word, I agree; I am   over-dramatizing a little here to help you see the contrast). The "villain" this month might be your present or ex-partner, most likely a person you are linked to in the romantic or business sense. This partner may be jealous of your career success now, or if in business, is staying up nights thinking of ways to ride your coattails. This person is represented by Pluto in your chart, and when under difficult aspects, Pluto can be arrogant, domineering, underhanded, or pushy. If you are not attached to anyone in love or business, you may have to fend off a jealous, even ruthless competitor. Don't let this person distract you or try to stop you. This month, you'll be unstoppable, so stay strong.  每個劇情都需要一個壞人(很苛薄的一句話,我知道。我有點過度戲劇化,只是  為了讓你看清這個對比)。在這個月,這個"壞人"可能是你的現任或前任的夥伴  ,更像是與你有所連結的愛人或工作上有往來的人。  這個夥伴可能嫉妒你在工作上的成功,或是在事業上,徹夜不眠想出辦法以沾你  的光。  這個人代表冥王星在你星盤的部份,當處在困難的時候,冥王星將會變得傲慢、  盛氣凌人、卑劣的,或愛出風頭。假如你並沒有愛人或在工作上有往來的人,你  將可避開這個嫉妒、甚至是無禮的競爭者。  別讓這個傢伙轉移你或試著阻止你吧!這個月,你將會是無法阻擋的,堅強點!  If you are out of work, not only will you be able to uncover new job opportunities, you will find ones that are a step up from the position you used to do. I can't tell if you will change companies or work in the same company and get a promotion, but either way, you will be happy because you can move up. The new position you would eventually get (if you start to interview in early to mid-April) would not be a lateral move! Do not lower your sights or become intimidated by the interview process. If you are self-employed, use this month to start pitching new business - a prestigious one.  假如你現在待業中,不僅僅有發掘新工作的機會,也同時也可找到比你所習慣的  還要更好的位子。我忍不住要告訴你換公司與否,都有升遷的機會了。無論是那  種方式,你都會很快樂,因為你能晉升了。你終將得到新的位子(如果從四月初  到四月中就開始面試的話),不只是橫向移動呢!不要降低你的目光,或是被面  試過程嚇到。假如你是老闆(另譯:開個人工作室者),本月適合開拓新業務,  可能會是很出名的業務哦!  With so many planets in Aries, you may now venture into very new  territory, where few have experience with the field, and that will  attract you, too. With Venus, Mars, Uranus, the Sun, and new moon (April 10)  and soon Mercury to head to Aries too, April 13 to April 30, the cosmos  is speaking clearly. This is a highly adventuresome, experimental,  entrepreneurial month. If you have an idea for goods or services  that you've thoroughly researched and hope to launch soon, do so just  after April 10.  隨著有這麼多行星在白羊座,你可能朝向新的領域進軍,而這新的領域你即使經  驗不足,也可能會吸引你的注意。又隨著金星、火星、天王星與太陽,還有新月  (4月10日),以及接下來的水星也要抵達白羊座,4月13日~4月30日,宇宙表示  得很清楚了,這是一個很冒險的、實驗性的、很適合創業的一個月。假如你有一  個已經通透研究並希望趕快啟動的商品或服務,那麼在4月10日之後做吧!  On April 19, Mercury will link up with Uranus, and you may get very  surprising career news. This will happen in your house of fame, but  it is hard to know which way news will go. Pluto will be in very hard  "square" 90-degree angle to both Mercury and Uranus, so you may feel  pressure to conform to someone's ideas. Most likely, this would be a  client's ideas and dictates, and despite your misgivings you will likely  have to give in, simply for practical purposes. Let's think good thoughts,  and work to make it a positive day.  在4月19日這天,水星將與天王連結,而你將會收到令人相當意外的工作上的消息  。而這發生在你的聲望宮。然而,真令人傷心的是,冥王星將與水、天雙雙形成90  度的困難相位,因此你可能感到壓力,以去迎合別人的期待。最有可能的是,這是  一個客戶的想法或意見。儘管你有疑慮,可是為了現實考量,而不得不放棄自己的  意見。往好的地方想想,並且讓它變成一個積極的一天吧!  A purely wonderful day will be April 23, when Mercury will work  beautifully with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, an ideal day to sign  a contract, accept a new position, or call on a new client.  一個非常棒的一天將自4月23日來到!那天,水星將與木星漂亮地一起工作,而這  將帶來禮物與幸運。這是個適合簽署合約、接受新位子,或是拜訪新客戶理想的  日子。  The emphasis on your career will wind down by the third week of April,  the reason why you must give professional matters all you've got to  give at the start of April.  你事業上增強將會於四月的第三週之後逐步減少,這就是為什麼你必須在四月初  就要開始為了你之後需要的專業事務作準備了。  By April 19, a new breezy, social influence will start up. The Sun, Venus,  and Mars will visit Taurus, a very compatible sign for you, and light your  house of friends, fun, and events. If you want to continue the progress you  were making in your career, you will need to change tactics and work in a  softer, more social way, by networking more and being out and about  socializing in person. Presenting ideas the formal way will be less  effective than doing so over drinks or lunch, for example.  而在4月19日,一個新的、輕鬆的,關於社交方面的影響來到。太陽、金星與火星,  來到金牛座,對你而言是個很舒服的象徵,同時也點亮了你的朋友、樂趣和事件的  宮位。假如想要繼續在工作上的獲得進展,此時你需要改變策略,要用更柔軟的、  更社交性的方法在人際網路之中作用。舉例來說,很正式的呈現你的想法,還不如  彼此一起喝杯飲料(另譯:喝一杯)或吃個午餐來得有影響力呢!  On April 25, the full moon, lunar eclipse in Scorpio 7 degrees, will light  your house of true love and put the spotlight on the person you've been  dating, or a pregnancy or child you have now. These matters come under your  fifth house.  4月25日在天蠍座7度所形成的滿月,同時也是月食,將會點亮你的真愛宮,且焦點會  放在你與之約會的那個人,或是可能會懷孕,或是你現在的小孩。這些事情發生在你  的第五宮。  This is a fairly new series of eclipses, first seen on November 13,  2012 last year, and it was also in Scorpio. Eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio will  continue to come by every six months until October 23, 2014. After that,  there will be no more eclipses in this series until November 2024. This  series are nearly identical in degree and date as eclipses that came by in  1994.  這是月食相當新的排列,第一次發生於去年2012年11月13日,也是在天蠍座。金  牛-天蠍連線的月食,接下來每六個月會發生一次,一直到2014年10月23日結束。  之後,月食排列的角度與日期,將會很像1994年時候的月食。  Think back to that first eclipse on November 13 last year - this one,  April 7, may advance the discussions you had back then to a new level  this month, near April 25.  回想一下去年11月13日第一次發生的(金生-天蠍連線)月食吧!這一個,可能將  於4月7日就提前討論你這個月將會有一個新的水平,在靠近4月25日的時候。  Some sort of situation will arise at eclipse time (April 25) that will  force you to make a very long-term decision. Lunar eclipses bring endings,  so something is apparently about to come to fullness. You may a break up  from a relationship, or begin one, say, if you should meet someone new.  Conversely, it is also possible you will decide to bring a relationship  closer, in a very serious way, say, with an engagement, for example.  With Saturn orbiting very close to this full moon eclipse of April 25,  you will be making a commitment or a final decision that will last a very  long time, possibly a lifetime, and one you won't be able to reverse.  Your decision may involve your relationship or one of your children  (or a pregnancy).  在某種情況下,出現月食(4月25日)將會迫使你去作一個很長時間的決定。月食  帶來結束,所以某事很顯然地來到完滿狀態。你可能有個關係會絕裂,或是開始一  個新的,假如你想遇到新的話。相反地,也有可能你決定讓一個關係更親密,用一  種很嚴肅的方式,比方說,像是訂婚啦。由於土星很靠近這個滿月月食於白羊座  25度,你將會作一個承諾,或是作出一個為期很久的最終決定,可能是一輩子都  不會去違背的。這個決定將會涉及你的關係,或是你的小孩(或著是懷孕)。  Eclipses mark momentous moments of our lives, and also bring a floodlight  of truth to the situation that you had not seen previously. Eclipses make  us grow up, no matter what age we happen to be at the time, and force us  to move forward, one way or another. Eclipses cannot tolerate status quo.  The universe wants to see that you are progressing, so if you've been stuck,  it will push you forward in any way that will get you out of that rut and  moving again. If the relationship has no future, the events of the eclipse  will show you this truth in a very black and white way, so that you will  leave and give yourself greater possibilities with someone new.  食相(泛指日食、月食)紀念我們生活的重大時刻,也同時帶來局勢的真相,可能  是你之前並沒有注意到的真相。食相使我們成長,不論發生在什麼年齡,同時迫使  我們用同種或不同種方式向前邁進。食相無法忍受現況。宇宙想要看到你是持續進  步的,如果你卡住了,它將會用任何方法推你向前走,讓你發動以及再度移動。假  如這段關係沒有未來了,食相將會用很黑或很白的方式,展現事實給你看,以致於  你將會離開,而跟著一個新的關係,以給自己更大的可能性。  A creative project of yours may finish up during this week too, for the  fifth house will be so lit up now, and if so, this project appears to be  vitally important to you. The fact that you would be wrapping up a project  at eclipse time suggests it may become a stepping stone to other important  projects in the future.  由於第五宮在此時亮了起來,你的一項很有創造力的計畫也可能在這週完成。如果是  這樣的話,這個計畫顯然對你相當重要。事實上是,你可能在這個食相(指4/25的月  食)期間結束了一個計畫,而這計畫可能是未來其他重要計畫的墊腳石。  If your birthday falls on June 27, plus or minus five days, you will feel  this eclipse the more than other Cancers you know, as the mathematical  degrees are reaching out to your Sun. This eclipse will also be important  to you, and beneficial to you, especially if you have a natal planet at 6  degrees (plus or minus five degrees) of Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio.  假如你的生日落在6月27日前後加減五天,此次食相對你的影響力甚過其他蟹子,  為著數學上的角度很接近你的太陽。若你有行星在巨蟹、雙魚或天蠍6度(前後加  減5度),這個食相同樣對你也很重要,也會有益於你的。  Over the weekend of April 27-28, Saturn will oppose the Sun, a very harsh  aspect that would make you sensitive to criticism and that may exhaust you.  Your second house of earned income is governed by the Sun, so you may find  that money is very tight, perhaps because of a check you find out you need  to write within five days of the eclipse April 25. Some things cannot be  helped, so just go with the flow, dear Cancer. Very bright days are due you  in May!  在4月27日~4月28日這個週末,土星將會對衝太陽,這個苛刻的局面可能會讓你對於 批評變得很敏感,因而耗盡了你。而太陽也是你象徵財務的第二宮之守護星,因此你  可能會發現荷包有夠緊,或許是因為你得知得在未來五天內開個支票出去,而這五天  又碰到4月25日的月食。沒有什麼幫得上忙,所以順著潮流走吧!親愛的蟹子,五月之  中,將有非常閃耀的日子來到的! Summary 摘要  You have a sensational career month coming up, and it will be unlike any  you've seen in recent years. Planets lining up in Aries suggest you will  get at least one offer that you will want to take seriously. Uranus  (genius, and all things new), Mars (courage and determination), Venus  (pure enjoyment), Sun (prestige and authority), plus the important new  moon in Aries, April 10, package all this energy and send it to you in a  way that will be instantly available and useful to you. You will have nearly  two weeks after April 10 in which to act - do so! All that you do in that  time will have the power to shape your professional life for a year or for  forever!  不同於這幾年內的其他月份,你有個相當好的事業月份來到!行星們在白羊座列隊  ,以支持你得到至少一份聘書,而這是你認真追求的。天王星(天才,所有新事務  )、火星(勇氣與決心)、金星(純粹的享受)和太陽(威信和權力),增加了這  個白羊新月的重要,就在4月10日,它們將會打包好所有相關的能量寄給你,讓你  能夠立刻取得,而且對你很有用。你將可以在4月10日之後將近兩週的時間來行動。  去做吧!那時候做的事情將會有很有力量地來塑造你的專業生涯,為期一年,或者  是永遠!  Mars will play a leading role, an upbeat indication for success, because  Mars will act as a booster rocket and magnifier to your efforts, giving  your actions more power and push. With Venus also orbiting close to that  new moon, you are likely to engender lots of popularity and support for  your visions. If you do land a promotion or new position, it will bring  you into a very new, pioneering area or industry, and also likely allow  you to work in an autonomous way rather than be overly directed by a  supervisor. With Mars in your house of prestige, you won't find it hard  to get the attention of top level VIPs, but you must provide the energy  - work hard now and see results.  火星扮演領導者的角色,這對成功是相樂觀的,因為火星對你的影響,就像是火箭  推進器和放大鏡一般,讓你的行動更有動力與推進力。隨著金星也很靠近這次新月  ,這對你的願景將產生更多聲望與支持。假如你升遷了或是得到一個新位子,都將  帶給你進入一個很新的、拓展中的領域或行業,同時允許你有自主性很高的工作,  而不是過份督導的主管。隨著火星在你的聲望宮,你將會發現獲得頂尖重要人物的  注意並不難,但你必須有所付出--現在認真工作,以及看看成果吧!  With such emphasis on Aries, you might be opening your own business, and  if so, the time after the new moon, April 10, would be the time to do so.  Oddly, you and a business partner, agent, broker, or other collaborator  may not see eye-to-eye about a plan or strategic approach you will offer.  If so, if you are convinced you are right, you may have to "go rough" and  do it anyway. It is also possible that you will be dealing with a pushy,  domineering client, romantic or business partner jealous of your success,  or a ruthless competitor who will stop at nothing to get a piece of your  pie.  這麼重要的白羊座日子,你可能開始開拓自己的事業,如果是這樣的話,4月10日的  新月之後,將會是這麼做的好時機。奇怪的是,你與一個工作夥伴或是代理人或是經  紀人或是其他一起合作的對象,對於一個計畫或是你提供的方針,彼此不對盤。如果  是這樣的話,如果你深信自己是對的話,可能你會變得很無禮,以及恣意妄為。這也  可能你要去處理一個很有企圖心、盛氣凌人的客戶、愛人或工作上往來的夥伴,對你  的成功的嫉妒,或是一個無禮的競爭者,想要不計一切代價來分你的一杯羹。  An important lunar full moon eclipse in Scorpio is due April 25 and from  this point on, will direct your attention to your romantic and social life.  If you are dating, you may hear news that is upsetting, but that will  illuminate information that you need. If someone you have been dating has  been duplicitous, you will find out now. Saturn will be orbiting very close  to the moon and will emphasize the need to be realistic and practical.  Whatever comes up will require instant action or decision, and will also  influence the weekend of April 27-28. That weekend would not be the time to  be away on a trip or to have anything of vital importance on your agenda.  在4月25日,一個重要的滿月,同時也是月食在天蠍座。這個月食的重點在於指引你  去注意你的感情與社交生活。如果你有約會對象,你可能會聽到令人懊惱的消息,  但這是你所需知道的。假如你的約會對象是個雙面人,你也將會發現這點。土星很  靠近這個滿月,而且會強調現實和實際的部份。無論發生什麼需要立即行動或決定  的事,也將會影響4月27日~4月28日這個週末。這個週末,將不會是旅行或是安排  重要行程的好時機。  This same eclipse may instead put emphasis a child you have now, or a  pregnancy. See what comes up, and keep your schedule light. If you were  born at the end of June, you will felt this eclipse the most, but you will  be the most likely Cancer to find a solid, quick solution to the matter  that comes up.  同樣的月食可能會觀注在你的小孩的其中一位,或者是懷孕。讓你的行程空著,看  看會發生什麼事吧!如果你是六月底出生的蟹,你將會感受這個月食的影響特別強  烈,但你也將是蟹子裡最快找到有用的解決方案的一群。  Dates to note Cancer:  值得注意的日子:  Most romantic dates: April 6-7, 11, 12, 16, 17, and 20-21.  最浪漫的日子:4月6-7日,11日,12日,16日,17日,以及20-21日。  Venus goes into Taurus on April 15 until May 31, marking a great time  for you to socialize.  金星於4月15日~5月31日進入金牛座,享受你的社交生活吧!  Mars will join Venus in Taurus on April 20 to stay until May 30, another  sign that life is about to get easier and more fun.  4月20日~5月30日,火星將與金星一同待在金牛座,生活將變得比較輕鬆、比較開心。  Pluto will retrograde starting April 12 until September - you may rethink  a romantic or business alliance during that time.  冥王星於4月12日開始逆行,一直到九月。在這段期間,你可能會重新考慮一段戀愛  或工作上的結盟。  On April 19 and 20 set aside time to generate ideas for a work project.  Thanks to the meeting of Mercury and Uranus, you could be surprised at how special those ideas turn out to be.  在4月19與20日撥出時間來構想工作計畫。感謝水星與天王星吧!你將會很驚訝於這  些特殊的想法是如何產生的。  A confidential interview or meeting for your career may turn out to be  spectacular on April 23. Mercury will contact Jupiter, so it appears someone  from behind the scenes will look out for you.  於4月23日,一個事業上機密的面試或會議將會相當壯觀的。水星將與木星聯繫,這  顯示了某個幕後人士將會對你特別留意。  April 25 brings the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio, to light your  house of love. Events will be dramatic. The outcome of this full moon  will depend on how things have been going all along. You may break-up  or promise your love forever.  4月25日的天蠍座滿月,同時也是月食,將會點亮你的真愛宮。將會有很劇戲性  的事情發生。這個滿月的結果將會取決於事情該怎麼發生。你可能會分手或是對你  的所愛承諾永遠。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 全文完 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- 之所以po出中英文,就是怕自己翻得不夠好。 因此有請各位英文高手不吝指正。感謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: BMay 來自: (04/01 16:34)

04/01 15:08, , 1F
04/01 15:08, 1F

04/01 15:17, , 2F
04/01 15:17, 2F

04/01 15:31, , 3F
04/01 15:31, 3F

04/01 15:45, , 4F
04/01 15:45, 4F

04/01 16:28, , 5F
04/01 16:28, 5F

04/01 16:30, , 6F
04/01 16:30, 6F

04/01 16:57, , 7F
04/01 16:57, 7F

04/01 17:28, , 8F
04/01 17:28, 8F
※ 編輯: BMay 來自: (04/01 17:39)

04/01 17:33, , 9F
04/01 17:33, 9F

04/01 17:52, , 10F
04/01 17:52, 10F
※ 編輯: BMay 來自: (04/01 18:58)

04/01 19:29, , 11F
04/01 19:29, 11F

04/01 19:30, , 12F
巨蟹推!!! 看樣子這個月很值得期待~
04/01 19:30, 12F

04/01 19:34, , 13F
04/01 19:34, 13F

04/01 20:04, , 14F
上升巨蟹 謝謝你 !!^^
04/01 20:04, 14F

04/01 21:39, , 15F
04/01 21:39, 15F

04/01 21:50, , 16F
大推 巨蟹!!!!!!!!!!
04/01 21:50, 16F

04/01 22:00, , 17F
04/01 22:00, 17F

04/01 22:45, , 18F
04/01 22:45, 18F
※ 編輯: BMay 來自: (04/01 23:11)

04/01 23:37, , 19F
04/01 23:37, 19F

04/02 00:50, , 20F
04/02 00:50, 20F

04/02 01:08, , 21F
04/02 01:08, 21F

04/03 03:48, , 22F
全文翻譯完了T_T 再感謝你一次!!
04/03 03:48, 22F

04/04 08:23, , 23F
04/04 08:23, 23F
已經全部校對完畢,不會再改了,除非有英文高手指出我翻不對的地方。 希望可以對各位有所幫助囉!:) ※ 編輯: BMay 來自: (04/04 10:49) ※ BMay:轉錄至看板 Cancer 04/04 11:22

04/06 03:54, , 24F
實在太好了 看來是很棒的一個月份
04/06 03:54, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1HMI3dMy (Zastrology)