[新聞] 160606 Luna的"最近深深著迷的歌曲"

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160606 Luna的"最近深深著迷的歌曲" 新聞來源 :naver music http://goo.gl/65tRHP 英翻來源 :twitter@hamsoonie http://hamsoonie.tistory.com/62 相信英翻應該就不用再翻了 LOL 深綠色是我的註解 可忽略 露露究竟分享了哪些歌曲呢? ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ │01.https://youtu.be/TcytstV1_XE
Crush - Don't Forget (Feat. Taeyeon)│ │02.https://youtu.be/MfYPKZl7W1w
Urban Zakapa - I don't love you │ │03.https://youtu.be/W1IVP8R8jTs
Rudimental - Rumour Mill │ │04.https://youtu.be/Jvwlyfi5XeQ
Jonghyun - Suit Up │ │05.https://youtu.be/lvJX7OgPYww
Sam Smith - Lay Me Down(ft.約翰傳奇)│ │06.https://youtu.be/jZgauc4gEuA
Lucia - Are you going to love me │ │ just for one season like a flower? /Sakura Moment │ │07.https://youtu.be/VuK-toSmm6M
Roy Kim - Thank You │ │08.https://youtu.be/Ky6GxaCfC_M
Roy Kim - Hold on │ │09.https://youtu.be/oyEuk8j8imI
Justin Bieber - Love Yourself │ │10.https://youtu.be/fRh_vgS2dFE
Justin Bieber - Sorry │ │ ps.歌曲介紹在文尾│ └──────────────────────────────────┘ The Golden Age of Solos, f(x) Luna is attacking too! 璀璨的solo時代,露娜也進擊了! (只想要翻標題XDDDD) Luna is group f(x)'s main vocal. Not long ago, she released her first solo album 'Free Somebody'. i With a sophisticated electronic sound and a promising melody, it's like looking at a few buildings that a skilled architect designed and just completed. Under the coming summer's scorching sun, and above that building, Luna's voice that's swimming above it is refreshing and sweetly charming. Luna, who showed off her vocal skills are on the TV program 'King of Masked Singer' as 'Used 2 bottles of Golden Lacquer', composed and wrote the lyrics for 2 of the 6 songs, putting her first step forward as a singer-songwriter. 恩恩 露露跟BERBER一樣是創作才女了 Luna talked like when she was singing. With clear pronunciation and a voice like a bright day, pulling out each sentence at once in a bit of a literary style, smooth like fresh caramel. "My members used to fill up the parts that I'm lacking in, but this time it feels like I'm completely naked. it feels like everything I have will be revealed but on the other hand I also have the desire to show it all. My goal for this album is to let a lot of the public becoming more naturally accepting towards EDM. I want to show that f(x)'s music is difficult but it's actually not." 總之函數就是來走EDM風 The two self-composed songs in the album are both about Luna's relationship with her mother. "Since I was young my mum would put honey in warm milk and tell me "You must never drink coffee". 咖啡禁止是怕小露露太high吧XD 'Pretty Girl (I Wish)' is a song that contains the hope that young girls and young boys will never know the bitter taste of coffee and the dark side of the world. I thought that I wanted to make it sound like a fairytale and use pure Korean words to make beautiful and poetic lyrics that are easy for kids to listen to." 長大後知道姐姐是騙人的QQ http://i.imgur.com/RQ6qDKO.jpg
There is the back view of a March mother who packed a lunchbox for Luna, who has stuck while studying songwriting for 'My Medicine'. "I'm always thankful to my mother. Due to me getting frustrated at the situation, I got annoyed at my mother, but she gave him a warm hug without saying anything before she left. I felt really sorry while looking at her back view. It was raining that day. I wrote a letter to my mother. The melody sudden came to me upon the contents of the letter and it's a song that I wrote on the spot that day." 阿露小孩脾氣又立馬對媽愧疚 露媽辛苦了 如果我有才 我也想寫首歌給家母 "我的神燈" Luna grew up in a musician family. From young she naturally sat in front of a piano and made melodies. For her solo album she official started composing and writing lyrics for a solo album from the end of last year and the beginning of this year. She began to try personally produce and compose songs on the computer from January. We asked if she had a producer or DJ she liked. "The producers who made my title song 'Free Somebody', London Noise, Skrillex..." 露露去年底開始寫歌 不知道量多不多 算起來她真的蠻厲害的 6中2 Luna usually looks for and listens to songs that are similar to f(x)'s, and the genre she's recently completely addicted to is deep house. "It matches well with Korean lyrics. That's what I'm recently concerned about as well. 'How I can use Korean lyrics that match EDM concisely and sophisticatedly in songs'" 問題是韓國人不買單啊QQ 幹嘛不去歐美solo We asked Luna what were the songs she were recently into. She introduced 10 songs in her answer. Amongst them are songs she got the inspiration for her composing and lyric-writing from. 創作靈感!大家一定要看下面露露介紹 ----------------以下推薦曲跟介紹 連結到naver music跟youtube------------------ ‧Luna推薦 : Crush - Don't Forget(Feat. Taeyeon) http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=613599 https://youtu.be/TcytstV1_XE
"Crush is really good at writing lyrics. I chanced upon this song while practicing for my solo album, and I got the thought that from the pronunciation to everything else it was a perfect song. Every word and letter touched my heart. It seems like a classic that Crush made with his efforts. Both his voice and singing method is charming so it is a song that I wanted to follow at least once." ps.附上 Luna版@160603 柳熙烈的寫生簿 https://youtu.be/03T8pATnvPo
‧Luna推薦 : Urban Zakapa - I don't love you http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=640235 https://youtu.be/MfYPKZl7W1w
"It was just really cruel. The title is shocking. Although there are a lot of break up songs, but they're just songs where the speaker is sad, the method of saying 'I didn't love you and I didn't feel anything at all' was fresh. Even though it's the same type of song with just the subject matter changes, I think it gave a really big difference to other songs. The lyrics are really sad and it is a song that, in turn, makes you feel like falling in love." ‧Luna推薦 : Rudimental - Rumour Mill http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=555303 https://youtu.be/W1IVP8R8jTs
"I received a lot of inspiration for it for my composing. It's not only the most traditional of the deep house genre, the melody making was also really well done. It's a song that's so good I want to try singing it and practicing it once. I also imagined, I wonder if this song can survive if I change the lyrics to Korean. If I'm listening to the song it makes me dance. It's a song that I definitely want to sing on stage next time." ‧Luna推薦 : Jonghyun - Suit Up http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=639274 https://youtu.be/Jvwlyfi5XeQ
"Both the lyrics and the song are so sweet. It makes me think of cocktails. A tingling feeling. Although I don't have [a boyfriend] now, should I say it makes me feel like I want to date? It's a sweet but also provocative song. It's exactly the type of song that one would want to sing to a person they love... Isn't it sexy?" 想念閃函舞台啊 ‧Luna推薦 : Sam Smith - Lay Me Down ( ft. John Legend) http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=495291 https://youtu.be/lvJX7OgPYww
"The lead in of 'Yes, I Do, I Believe…' was so good it stayed in my heart. I think I listened to that part every day without fail. I have the habit to only repeat that one part infinitely if I become addicted to it. Should I say Sam Smith is a singer that with just his voice is able to give inspiration? A voice that's like a whisper in your ear. Because I recently lost weight sounds have become sharp and ringing, but after listening to this song I even thought about building my torso [muscles]." T/N: I'm assuming this means because the song is so relaxing s he doesn't mind losing more weight/building more muscle even if sounds become sharper to her? ps.160613 大國民脫口秀 你好(hello) E279有談及增重的事 #1NO1Rq8K https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fx/M.1465915124.A.214.html ‧Luna推薦 : Lucia - Are you going to love me just for one season like a flower? /Sakura Moment http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=196501 https://youtu.be/jZgauc4gEuA
"The lyrics are poetic and touch my heart. I thought a lot about love while songwriting. About the meeting and separation of a man and a woman. It felt like for everyone, as they live, trusting each other was a hard thing to do. I was curious as to what [Lucia] unnie was thinking about when she wrote this song. I asked her, 'Unnie, does this song by any chance have a painful memory attached to it?', and she said there was. I thought that in order to write a good song, you must have a lot of experiences in your life." ps.露露是Lucia的飯XD 現在應該是不錯的前後輩關係 大家可以看看 150610 Luna代班MBC-FM4U Sunny的FM Date #1LU1LNDK https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fx/M.1433933143.A.354.html 那天來賓是Lucia~ https://youtu.be/kK5XVkMW25M?t=26m38s
150610 Luna Instavid Update https://youtu.be/6rNsA9YICQ0
寫好歌固然好 但姐姐不希望妳閱歷豐富啊(? ‧Luna推薦 : Roy Kim - Thank You http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=456733 https://youtu.be/VuK-toSmm6M
"It's what I want to say to my fans. When it's hard and tiring, the people that always constantly look only at us. A tree that gives without holding back? Me(you) QQ Roy Kim is a singer I want to sing a duet with. A singer that doesn't have a lot of ornamentation, a singer I definitely want to collaborate with. I don't really like adlibs. Since young I made songs with pianos, so I like acoustic-like feels more." ‧Luna推薦 : Roy Kim - Hold on http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=456733 https://youtu.be/Ky6GxaCfC_M
"My heart becomes painful as I listen to it. It might be the pain that singers feel when writing songs. Roy Kim's 'Home' is an album where each song makes you feel like you are feeling that person's life. It's album where you feel like you are secretly reading a person's diary or essay. As he is really good at singing, the thought of wanting to sing a duet with Roy Kim arises." ‧Luna推薦 : Justin Bieber - Love Yourself http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=597894 https://youtu.be/oyEuk8j8imI
"Both the song and MV are really good. I know a lot of songs similar to this and I've also tried making them. I received a lot of help by listening to it a lot during songwriting. The thought of 'Bieber sings songs like this?' arose and it played an active role in making me think that I too, need a turning point." ‧Luna推薦 : Justin Bieber - Sorry http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=597894 https://youtu.be/fRh_vgS2dFE
"It's a song that really makes me want to dance. I can't sit still while listening to it. The MV which dance was the centre of was expectedly good as well. I also want to make an MV like this. The instrumental sources that appear in the song are also really fun." 我相信她的舞蹈實力完全可以駕馭 或許SMTOWN舞台? -- 真的好的感恩 英翻的 hamsoonie大 每次訪問都可以感受到露露真摯的心 很感動 好不容易有時間來PO文 怎麼就沒時間睡覺了XDDDD -- │ │ │ ════ ┴ ╭ ╭Luna 1st mini album ──── │ │ │╭╮ ╯╰┤ ════ ││ #solo debut ╯╰ ˙ 16.05.31 ˙ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fx/M.1466196174.A.6DC.html

06/18 10:13, , 1F
最近很多新聞 ,真的是要感謝英翻的h大~
06/18 10:13, 1F

06/18 13:50, , 2F
06/18 13:50, 2F

06/18 14:49, , 3F
06/18 14:49, 3F

06/18 16:52, , 4F
感謝分享!露露的創作很棒很喜歡 推薦的歌也很好聽欸
06/18 16:52, 4F
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