[代徵] Swedish freelancer徵求同志伴侶受訪

看板gay作者 (怕無聊又怕忙= =)時間9年前 (2015/11/01 17:15), 9年前編輯推噓0(000)
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Swedish freelancer looking for gay couples for interviews on LGBT rights and same-sex marriage in Taiwan 幫朋友的朋友 瑞典人代徵同志伴侶受訪者 Since the texts are aimed for Swedish readers who are mostly unfamiliar with Taiwan, it will be in pretty broad terms. I would just like to talk to them about the current situation for LGBT people, and also about the upcoming election and their thoughts around any possible policy changes. It seems like the country might open up for same sex marriages soon. I'd like to talk with them about this too. 由於讀者群是對台灣(更不用說台灣的同志文化)不甚熟悉的瑞典人,所以不會談得太深入 而訪問主要是以聊天的形式進行,請受訪者講講台灣的LGBT現況、之後的大選以及可能的 政策轉向。(雖然我不知道為何談這些非得要同志"couple"就是惹 汗 可能是採訪者認為 同婚很有可能會通過) p.s. "If one of the persons in the couple want to be anonymous that's fine, we can use a fake name and take a photo that doesn't show his face (if he doesn't want to be in the photo at all, that's fine too). 採訪可具名 拍照可以像朱自清的爸爸留下背影 For anyone interested, please feel free to contact me at saidkarlsson@gmail.com. 有興趣者請洽 saidkarlsson@gmail.com. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/gay/M.1446369302.A.59D.html ※ 編輯: e04e04ppp (, 11/01/2015 17:16:37
文章代碼(AID): #1MDTWMMT (gay)