[討論] Shatner艦長太空之旅紀錄/ST4相關閱讀

看板movie作者 (阿比)時間3年前 (2021/10/14 00:28), 3年前編輯推噓3(307)
留言10則, 4人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
標題很爛XD 我個人其實不太喜歡一篇文章貼超過一個板,但是這新聞對我來說太感人了,所以我想特 別再發表在人多一點的板。相信剛才有板友一起目睹了一個燒錢很大的公關活動(X), 我是說一場將被Trekkie銘記於心的事件。 (以下部分節錄自我在StarTrek板的紀錄,也有部分更新內容。) 最年長太空人!90 歲星際爭霸戰主角 William Shatner 將搭藍色起源火箭 藍色起源將替當年星際爭霸戰 William Shatner 實現他的太空夢,艦長如今 90 歲,在 眾多影迷心理,擁有舉足輕重的地位。 90 年代知名美劇星際爭霸戰 (Star Trek),想必是不少人童年時期的回憶,飾演劇中艦 長 James T. Kirk 的 William Shatner 如今已高齡 90 歲了,但他將成為有史以來年紀 最長的太空人。 藍色起源(BlueOrigin)將替艦長實現他的太空夢,航班預計在今年 10/12 起飛,與 Shatner 一同搭乘火箭的還有另外 2 位成員,衛星影像公司 Planet Labs 共同創辦人 Chris Boshuizen、 臨床實驗軟體 Medidata 軟體共同創辦人 Glen de Vries、以及藍色 起源副總裁 Audrey Powers 共 4 人。 藍色起源助星際爭霸戰主角 William Shatner 登上太空,艦長回來了。 預計在 10/12 前往太空的 Shatner 可能有機會穿上他當年艦長服裝、並把這次的旅程翻 攝成紀錄片,雖然這次艦長登上太空的花費並未公布,但從貝佐斯第一次太空之旅競標販 售的 2000 萬美元座位價格來看,Shatner 這次的太空之旅的花費著實令人好奇。 對於 Shatner 艦長的太空任務,藍色起源將特別開辦一項名為 NS-18 任務的網路直播, 將同步於美國東部時間 10 月 12 日上午 8 點開始,而 Shatner 也在推特發文表示:「 是的,我終於要成為火箭人了!」一眼就看出他難掩心中的喜悅。 https://twitter.com/WilliamShatner/status/1445023239105703946 這次 Shatner 乘坐的火箭將從藍色起源德州西部范霍恩附近的第一發射場發射,這也是 自貝佐斯第一次登上太空後,藍色起源第一組商業太空任務的客戶,搭乘的火箭為貝佐斯 當初乘坐的 New Shepard。 責任編輯:Archer 核稿編輯:Mia fr. https://reurl.cc/n5LE52 https://i.imgur.com/gPi9y58.jpg
2021/10/11 (美國當地時間) https://twitter.com/WilliamShatner/status/1447367260473987074/ https://i.imgur.com/SnoUfuw.jpg
@WilliamShatner Aren’t we all adorbs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5piWUfg1e8g
#CNN #News What does William Shatner think of being called an astronaut? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukZa5JeIPRQ
CBS Mornings Blue Origin crew, including "Star Trek" actor William Shatner, on this week's rocket launch 而後因為天氣不穩延後了一天,美國時間禮拜三出發。 https://reurl.cc/zW6MWk William Shatner Is Still Klingon To Earth, As Blue Origin Space Flight Delayed 出發前照片 https://i.imgur.com/w2aknHQ.jpg
Live https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1448286433173725187 節錄我自己推文。 https://i.imgur.com/cdQeQeu.png
看到排名嚇了一跳! NBC Live說等等會Blue Origin可能會提供艙內照片。 https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1448300760714907650/photo/1 https://i.imgur.com/zctD4SB.png
第一名!! 要降落了~ 10/13 22:58 降落了! 10/13 23:00 將等待約22分鐘才會走出太空艙。 10/13 23:01 才剛降落就發推XDD 不過是預約設定好的推特。 10/13 23:02 Shatner出發前跟NBC記者說了他非常的緊張。 10/13 23:13 艦長也哽咽了。 10/13 23:16 剛抵達地球,就馬上發推的艦長,不愧是科技發達的USS Enterprise XD @WilliamShatner I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to havebeen only like a boy playing on the seashore, diverting myself in now & then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. 我不知道我在世人面前將會是什麼樣子,但對我自己來說,我似乎只是一個在海邊玩耍的 男孩,時不時不時轉移自己的注意力,尋找比平常更光滑的鵝卵石或更漂亮的貝殼,然而 ,海洋般的真理尚不為人所知般的全呈現在我面前。(火箭) https://i.imgur.com/geS9t9y.png
ivy77814ψ轉載請先得到同意並註明出處 (板上高人這麼多,多的是人可以翻譯的比我更好,所以不開放轉載) https://twitter.com/GMA/status/1448306176773562371 https://i.imgur.com/zYs1q2u.png
更新降落後照片。 https://i.imgur.com/xwnGKQC.jpg
To boldly go where no one has gone before. https://i.imgur.com/XXTIBML.jpg
好了,這裡畢竟不是ST板XD 我更新點ST4的狀況。 我可是一個不覺得第三集有難看的餿水桶級別觀眾XDDDD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_of_Star_Trek_4 以下節錄wiki,正確度不確定。 2015年6月拍攝第三集前就簽好約,Chris Pine和Zachary Quinto將回歸艦長與大副腳色 Karl Urban(Leonard McCoy),希望第四集能有關該角色前妻與女兒的劇情,但他、 Simon Pegg(Scotty)和Zoe Saldana(Uhura)還不確定會不會回歸角色。 Sulu.....第三集也有發展了一些背景故事,所以好像沒人關心他到底回不會來 XDDDDDDDDDD 2016年7月15日,製作人J. J. Abrams提到第四集將會看到Chris Hemsworth回來演 George Kirk。不會就Pavel Chekov角色重新選角(Anton Yelchin Q_Q)。7月18日確定一 樣由壞機器人製片公司製作。 2015年12月傳出Quentin Tarantino有興趣執導和編劇,但是後續板上已經有討論了。 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4756228/ Director Matt Shakman 之前都是導電視劇,作品有: 汪達與幻視 黑袍糾察隊 金融戰爭 冰與火之歌:權力遊戲 (第七季中評分不錯的兩集) 法庭女王 復仇 冰血暴 Writers Lindsey BeerGeneva (新人)_ Robertson-Dworet 驚奇隊長 (screenplay by) / (story by) 古墓奇兵 (screenplay by) / (story by) 馬上被板友黑名單 Gene Roddenberry(based upon "Star Trek" created by) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4756228/trivia/?ref_=tt_ql_trv In August 2018, it's been reported that Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth will not return to their roles of James T. Kirk and George Kirk over salaries. On January 9, 2019, Paramount Pictures canceled the fourth film. On November 19, 2019, it's been reported that Chris Pine has signed on for the fourth film alongside Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban and Simon Pegg, and that Noah Hawley will write and direct the film. 2018年8月,據說因為薪水談不好,兩個Chris不打算回歸角色。2019年1月,派拉蒙取消 了第四集。2019年11月19日,據報導Chris Pine,Zachary Quinto,Zoe Saldana,Karl Urban和Simon Pegg將會回歸第四集。 (我說Sulu呢?) On August 7, 2020, it's been reported that Noah Hawley's film has been postponed, reportedly by Paramount Pictures' current president to get a better handle on how to move the movie franchise forward. 2020年8月,Noah Hawley版本被延期,據說派拉蒙現任總裁想要更好的發展這系列。 反正我霧裡看花,對於非工作時間看英文我有點累XDDDDDDD https://reurl.cc/WXRRW9 (08/06/2021) 節錄翻譯: Star Trek 4 hopes appear to have been dashed as there's a new Star Trek movie in the works at Paramount – but it's not set to be a sequel to Star Trek Beyond. Back in March 2021, it was confirmed that Star Trek: Discovery's Kalinda Vazquez was writing the script for a new Star Trek movie produced by JJ Abrams. It's since landed a June 9, 2023 release date, but nothing is known about the plot. 據說將不會是Star Trek Beyond的續集(???),2021年3月星際爭霸戰:發現號的 Kalinda Vazquez編寫了劇本,將會由JJ Abrams製作。預計2023年6月9日上映。目前不清 楚詳細劇情。 It's been called an "original movie" which does suggest that it won't be connected to the rebooted trilogy. However, since Abrams will be working on it, you can't totally rule out it turning out to be Star Trek 4 in the end. 據稱是一部原創電影,但是因為是JJ Abrams製作,不能排除是ST4。 Right now, we're not that hopeful – and neither is Chris Pine. "In terms of the Star Trek of it all, I really wish I knew anything. I'm quite literally one of the last people ever to find out," he said in December 2020. "So, I haven't read that script, I don't know where it is in development, I haven't read the Noah Hawley script, I have no idea what's happening in Star Trek land." Chris Pine於2020年12月說:“就星際爭霸戰而言,我真的希望我知道些事情。我字面上 地來看真的是最後一個知道真相的人。我沒有讀過劇本,我不知道現在發展如何,我沒有 讀過Noah Hawley編寫的劇本,我一點都不知道ST系列現在發生什麼事情。” However, in early 2020, Simon Pegg had already been pouring cold water on such rumours by saying that he thought the series had "lost momentum" following the tragic death of Anton Yelchin and the underperformance of Star Trek Beyond. 2020年初,Simon Pegg說在失去Anton Yelchin和Star Trek Beyond表現不佳後,基本上 這系列已經失去動力。 So what's happening with the fourth movie that would follow on from Star Trek Beyond? We have no idea, really, but it hasn't officially been cancelled by Paramount, so we can assume they're potentially still developing it. 由於派拉蒙還沒有正式取消,也只能假定還在製作中。 Despite all the doubts over the fourth movie, star John Cho was convinced it would be made: "To be honest, I mean it's not happening right now as far as I know, but I just think it will happen. Somebody at some point will all get on the same page and we'll do it." John Cho受訪時說到“老實說,我的意思是,據我所知現在還沒有發生,但我認為它會發 生。所有人在某個時候將會達成共識,我們將會做到的。”” Spock actor Zachary Quinto wasn't quite as convinced though, but did note that he hoped they would "get to go back and play those roles again". In a separate interview, Quinto said in October 2020 that the cast are all up for a return: "We're all incredibly close friends in real life, and I think all of us would welcome the opportunity to go back and keep telling those stories." Zachary Quinto雖然無法這麼確信的,但是他有透漏他想回歸角色。 2020年10月,他說“我們在現實生活中都是非常親密的朋友,我認為我們所有人都會歡迎 有機會回去繼續講述這些故事。” Hemsworth opened up in May 2019 about why he stepped away from the movie, saying: "I didn't feel like we landed on a reason to revisit that yet. I didn't want to be underwhelmed by what I was going to bring to the table." Hemsworth於2019年5月透漏他退出原因。 (他講話好難翻Q_Q,總之他覺得他沒理由回歸角色,也不想因此讓觀眾 感到膩。) The now out-of-date Hawley news also came with confirmation that Pine would be joined by Zachary Quinto (Spock), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Karl Urban (Bones) and Simon Pegg (Scotty). Sulu呢?!虧他是唯一有信心的耶XDDDDD 結論: Star Trek今年是55周年,我相信它會長長久久繼續發展下去另外一個五十五年。 PS,我最近滿常活躍於一些英國演員個人板或是UK_Actors板,我整理了不少電影相關的 東西,但是我不太想一篇文章發很多板,所以有興趣請去捧場一下喔,謝謝各位。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1634142485.A.423.html ※ 編輯: ivy77814 ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 00:30:10

10/14 01:15, 3年前 , 1F
10/14 01:15, 1F

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10/14 01:31, 3年前 , 3F
燒錢都不是很心疼的XD 馬斯克還挑釁貝佐斯XD
10/14 01:31, 3F

10/14 01:31, 3年前 , 4F
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10/14 01:32, 3年前 , 5F
Sir Patrick Stewart才(?)81歲,趁年輕快去!XD
10/14 01:32, 5F

10/14 06:44, 2年前 , 6F
Star Trek系列演技最差的 就是Shatner這老兄了
10/14 06:44, 6F

10/14 06:45, 2年前 , 7F
偏偏他演得最久 長年成為調侃的對象
10/14 06:45, 7F

10/14 13:30, 2年前 , 8F
10/14 13:30, 8F

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文章代碼(AID): #1XPmaLGZ (movie)