
看板share作者 (月上星)時間18年前 (2006/04/29 11:18), 編輯推噓30(3009)
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OP請告知~ ========================================================================= 發信人: retsuya001.bbs@ptt.cc (Kelly) 看板: marvel 標 題: [轉貼] 恐怖鵝媽媽童謠 發信站: 批踢踢實業 (2005/07/29 Fri 16:02:59) 偶然找到的,我想很多人都看過了, 不過我搜尋了一下,板上沒有類似的文章, 所以,我想貼上來應該沒關係吧^^"" 這些童謠....有些感覺還好,有些感覺真的很毛.... 以下是被我編排過文章: =========================================================================== [Lizzie Borden Took An Axe] Lizzie Borden took an axe, Hit her father forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, She hit her mother forty-one. 麗茲玻頓拿起斧頭, 砍了爸爸四十下。 當媽媽看見她做了甚麼, 她也砍她四十一下。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   [There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile] There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house. 一個扭曲的男人,走了一哩扭曲的路。 手拿扭曲的六便士,踏上扭曲的台階, 買一隻歪歪扭扭的貓兒,貓兒抓歪歪扭扭的老鼠。 他們一起住歪歪扭扭的小屋。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  [There was a man, a very untidy man] There was a man, a very untidy man, Whose fingers could nowhere be found to put in his tomb. He had rolled his head far underneath the bed; He had left legs and arms lying all over the room. 一個男人,一個不整潔的男人, 他的手指到處找不到,沒辦法放進墳墓。 他的頭遠遠滾到床底; 他的腿和手臂,在房間裡到處亂丟。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  [My mother has killed me] My mother has killed me, My father is eating me, My brothers and sisters sit under the table, Picking up my bones, And they bury them, under the cold marble stones. 我的媽媽殺了我, 我的爸爸在吃我, 我的兄弟和我的姊妹坐在餐桌底, 撿起我的骨頭,埋了它們, 埋到冰冷的石碑下。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE] Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye; Four-and-twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie! When the pie was opened The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish To set before the king? The king was in his counting-house, Counting out his money; The queen was in the parlor, Eating bread and honey. The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes; When down came a blackbird And snapped off her nose. 唱一首六便士之歌, 袋子裡裝滿黑麥; 二十四隻黑畫眉, 被放在派裡面烤! 當派被剝開, 畫眉開始唱歌; 那可不是放在國王桌前, 十分可口的一餐嗎? 國王在帳房數錢; 王后在客廳吃麵包蜂蜜。 女僕在花園曬衣; 一隻黑畫眉飛來, 啄走了她的鼻子。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  [THREE BLIND MICE] Three blind mice! See how they run! They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever see such a thing in your life As three blind mice? 三隻瞎眼的老鼠!看牠們跑的方式! 牠們追著農夫的老婆, 她用餐刀切了牠們的尾巴。 你這輩子見過像這樣的東西嗎? 和三隻瞎眼的老鼠一樣。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  [Who killed Cock Robin?] Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin. Who saw him die? I, said the Fly. With my little eye, I saw him die. Who caught his blood? I, said the Fish, With my little dish, I caught his blood. Who'll make his shroud? I , said the Beetle, With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud. Who'll dig his grave? I, said the Owl, With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave. Who'll be the person? I, said the Rook, With my little book, I'll be the parson. Who'll be the clerk? I, said the Lark, If it's not in the dark, I'll be the clerk. Who'll carry the link? I, said the Linnet, I'll fetch it in a minute, I'll carry the link. Who'll be chief mourner? I, said the Dove, I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner. Who'll carry the coffin? I, said the Kite, If it's not through the night, I'll carry the coffin. Who'll bear the pall? We, said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, We'll bear the pall. Who'll sing a psalm? I, said the Thrush, As she sat on a bush, I'll sing a psalm. Who'll toll the bell? I, said the Bull, Because I can pull, So Cock Robin, farewell. All the birds of the air Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing, When they heard the bell toll For poor Cock Robin.   NOTICE To all it concerns, This notice apprises, The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes. 是誰殺了咕咕羅賓? 麻雀說,是我, 用我的弓和箭, 我殺了咕咕羅賓。 誰看見他死去? 蒼蠅說,是我, 用我的小眼睛, 我看見他死去。 誰拿走他的血? 魚說,是我, 用我的小碟子, 我拿走他的血。 誰為他做壽衣? 甲蟲說,是我, 用我的針和線, 我會來做壽衣。 誰要挖墳墓? 貓頭鷹說,是我, 用我的鑿子鏟子, 我會來挖墳墓。 誰要當牧師? 白嘴鴉說,是我, 用我的小本子, 我會來做牧師。 誰要當辦事員? 雲雀說,是我, 只要不在夜晚, 我就當辦事員。 誰會帶火炬? 紅雀說,是我, 我立刻把它拿來。 我將會帶火炬。 誰要當主祭? 鴿子說,是我, 我要哀悼我的愛, 我將會當主祭。 誰要抬棺? 鳶說,是我, 如果不走夜路, 我就會來抬棺。 誰提供柩布? 鷦鷯,與公雞和母雞說,是我們, 我們將提供柩布。 誰來唱讚美詩? 站在灌木叢上,畫眉說,是我, 我將唱讚美詩。 誰來敲喪鐘? 牛說,是我, 因為我能拉犛。 所以再會,咕咕羅賓。 天空所有的鳥, 全都嘆息哭泣, 當他們聽見喪鐘, 為可憐的咕咕羅賓響起。     啟事 通告所有關係人, 這則啟事通知, 下回鳥兒法庭, 將要審判麻雀。   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ten little nigger boys went out to dine] Ten little nigger boys went out to dine; One choked his little self, and then there were nine. Nine little nigger boys sat up very late; One overslept himself, and then there were eight. Eight little nigger boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there, and then there were seven. Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in half, and then there were six. Six little nigger boys playing with a hive; A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five. Five little nigger boys going in for law; One got in chancery, and then there were four. Four little nigger boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one, and then there were three. Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo; A big bear bugged one, and then there were two. Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up, and then there was one. One little nigger boy living all alone; He got married, and then there were none. 十個小黑人出外用膳; 一個噎死還剩九個。 九個小黑人熬夜到很晚; 一個睡過頭還剩八個。 八個小黑人在到丹文遊玩; 一個說要留在那兒還剩七個。 七個小黑人在砍柴; 一個把自己砍成兩半還剩六個。 六個小黑人玩蜂窩; 一隻黃蜂叮住一個還剩五個。 五個小黑人進入法院; 一個被留下還剩四個。 四個小黑人到海邊; 一條紅鯡魚吞下一個還剩三個。 三個小黑人走進動物園裡; 一隻大熊抓走一個還剩兩個。 兩個小黑人坐在太陽下; 一個熱死只剩一個。 一個小黑人覺得好寂寞; 他上吊後一個也不剩。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最後,附上一個日本童謠, 這個看了真的很毛(抖)~ “我要過囉 我要過囉” “這是哪兒的羊腸徑” “這是倒人的羊腸徑” “讓我過一下好不好?” “沒有事的人不准過” “我是來幫他做頭七” “連符咒都帶來了哩” “去時坦蕩 回來怕怕” “雖然怕怕” “我要過囉 我要過囉” (倒人:死去的人) ========================================================================== 個人覺得前三個和最後一個日本童謠最詭異, 很難想像這些童謠從小孩的口中唱出來=_=|||| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/29 11:27, , 1F
04/29 11:27, 1F

04/29 11:29, , 2F
哈~~~我絕得好好笑喔 (噗)
04/29 11:29, 2F

04/29 11:32, , 3F
04/29 11:32, 3F

04/29 11:32, , 4F
04/29 11:32, 4F

04/29 11:35, , 5F
我是想起由貴香織里畫的該隱耶 XD
04/29 11:35, 5F

04/29 11:38, , 6F
04/29 11:38, 6F

04/29 11:38, , 7F
04/29 11:38, 7F

04/29 11:48, , 8F
04/29 11:48, 8F

04/29 11:54, , 9F
這裡面有的是松樹童謠吧...或其他的 不只是鵝媽媽
04/29 11:54, 9F

04/29 11:56, , 10F
還有Robin是知更鳥 (蝙蝠俠裡面 羅賓就代表知更鳥呀)
04/29 11:56, 10F

04/29 12:15, , 11F
04/29 12:15, 11F

04/29 12:23, , 12F
第四個不就是杜松子? 話說劈柴可以把自己劈成兩半
04/29 12:23, 12F

04/29 12:24, , 13F
04/29 12:24, 13F

04/29 12:44, , 15F
04/29 12:44, 15F

04/29 12:45, , 16F

04/29 12:45, , 17F
04/29 12:45, 17F

04/29 12:47, , 18F
這不就是在感應少年裡面出現過的Mother Goose嗎
04/29 12:47, 18F

04/29 13:06, , 19F
04/29 13:06, 19F

04/29 13:42, , 20F
04/29 13:42, 20F

04/29 13:57, , 21F
我聽說 每個童謠都有一個故事 不知是怎樣
04/29 13:57, 21F

04/29 14:06, , 22F
04/29 14:06, 22F

04/29 14:27, , 23F
04/29 14:27, 23F

04/29 14:43, , 24F
哈,居然出現「十個小黑人」耶! 推「一個也不留」
04/29 14:43, 24F

04/29 14:50, , 25F
沒人想到范達因的主教謀殺案嗎> < 另外也推一個都不留
04/29 14:50, 25F

04/29 15:03, , 26F
推克莉絲蒂的童謠謀殺案...十個小黑人 一個也不留
04/29 15:03, 26F

04/29 15:10, , 27F
推克莉絲蒂的童謠謀殺案 經典阿~~~
04/29 15:10, 27F

04/29 15:29, , 28F
我也想起由貴香織里畫的該隱 他不是也有引用很多童謠
04/29 15:29, 28F

04/29 15:30, , 29F
04/29 15:30, 29F

04/29 15:53, , 30F
04/29 15:53, 30F

04/29 15:57, , 31F
好奇一問 小黑人got married是意指結婚吧 怎麼會是上吊
04/29 15:57, 31F

04/29 16:09, , 32F
04/29 16:09, 32F

04/29 16:10, , 33F
04/29 16:10, 33F

04/29 21:35, , 34F
克莉絲蒂小說裡引用這童謠時 是上吊沒錯..被害者真的上吊了
04/29 21:35, 34F

04/29 22:32, , 35F
網路上流傳的版本大多都是get married...
04/29 22:32, 35F

04/29 22:33, , 36F
原版本是went out and hanged himself...
04/29 22:33, 36F

04/30 02:34, , 37F
04/30 02:34, 37F
kakakaka:轉錄至看板 tale 04/30 12:00

04/30 19:35, , 38F
04/30 19:35, 38F

04/30 21:19, , 39F
04/30 21:19, 39F
blueleslie:轉錄至看板 NTUMystery 05/15 07:37
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