[情報] PhD position available at UMass-Lowell

看板studyabroad作者 (wanting)時間5年前 (2019/02/04 02:30), 5年前編輯推噓1(101)
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各位ptt版友大家好, 我正在積極招募2019秋天入學的PhD學生,進行生質能源與生物質材料 (biomass, biofuel, bioproduct, and biopolymer) 的合成、鑑定、經濟價值分析研究。 我在2018 年秋天加入 UMASS Lowell, 目前實驗室已進駐學校剛裝修好的 Emerging Technologies and Innovation Center (ETIC)。實驗室現在已經招收了幾個大學部的專 題生進行塑膠回收的研究,在2019年的秋天,預計至少會有一位博士生與一位訪問學者加 入。對於ETIC有興趣的人,麻煩參考以下網址: https://web.uml.edu/gallery/index.php/Research/Emerging-Technologies-and-Innovation-Center-ETIC 短網址 https://bit.ly/2S643i1 目前我希望能在2019秋天再多收一位博士生。UMASS Lowell Plastics Engineering PhD 的申請過程是需要先找到願意支付獎學金的指導教授確認經費後,學校才會發函錄取,因 此現在還在開放申請。歡迎有興趣的同學聯絡我詳談細節 WanTing_Chen@uml.edu (請勿 站內信)。更多關於我的研究和實驗室訊息,請參考網站: https://sites.uml.edu/wan-ting-chen/ 藉機跟大家介紹一下UMASS Lowell Plastics Engineering https://www.uml.edu/Engineering/Plastics/applicants/prospective-graduate-students.aspx 短網址 https://bit.ly/2RBZqr9 https://www.uml.edu/Catalog/Graduate/Engineering/Plastics-Engineering/Doctoral-Programs.aspx 短網址 https://bit.ly/2S3ShVD https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/umass-lowell-2161/overall-rankings #157 (tie) in National Universities #80 (tie) in Top Public Schools UMASS Lowell 沒有Materials Science, 因此研究材料的教授大部分分佈在Plastics Engineering 或 Mechanical Engineering。Plastics Engineering 的教授以研究高分子 材料為主。本系在US News上的材料研究所排名座落在 65 - 77 https://www.msesupplies.com/blogs/news/best-materials-engineering-programs-ranking-by-usnews-2016-2019 短網址 https://bit.ly/2MM0BmY UMASS Lowell 在 Boston北邊, 搭 commuters’ rail 到市中心只須47分鐘,生活機能佳 並鄰近產業鏈。UMass Lowell跟附近的公司也有很多接洽與合作。Plastic Engineering 的校友眾多,校友們也都很樂意支持系上的活動與研究。歡迎有興趣的同學跟我接洽了解 更多細節。 以下是我的英文版徵才廣告: Prof. Wan-Ting (Grace) Chen is seeking a PhD student to join her group in the Department of Plastic Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The application is rolling-basis. Candidates are strongly encouraged to reach out to Prof. Chen before the formal application. It is expected that this student will start in the Fall of 2019. About the Principal Investigator Dr. Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Plastic Engineering. Chen’s lab focus on chemical recycling of plastic waste and renewable material development (biofuel, bioproduct, and biopolymer). Chen’s lab closely works with federal research centers, industry, and other departments on campus. Chen’s lab also can access state-of-the-art facilities in the University of Massachusetts system. This includes nanomanufacturing center, REMADE cohort, fabric discovery center, HEROs. Grace received her B.Sc in Chemical Engineering from the National Taiwan University, M.S. and Ph.D. in Biological and Agricultural Engineering from the University of Illinois. Grace’s PhD research work focused on developing a synergistically integrated waste-to-fuel system that simultaneously produces biofuel and treats wet biowaste via algae and hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL). Grace has an h-index of 14 and has published 20 papers, 1 book chapter, and 34 conference presentations. Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/gracechen Google Scholar: https://goo.gl/sb4GaN Candidates from all science and engineering background are encouraged to apply. Prof. Chen’s group carry out interdisciplinary research program and values multi-disciplinary collaborations. Integrity, mature mindset, self-motivation, and problem-solving skill are more important than specific trainings or experiences. Please send your CV to Dr. Wan-Ting (Grace) Chen (WanTing_Chen@uml.edu) if interested. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1549218632.A.AF9.html ※ 編輯: tpj0wu (, 02/04/2019 02:36:26

02/04 19:48, 5年前 , 1F
原po是好老師 Boston是好地方 幫推 希望快點找到合適的
02/04 19:48, 1F

02/04 19:49, 5年前 , 2F
02/04 19:49, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1SLpD8hv (studyabroad)