
看板studyteacher作者時間13年前 (2011/06/10 10:24), 編輯推噓1(100)
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時間只有90分鐘,非常趕,題目是三大題,但沒有標配分 1. 給一篇長文,描述一個成績優異學生得到厭食症後在醫院治療,但完全不接受這樣的 事實,厭惡醫生護士的治療,還一直擔心隔天的考試。 (1) Retell the story from Dr. Bloom’s (故事另一主角) view in 400-600 words. (2) What’s the main character’s attitude toward herself and the hospital staff? (3) Design a post-reading activity including how to appreciate the writing style, the lesson from the story and getting the main idea. 2. 給了這首詩 http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/byrds/turn+turn+turn_20026419.html (1) Summarize in the form of a cloze test with 10 blanks. (about 300 words) (2) 也是 Design a post-reading activity,但是忘記其他敘述了… 3. 設計一年份(2hrs per week, 18 weeks per semester)英文實驗班的「閱讀與寫作 課程」syllabus (1) What are the materials you will use? (2) What are the course objectives? (3) Design an activity, such as game or campaign, based on the materials you choose. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

06/10 13:40, , 1F
06/10 13:40, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1DyO1eoL (studyteacher)