
看板transgender作者時間17年前 (2007/03/16 01:11), 編輯推噓4(403)
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這是網路上找save下來的,原網址忘了.... 原文作者是針對那些想找MtF TS的人,應該想和MtF TS交往或約會的人寫的, 藉由一些言行觀察,判斷宣稱自己是或已知是MtF的人是否已經post-op. 文中提到一些判斷的線索,有興趣的去印證或參考看看吧. 英文的... ====================================================================== Written by Lisa Jain Thompson Wednesday, 11 October 2006 A practical guide to determining if someone is a post-op transsexual: The Twelve-Way Path Springfield, VA, USA. There is a lot of talk out there about how we are all the same and that there are no major differences between boys and girls. This guide will help in determining who is and who is not a post-op transsexual. 1 Fake drivers licenses and identifications are easy to get. Ask to see their voters registration card or their passport and check to see if the name agrees with the one they are using. If they refuse to show you either, or repeatedly “forget” to bring them, chances are they are not a post-op transsexual. 2 A self-identified MTF transsexual who asks if anyone one knows a “trans friendly” manicurist (physical therapist, local beauty salon, Mary Kay Cosmetic representative, etc.), the chances are they are not a post-op transsexual. The may be a person born transsexual in the very early stages of transition (e.g.,at the very beginning and not post-op) but they are not a post-op. What woman asks if anyone knows a “woman friendly” manicurist? 3 If the person in question seems inordinately fond of comparing sources for wigs, silicon breasts, and make-up tips, chances are they are not a post-op transsexual. 4 If they spend their time on endless discussions of trans theory and heteronormative standards, chances are they are not a post-op transsexual. They may be a socialist or a communists, but they are probably not a post-op. 5 If you announce that a transsexual friendly health clinic will be providing free mammograms and pap smears on a given date and a self-identified transsexual asks why they should be interested in the examines, chances are the person asking is not a post-op transsexual and probably is not even taking hormones. 6 If you notice the person is getting excited when talking about shopping for clothes, the person could be a woman born transsexual or a woman born woman. If, in the course of the conversation, you notice the smell of testosterone growing stronger the more the person grows excited, chances are the person talking is not a post-op transsexual. If the person talks about the great sex they had afterwards, that person is a man. 7 If someone asks to see the results of your recent vaginoplasty or labiaplasty, chances are the person asking is not a post-op transsexual. If you’ve seen one vagina (your own), you’ve seen them all. If you are doing a show and tell at a support group for people born transsexual (almost always a bad idea), and one of them gets visibly excited and emits the scent of testosterone,that person is a man out getting his jollies. 8 If the trans support group has rules against approaching members about getting together afterwards or having a date, chances are most of the members are not post-op transsexuals. Even greater is the probability that the majority of the members of the organization are straight men getting in touch with their feminine sides. Although the members may consider themselves transgendered and assert that gender identity is a societal construct and fluid, chances are they are not post-op transsexuals. 9 If the person is fond of Barbra, Judy, and Liza, and does great impressions of each, no matter how dead on the impersonations may be, chances are that person is not a post-op transsexual. If you have to bet, place you money that they are a drag queen or female impressionist and not a post-op. 10 If a large haired woman in a gorgeous gown walks over to you and says she would like to do your make-up, if the person is not a Mary Kay representative on the make, then chances are the person talking is not a post-op transsexual. They may be a drag queen and confused you with them, but they are not a post-op. 11 If the person in a tight slinky dress walks up and asks you if you want a blow job or rubs up against you so you can feel their erect penis, chances are that person is not a post-op transsexual. They maybe a transvestite hooker, but they are not post-op. If a person asks if YOU would give THEM a blow job, that person, no matter how they are dressed or what they may claim, is a man. 12 If the person next to you at the bar begins to place various silicon breasts on the bar in front of him and asks which size do you think he should wear, chances are that person is not a post-op transsexual. He may be in need of long term therapy, but he is not a post-op. Last Updated ( Saturday, 11 November 2006 ) ============================================================================= -- ◆ 花魁藝色館--掃除污名 重建性 ◢╱ 只要你通過身份認證 ~ ◥█ Sex.kkcity.com.tw 免經驗、五人連署即開班系板 └──From: ──┘ ◥╲ 趕快為班上設個秘密基地吧! --

03/16 12:08, , 1F
03/16 12:08, 1F

03/16 12:10, , 2F
03/16 12:10, 2F

03/16 19:47, , 3F
03/16 19:47, 3F

03/16 19:48, , 4F
03/16 19:48, 4F

03/16 19:49, , 5F
03/16 19:49, 5F

03/16 20:04, , 6F
03/16 20:04, 6F

03/18 15:06, , 7F
03/18 15:06, 7F
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