
看板translator作者 (You moved me to tears..)時間18年前 (2006/03/28 11:00), 編輯推噓6(605)
留言11則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
前言:文章是改編自澳洲本地報紙,一篇關於核能的論戰,以下只擷取標題及第一段 供各位評斷 正文: The greening of nuclear power Could nuclear power, the long-time scourge of the green movement, save the world from global warming? Until recently, the question would have seemed unthinkable. The terrible human cost of nuclear error is not merely textbook theory. But, as global greenhouse gas emissions soar, and scientific consensus firms around the perils of inaction, the pall over nuclear power is lifting. Nuclear energy is virtually emission free. Some influential environmentalists already have realigned themselves with the global nuclear industry in arguing that it is the only viable means of drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions and, thus, heading off catastrophic climate change. 問題: 1.標題因為根據內文,green用動詞化的表達方式,所以我翻"敗部復活的核能" 被講師畫錯...他翻"綠化的核能"....(核能來種樹的嗎?.... ) 2. global warming....我想當然爾翻成"全球暖化",又被扣分... 他認為要翻成,"全球變暖".... 3. "the pall over nuclear power is lifting"...因為pall有棺罩之意 所以我翻"被蓋棺論定的核能發電也有重見天日的機會了"..... 他說,什麼叫蓋棺論定?,什麼叫棺罩?台灣都這麼搞的啊?.... 他翻,"核能的陰影正在散去"... 後記:雖說是自作孽不可活,不過現在我既然已選擇到澳洲讀翻譯課程, 就得好好面對課程中上自講師到同學都是大陸人的現實..... 現在要向版上諸位求教的是一篇用來翻譯練習的文章, 有很多部分,我自認自己的翻譯才有帶出原文的意思, 但都被講師大筆一揮扣了分....雖然我在課堂上屢屢提出質疑... 但他要不是說"中文沒這麼用",便是說,"台灣人的用語太文謅謅"... 今天還有更經典的回我說,"不知道可不可以這樣用".....囧rz 我實在是胸中一口悶氣難以宣洩..想說版上能手輩出...中文應該都比我好 看看是否真的我翻的有問題,還是... 先跟有耐心看完的版友謝過了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/28 12:22, , 1F
03/28 12:22, 1F

03/28 14:22, , 2F
03/28 14:22, 2F

03/28 15:09, , 3F
03/28 15:09, 3F

03/28 15:10, , 4F
03/28 15:10, 4F

03/28 15:11, , 5F
03/28 15:11, 5F

03/28 15:35, , 6F
中國中文文革後 變很白話 跟臺灣早已不同
03/28 15:35, 6F

03/28 15:36, , 7F
你很難扭轉他們想法 尤其文人相輕 不會承認你的翻法啦
03/28 15:36, 7F

03/28 17:24, , 8F
03/28 17:24, 8F

03/28 17:25, , 9F
03/28 17:25, 9F

03/28 20:42, , 10F
03/28 20:42, 10F

03/28 20:43, , 11F
03/28 20:43, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #14AAQv_1 (translator)
文章代碼(AID): #14AAQv_1 (translator)