看板visualband作者 (caca)時間15年前 (2009/06/15 06:18), 編輯推噓5(500)
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考慮了一下 還是貼過來好了=ˇ= 順便推廣XD 我不大確定這是什麼時候的訪談.... 不過看訪談內容應該是今年5/20之前 (沒耐心看完的原po有很爛的簡短翻譯在下面>.@) -------------英文--------------- JRR: Please introduce yourselves for those on JrockRevolution.com who might not know you yet. Leda: DELUHI is a “Visual-kei” band formed back in January 2008. The four members are: Juri (vocal), Leda (guitar), Aggy (bass) and Sujk (drums). JRR: Please describe Deluhi in two words. Leda: Aggressive and melodious. Sujk: Heavy and delicate spirits. Juri: Screaming. Shouting!! Aggy: Hard and destructive. JRR: Why did you choose the name DELUHI? Sujk: Well we just chose it because it had a nice ring to it. It's kind of a coined term. Leda: It has no particular meaning to it. But I have one thing to point out. English speaking people tend to pronounce it with an accent on the middle syllable, just like this: de-LU-hi. We want all the syllables to be stressed to be pronounced right. We know it's not an English kind of pronunciation, but since we named it because it sounded pleasant to us, we want it to be JRR: Why did you decide on being a visual-kei band as opposed to other options? Leda: We thought this type of music was the best way to express our selves. JRR: When and how did you first get into music and decide that it was what you wanted to do? Leda: I used to hang around with an acoustic guitar when I was in middle school, but I wasn't really into music until one friend of mine came by and played X Japan and Luna Sea. That's when I became really aware of music in general, and rock music in particular. Juri: When I was about 12 years old, influenced by my brother. I listened to Glay and got shocked. That's when I started playing music myself. Aggy: A friend of mine came to my house, and left his bass guitar in my room. That was the very first thing in the beginning. Sujk: I used to love music as a child. When I was in middle school, we were talking with friends to put together a band or something, and I said "I'll play the drums", and voila, here I am. (laughs) JRR: How did you meet each other? Leda: The whole thing started when I met Juri. I was looking for a singer, and I thought "Hey, Juri isn't really a vocalist yet, but he's got talent, it might be cool to form a band with him". So I called him and we formed DELUHI's predecessor band. Then of course we'd look for a drummer and a bassist, and auditioned many drummers and one of them said, "You guys are looking for a rhythm section, right? I've got a friend who's a bassist", and that friend of his was Aggy. This drummer guy eventually quit, and Aggy stayed. We started looking for a drummer again, and we auditioned two drummers and jammed together. The second guy was Sujk. He got really late to the studio, but we played one song and just as the four of us played a note, we thought he's gotta be the one! We all thought this was going to be the band. I think it was an inevitable chance that came by. JRR: Your latest release is your Jagganath single. Leda: Yes, but we will be releasing a DVD single called FLASH:B[L]ACK on May 20th. JAGANNATH, VISVASRIT and MAHADEVA form part of a trilogy, and the respective concepts are creation, prosperity and destruction. The songs in these singles represent DELUHI itself, and are all very important songs. JRR: What is the reason/meaning behind your band’s logo? Leda: The first mini album SURVEILLANCE was released back in March 2008, and its theme was the word surveillance itself. This was our debut work, and we just formed the band and were doing the recordings at the same time. Right then, we came up with the logo of an eye, meaning under surveillance, and put the letters D, L and H of DELUHI in the logo. JRR: What was it like to film the Hybrid Truth PV? Did you enjoy the experience? Leda: HYBRID TRUTH has now become DELUHI’s anthem. It perfectly concentrates every musical aspects of DELUHI into one song. Every musical characteristics of DELUHI are packed inside this four minute long song, so the progression is extremely fast and heavy. We all have strong feelings for this song. The PV shooting was fun too, although it was REALLY tough (laughs). JRR: If you could pick any place to have a concert, where would it be and why? Leda: I'd love to go anywhere in the world if they be fans waiting for us. Right now we haven't spread our activities to overseas countries, but we sure are seeking possibilities for this. I want to visit many countries. JRR: What are your current interests/hobbies? Leda: Out-of-body experiences. Sujk: Meditations. Juri: Riddles. Aggy: Japanese culture. JRR: Where do you get the inspiration for your music? Leda: I get inspired by beautiful landscapes. Not only of Japan, but I also enjoy getting inspired by seeing pictures of foreign countries. When I go overseas sometime in the future, the first thing I would do is to look up the sky, get a great view of the landscape and get inspired. Sujk: Watching films, maybe. Well, I get inspired by my brain getting inspired by watching the film. Juri: I'd like to ride my bike along the coast. I bet there are plenty of things you get inspired of out there. Aggy: Nothing in particular, I always get inspired by everything around me. JRR: Is there anyone that you look up to? Leda: Someone like SUGIZO, hide and a lion combined together. Sujk: There are so many I can't pick. If I were to choose one, I'd pick Danny Carey of TOOL. Juri: Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. Aggy: My father. JRR: What did you listen to when you were younger? Do you still listen to any of that music now? Leda: X JAPAN. Their music is my bible. Sujk: KORN. I still like them. Juri: GLAY. Aggy: Nirvana. JRR: What song would you recommend for a first-time listener of DELUHI? Leda: HYBRID TRUTH and Orion once again. Sujk: LivingDead. Leda: If you want something fast, HYBRID TRUTH is the one. If you want a heavy one, LivingDead is your choice. JRR: Do you have a favorite DELUHI song? Leda: HYBRID TRUTH. Sujk: Baby play. Juri: s[K]ape:goat, from our latest single due May 20th. Aggy: I can't pick one. I just can't rank them. JRR: How about a favorite song from another band or artist? Leda: Just Another Star by BULLET FOR MY VALLENTINE. Sujk: TOOL's Parabol/Parabola Juri: Nagai Aida by Kiroro Aggy: Search & Destroy by Iggy and The Stooges JRR: If you were not in music, what other job do you think you would have? Leda: Never thought about it. Sujk: Some guy in an electric store. Juri: Some fish dealer. Aggy: I'd be selling crepes. JRR: What is one band or artist that you would most like to share a stage with? Leda: There's too many to choose from. Sujk: SLIPKNOT. Juri: Teru, from GLAY. Aggy: Johnny Depp. JRR: On May 20 is the release of your first DVD single, is there anything in particular about the upcoming release that you would like your fans to know? Leda: The main song in this single, s[K]ape:goat is a Requiem for a friend of mine who passed away. Juri: The shouts at the bridges are the highlights. Leda: Guitarwise, I stick to the solos and main riffs. I've also concentrated on the guitar sounds more than ever. I'd like people to take a listen to the thrashing guitar sounds. Aggy: The small riff right after the drum fills in the intro. I really concentrated on this part. JRR: Have any of you ever been overseas? If so, where did you go? Leda: No, but I'd love to go sometime. Sujk: Never been abroad. I want go to the US. Juri: I went to Hawaii once when I was still in my mother's womb. Aggy: Thailand and Saipan. Bayview was great. JrockRevolution.com would like to thank DELUHI and BRAVEMAN RECORDS. ----------------------------------------------------- 間單說一下我看到的重點 當然我沒有全部每個問題都翻完 另外 因為這篇好像已經是從日文翻成英文 現在我又把英文翻成中文 這中間我想一定多少會有語意上的落差 所以有些地方要是大家覺得怪 那我只能說抱歉了 原PO除了日文很爛以外 英文也快掰了.....Orz 我只能確保大意應該是對的 (歐 1.DELUHI的名字沒有特別意義 純粹是希望唸起來能夠清楚的分辨音節 2.是怎麼樣開始決定要走音樂這條路的? 並且是怎麼開始的? LEDA:中學的時候 我一直都只是單純的在彈吉他而已 直到有個朋友給我聽了X JAPAN和LUNA SEA的歌曲 我才發現原來搖滾是如此特別 Juri:大概十二歲左右 是被哥哥影響的 聽到GLAY的歌受了很大的衝擊 之後開始自己玩音樂 Aggy:朋友來我家的時候把bass留在我房間 之後就這麼開始了 Sujk:從小就很喜歡音樂 中學的時候和朋友說著"來組個樂團吧!並且我要當鼓手!" 所以我現在在這(笑 3.組成樂隊的經過 一開始是leda在找歌手 然後遇到了Juri 不過當時Juri還不是主唱 可是Leda覺得Juri有這個天賦 能和他一起組樂團的話會很棒 所以 他們組成了Grave Seed(DELUHI前身團) 在那之後開始尋找鼓手和BASS手 和很多鼓手碰面後 其中一個對他們說"你們在找BASS手吧?我有個朋友是彈BASS的" 而那個人就是Aggy 之後那鼓手雖然離開了(應該就是yuki) 可是aggy留了下來 在之後要填補鼓手的空缺 所以找了兩個鼓手來試 第二個人就是Sujk 他遲到了很久 可是就只一起演奏了一首歌而已 卻一點也沒有不協調的違和感 所以 馬上就決定是他了 4.大家的興趣 leda:Out-of-body experiences (這要怎麼翻阿= ="?? Sujk:冥想 Juri:猜謎 Aggy:日本文化 5.景仰的人 LEDA:sugizo/hide 還有那些厲害的人 Sujk:TOOL的Danny Carey Juri:Linkin Park的Chester Bennington Aggy:父親 6.以前都聽什麼樣的音樂呢?現在也會聽嗎? LEDA:X JAPAN 對我而言就像聖經一樣 <--英文那邊真的是寫聖經orz sujk:崆樂團 現在還是很喜歡他們 juri:GLAY Aggy:Nirvana 7.如果不走音樂這條路 現在會做什麼呢? leda:沒想過 sujk:電器行 juri:賣魚吧 <--完全沒辦法想像┐(─_─b)┌ aggy:賣薄餅 <--.........我以為是開蔬菜店 8.juri真的很喜歡GLAY...."最想和誰一起站在舞台上?"--> TERU 9.s[K]ape:goat是首鎮魂曲 寫給LEDA某位過世的友人 在這裡順便想請教一下大家 leda看樣子似乎是一直都是彈吉他的 怎麼會跑到G團彈BASS= =".......?? 有沒有他為什麼跑去彈BASS的八卦XDDDD? 還有 為什麼Grave seed要改名成DELUHI? (應該算是改名吧...人都沒什麼變動阿....) 補一下 如果我沒搞錯的話 當leda加入Galneryus的同時 Grave seed應該也已經組成了 或著是 Grave seed的組成只比他加入Galneryus晚一點而以 我記得都是在07年的事情.... 不過我覺得阿~他們可以竄紅這麼快 有一部份應該真的是托了Galneryus的福 只不過...總覺得leda好像愛deluhi比愛G團多一點=ˇ=(你又知道囉? 補1 這是deluhi前團Grave seed的影像 當時的鼓手是yuki 還不是現在的sujk喔>.@ 這是recall的原型吧=ˇ= 歌詞也有點不一樣 Juri這時候有些地方也唱的....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw3QzeKKALQ&feature=related
補2 s[K]ape:goat是5/20發的新單曲(這張是單曲+DVD的形式) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0n82kzJVb4&feature=related
原PO日文爛 所以沒辦法翻譯歌詞..╮(﹋﹏﹌)╭.. 不過要是有人有興趣 我可以把日文歌詞貼上來XDDD 基本上看起來是挺灰暗的歌詞沒錯啦..... 另外~ 這篇訪談也歡迎大家幫忙翻完喔>.@ (托走 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/15 09:35, , 1F
06/15 09:35, 1F

06/15 09:39, , 2F
06/15 09:39, 2F

06/15 10:15, , 3F
推DELUHI 超愛s[K]ape:goat!!
06/15 10:15, 3F

06/15 13:06, , 4F
06/15 13:06, 4F

06/15 22:30, , 5F
06/15 22:30, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1ADNSodu (visualband)