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※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1Jt7oUFh ] 作者: dreamkid (dreamkid) 看板: Baseball 標題: [新聞] 金鶯官網今日比賽Recap 時間: Sat Aug 2 13:52:26 2014 縮網址 http://goo.gl/TPrSvX 原網址 http://baltimore.orioles.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?gid=2014_08_01_seamlb_balmlb_1&mode=recap&c_id=bal (僅節錄翻譯陳偉殷發言部分,有誤請指教) Dominant Chen edges Mariners in pitchers' duel 陳偉殷在對水手的投手戰中佔了上風 Hardy laces game-winning single in sixth to give lefty his 12th victory Hardy第六局的勝利打點一壘安打為這位左投鑲上了第十二勝 BALTIMORE -- In an emotional performance, Wei-Yin Chen struck out a season-high eight batters, allowed five hits and walked only the final batter he faced in his 7 1/3 innings before he left to a standing ovation in a 2-1 win against the Mariners in front of 39,487 at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. 這是場令人動容的登板,在金鶯主場Camden Yards 39487名球迷面前,陳偉殷退場時 獲得了全場起立歡呼,他在7又1/3局的投球中,投出了本季新高的8次三振,被擊出了 5支安打,只保送了他所面對的最後一名打者,終場以2比1拿下這場對水手隊的勝利。 Late in the night on Thursday, explosions rolled Kaohsiung, Taiwan -- Chen's hometown -- as a gas leak triggered a series of blasts that killed dozens and left several hundred more injured. Chen's family was far from the blast, and he contacted them on Friday morning to find out that everyone was safe. 星期四的深夜,因為可燃氣體洩漏造成的爆炸,撼動了陳偉殷的故鄉台灣高雄,一連 串的爆炸造成數十人死亡和數百人受傷。陳偉殷的家人距離爆炸地點較遠,而他也在 星期五早上與家人聯絡確認他們安全無恙。 "Today, this win I would like to give out to my home people," Chen said through an interpreter on Friday night, "and I would like to send out my best wishes to them and hope everybody is all right there." 「今天這一勝我想獻給我家鄉所有的人,」星期五晚上陳偉殷透過翻譯這樣說,「我 想對他們獻上我最深的祝福並希望每個人都能平安。」 As the O's (61-47) offense slumps, their pitching has carried them during the past few weeks. Baltimore is 8-3 this season when Chen (12-3) goes at least six innings. In the Orioles' last 13 games at Camden Yards, the starting pitchers are 7-2 with a 3.14 ERA. "Most of it is with Wei-Yin," manager Buck Showalter said. "He's really solid for us here lately in a time of need, obviously standings-wise." On a strikeout pitch to Austin Jackson that ended Seattle's fifth inning, Chen hit some rare territory. Pitching on seven days of rest, the lefty reared back and fired a fastball to the outfielder at 95 mph. Only a handful of times has Chen reached that number this season, and with two extra days to refresh his arm, he got near that mark on a consistent basis. Rather than his fastball hovering around 91 mph, it was at 93 and 94. Chen paired that extra bit of fire with an especially good slider to strike out the most batters he had in one game since Sept. 12, 2013, and win his fifth consecutive decision. "Sometimes after extra days of rest I feel great, but sometimes I don't feel that great," Chen said. "This time, I just tried to keep my feeling out there from the last time, and tried to repeat my routines and give a good game out there. I did, and I was happy about that." 「多了幾天的休息有時候讓我覺得更好,但有時候似乎沒有感覺那麼好,」陳偉殷 說,「這一次,我只是試著維持住上次投球時的感覺,並試著像平時一般投出一場 好比賽。很高興我做到了。」 In the third inning, the stumbling Orioles offense, which has scored more than four runs just twice since the All-Star break, ended a 19-inning scoreless drought on an RBI single by third baseman Manny Machado off Mariners starting pitcher Roenis Elias, and Baltimore needed help from an error before plating the decisive unearned run in the sixth. Elias (8-9) surrendered a leadoff double to Machado, and an error by Mariners shortstop Chris Taylor gave the O's runners on the corners with no outs. Elias struck out Nelson Cruz and Chris Davis looking, but shortstop J.J. Hardy broke through with a go-ahead single up the middle to eke out another win despite a dearth of offense. "Everyone says it starts with the starting pitching," Hardy said. "I just look back after the All-Star break and facing these teams, as well as we've played, it's huge for us." After throwing at least 104 pitches for just the fourth time this season, Chen sits in a tie for second place in the American League in wins. While wins are an imperfect stat, it's telling that Chen won more than 12 games only once during his Nippon Professional Baseball career. The pitching staff is suddenly carrying a team known for its offense, and Chen's continued development into this group's ace is setting a tone. "I didn't really do anything different than any previous year, but I think the biggest reason I can be on such a good streak is my teammates," Chen said. "I think that's the reason. It's not me. It's my teammates." 「我跟過去幾年比起來其實沒有什麼不一樣,但我覺得能夠這樣連勝最大的原因是 我的隊友,」陳偉殷說,「我想那就是最好的理由:不是我,而是我的隊友。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1406958750.A.3EB.html

08/02 13:53, , 1F
08/02 13:53, 1F

08/02 13:54, , 2F
08/02 13:54, 2F

08/02 13:54, , 3F
最後一段話說得真好啊 有受過訓練?
08/02 13:54, 3F

08/02 13:54, , 4F
08/02 13:54, 4F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: dreamkid (, 08/02/2014 13:55:14

08/02 14:12, , 5F
推陳偉殷 祝福高雄
08/02 14:12, 5F

08/03 07:34, , 6F
08/03 07:34, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1Jt7r45g (weiyin)