作者查詢 / chrislo

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作者 chrislo 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共202則
[Talk] translating...
[ EngTalk ]13 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: phoebe1588 - 發表於 2008/10/24 13:13(15年前)
13Fchrislo:separate apart / divided into two parts ...10/26 21:31
[Ask ] how does everyone learn about the new vocabulary??
[ EngTalk ]5 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: pocute - 發表於 2008/10/10 00:05(15年前)
3Fchrislo:use flash cards to jot down 5 words each day10/18 08:45
4Fchrislo:review all the flash cards before proceeding another 510/18 08:45
5Fchrislo:remember pronunciation, usage, spelling, make sentence10/18 08:46
[Ask ] I'm needing some ideas
[ EngTalk ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: changzinha - 發表於 2008/10/06 23:07(15年前)
3Fchrislo:i think u r referring to people migrated from china10/08 01:04
4Fchrislo:back in 1949 vs. people originally lived in taiwan10/08 01:04
5Fchrislo:for a few hundred years10/08 01:04
6Fchrislo:i would rather say it's a "social conflict between10/08 01:06
7Fchrislo:two groups of people living on the same island10/08 01:07
Re: [問題] 只有一個 HDMI 輸出,但有兩樣東西要輸 …
[ digitalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: AlanLive - 發表於 2008/08/15 10:02(16年前)
2Fchrislo:一千多如果覺得貴,那可能得多些時候囉08/21 00:26
3Fchrislo:我之前買的四入一出的一千多塊,mod可以用08/21 00:27
[Mind] Finally! My car license!
[ EngTalk ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: PhoenixDance - 發表於 2008/08/12 16:08(16年前)
6Fchrislo:it's "driver's license", not "car license"08/22 01:49
[奧運] 美國vs中國 22:15開打
[ worldbasket ]167 留言, 推噓總分: +52
作者: onsei - 發表於 2008/08/10 22:02(16年前)
156Fchrislo:101 to 7008/10 23:55
[Joke] $1 = 10 cents
[ EngTalk ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: wnwangster - 發表於 2008/06/19 01:40(16年前)
1Fchrislo:good, so i guess u can try it w/ 1million=1000dollar06/19 07:14
誰需要東方珍珠Midori 演出票一張?
[ Violin ]1 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: whkao - 發表於 2008/06/18 17:46(16年前)
1Fchrislo:請問還有嗎?06/20 02:05
Re: [News] Housework & sex:what's the connection?
[ EngTalk ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: stool - 發表於 2008/06/18 12:48(16年前)
5Fchrislo:i think it's sweet to share housework for a lifetime06/19 06:58
[Talk] What doess "fluent English" mean?
[ EngTalk ]4 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: misagi - 發表於 2008/04/23 21:12(16年前)
3Fchrislo:as possibly as you can04/25 06:12