作者查詢 / Velcro666

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作者 Velcro666 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共642則
[Ask ] how to kill small fly?
[ EngTalk ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: ahappyman - 發表於 2008/08/11 19:50(16年前)
5FVelcro666:you can buy 明星花露水 and diluted in water that08/16 14:58
6FVelcro666:spray the room and then wipe with a cloth again08/16 14:59
7FVelcro666:I have used is that the best way08/16 15:00
8FVelcro666:fly seem to hate that smell08/16 15:02