Re: [轉錄] Give A-Rod a break

看板A-Rod作者 (Beauty is a Rare Thing)時間18年前 (2006/04/06 16:34), 編輯推噓12(1203)
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※ 引述《PerryRod (One Reason)》之銘言: : From: : Give A-Rod a break : Superstar third baseman undeserving of derision : Posted: Wednesday April 5, 2006 12:19PM; : Updated: Wednesday April 5, 2006 3:00PM 饒了A-Rod吧! : I was listening to the results of the World Classic of baseball last : month when the United States got eliminated, and the announcer reported : it thusly: that once again a team with Alex Rodriguez on it had failed. : It was the most incredibly gratuitous assessment I could imagine. To be : sure, Rodriguez had not sparkled in the Classic, but he had plenty of : American company. 上個月的世界棒球經典賽,就在美國隊被淘汰後,我聽著主播報導比賽結果。 他說:「擁有A-Rod的球隊再一次敗下陣來。」這真是我所聽過最無聊的評論! 正確點說,A-Rod並沒有在經典賽裡發光發熱,但他身邊還有很多美國隊友呀! : No, it was just the most recent example in this curious upside-down : situation wherein the best player in baseball is regularly assailed by : the media, fans and players. It's gotten so ridiculous that momentarily, : I expect commissioner Bud Selig to order a special investigation into : Rodriguez, with the idea in mind of putting asterisks next to all his : statistics. Yes, guilty as charged ... for being Alex Rodriguez. 不不不,近來不管是媒體或鄉民總是在攻擊這些棒球界最好的球員們, 在這個是非顛倒指鹿為馬的氛圍裡,不過是最近的一個例子罷了。 這件事已經到了走火入魔的境界了, 我建議大聯盟主席Bud Selig乾脆召開一個A-Rod真調會, 把A-Rod的生涯所有成績旁邊加上星號。 沒錯!你有罪! 罪名是:「活該!誰教你是A-Rod」。 : This phenomenon of dislike for the finest in sport is rare, if not : altogether original. Ted Williams was held in great disdain -- vilified : as selfish by his own hometown newspapers, even as he was hitting .400. : Wilt Chamberlain was simply so big and so good that, as he groaned : himself, "Nobody loves Goliath." But it's hard to understand why : Rodriguez has become such a whipping boy, even as he gracefully displays : preeminent skills year after year. 即使不是都沒有過,但這種狂鞭運動界翹楚的現象實在很少見。 過去Ted Williams被認為太臭屁,即使他的打擊率高達四成, 家鄉報紙還是幹譙他自私自利。 張伯倫個頭高,球打的又好,還不是怨嘆的說:「沒人喜歡巨人歌利亞。」 但我實在不解,A-Rod年復一年地優雅展現他卓越的技術,結果卻被鞭成這附窘樣!? : Well, let us examine the bill of particulars. First, of course, the man : simply makes too much money -- $26 million a year. A-Rod is Pay-Rod, hoot : the critics. But for goodness' sake, was he supposed to turn down a : quarter-billion-dollar, 10-year contract just because some fool owner was : dumb enough to offer it? Actually, in order to get off that grievously : hopeless Texas Rangers team that had paid him all that money, Rodriguez : offered to take a pay reduction, but the players' union wouldn't let him! : Look, sneer his detractors, sure he's great, but he's a loser. Take A-Rod : off a team, that team improves. His new team doesn't win. Specifically, : the Yankees haven't won the World Series in the two seasons he's been : there. Of course, they neglect to mention that the Yankees hadn't won the : three previous, either. 好吧,咱們就一條一條來檢驗吧! 第一,無話可說,這傢伙就是賺太多了。 〈鄉民大聲叫囂:「一年2600萬!?A-Rod的"A"根本是A錢的"A"!」〉 但你嘛幫幫忙,有個蠢蛋要付他十年2600萬,他為啥要拒絕? 事實上,為了要擺脫令他失望透頂的德州游騎兵隊, 一開始A-Rod甚至表示願意減價,只是球員公會不准他這麼作。 瞧瞧這些看衰他的冷嘲熱諷: 「對啦,他很厲害,但他是個輸家。」、「把A-Rod送走,球隊就進步了。」 「他去的新球隊沒有贏。」等等。 其中最扯的是:「A-Rod去了洋基隊,結果洋基隊連二年拿不到冠軍!」 至於洋基隊在A-Rod來之前的三年也沒拿過冠軍這件事,鄉民們自然是選擇性忽略啦! : If he's not a good teammate, then why did he graciously give up his : position, shortstop, to switch to third base -- where he is now regarded : as the best in the business? He played all 162 games last year. He is : amazingly consistent in power and average. And, after all, he was, again, : voted Most Valuable Player. 如果他不是個重視團隊的球員,那被譽為棒球界游擊第一把交椅的他, 幹麻慷慨放棄原先游擊手的位置,然後跑去守三壘? 他去年打滿162場季賽,並持續保持驚人的砲瓦與打擊率, 而且,最後還再度被票選為最有價值球員哩。 : To be sure, he's had a couple of bad postseason series. In one of those, : against Boston in '04, he churlishly knocked the ball out of an : opponent's grasp. It was one play, unwise and unbecoming, but to hear : tell, it would seem to define his whole career. Imagine if opera fans : overlooked all Placido Domingo had sung because of that one sour note he : hit back in '97 at La Scala. 話說回來,A-Rod生涯裡確實有幾個打得很鳥的季後賽系列。 其中之一就是2004年對紅襪隊那個系列,就是沒品想拍掉對手的球那次。 這雖是一個不智也不恰當的動作,但你看看,這事被鞭到已經快成了他的生涯總評了。 想想看,如果一位歌劇迷,只因多明哥在西元1997年史卡拉歌劇院裡唱走一個音, 就全盤忽略他一生的音樂成就的話!? : And finally, A-Rod has his foil, Derek Jeter, the sainted Yankees : shortstop. It ain't easy playing alongside the George Clooney of sport. : Everybody who hates the Yankees tells themselves they are really : sportsmen, dear hearts, because they do admire Derek Jeter. Then they : take it out even more on Rodriguez! 最後,A-Rod也常被拿來和洋基隊看板游擊手Jeter來比較, 畢竟要和棒球界的喬治‧克隆尼一起打球,可不是件容易的事。 討厭洋基隊的人都會說他們是真正的運動員,且都是帥哥,只因他們欣賞Jeter。 現在這種球隊看板的壓力在A-Rod身上更加明顯。 : Poor A-Rod. No, he doesn't have Jeter's charm, but he appears to be a : good husband and father, of moderate demeanor. Well, my goodness : gracious, he does like to play poker for money, but no one has ever : whispered that he's taken steroids. And he is what he is, the best : baseball player in the world. 可憐的A-Rod......。 他其實並沒有Jeter那種魅力,他比較像是一個穩穩當當的好丈夫或好爸爸。 好吧,我知道他確實喜歡撲克牌賭點錢,但最起碼沒人說他服用禁藥吧! 他就是他,全世界最好的棒球員。 : Can't we give the kid a break? I say let's start the season with three : cheers for Alex Rodriguez. 難道不能給A-Rod一點喘息空間嗎? 我建議不如讓他在新球季裡多點溫暖如何? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/06 18:14, , 1F
04/06 18:14, 1F

04/06 18:16, , 2F
04/06 18:16, 2F

04/06 20:39, , 3F
04/06 20:39, 3F

04/06 22:11, , 4F
推 A-Rod比較像是一個穩穩當當的好丈夫或好爸爸~~
04/06 22:11, 4F

04/06 22:12, , 5F
他的守備也是穩穩當當的唷 比較不會耍花招~
04/06 22:12, 5F

04/06 22:12, , 6F
04/06 22:12, 6F

04/06 23:02, , 7F
04/06 23:02, 7F

04/07 02:17, , 8F
推阿!!雖然我比較喜歡Jeter, 但A-ROD我也超愛阿!!!!GO!
04/07 02:17, 8F

04/07 10:48, , 9F
04/07 10:48, 9F

04/07 15:18, , 10F
硬要說喜歡誰...還真難選.....那我選Pettitte好了 XD
04/07 15:18, 10F

04/07 23:34, , 11F
推~~~~ 不過我兩個都喜歡耶~~~只是更愛Rivera.-_-||
04/07 23:34, 11F

04/08 00:00, , 12F
推一個 很中肯
04/08 00:00, 12F

04/08 04:19, , 13F
04/08 04:19, 13F

04/10 12:24, , 14F
04/10 12:24, 14F

04/10 12:25, , 15F
04/10 12:25, 15F
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