[情報] Jarmila Groth推特update

看板AUS_Tennis作者 (Sammy, Sammy, Oi, Oi!)時間14年前 (2010/11/02 23:05), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
http://twitter.com/Jarka_Groth 1round is behind me,I won 62 63 glad to be done and look forward to next round tomorrow let's hope for another great day in taipei:) about 7 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® 我贏了第一輪 比數62 63我很高興也很期待明天第二輪的比賽 希望明天同樣是在台北的另 外一個好日子:) @Arndt67 they have some rice sandwiches but also I haven't been looking as much :) about 5 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to Arndt67 他們有一些米飯三明治(??飯團嗎?) 不過我並沒有花太多時間去找(吃的):) I am 2match after 1pm tomorrow. Would love some support:) thank you for support today :) have a good night all about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® 我將打明天下午一點後的第二場比賽 我很樂意得到一些支持:) 謝謝你們今天的支持:) 晚安各位 @tima2502 I had only that hot pod where you choose what you wanna cook in it. Not sure what is called 37 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to tima2502 我只有一個鍋子 你可以選擇你想要在裡面煮什麼 我不確定它的名字是啥(小火鍋?) ....看外國人在台灣的遊記還蠻有趣的:P 我會一直update到她離開台灣為止:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: modjo 來自: (11/02 23:06)

11/02 23:12, , 1F
11/02 23:12, 1F

11/02 23:15, , 2F
11/02 23:15, 2F

11/02 23:17, , 3F
原來是你!XD jerry0913112大在哪裡遇到的?她本人如何?
11/02 23:17, 3F

11/02 23:52, , 4F
好酷喔 一樓沒去跟他要簽名嗎XD
11/02 23:52, 4F

11/03 15:17, , 5F
他昨天是吃御飯團啦 昨天molik跟Tana也有吃 XD
11/03 15:17, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Cq2YWs8 (AUS_Tennis)