Re: [出租] 倫敦一區Waterloo單人房轉讓

看板AdvEduUK作者 (心寒兒)時間13年前 (2011/09/19 22:24), 編輯推噓1(102)
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由於原先要租的人無法同意承租六個月以上 所以這個房間又要重新開放出租了 有興趣者承租六個月以上者 請直接連絡 Jack: or 07946248757 Angie: or 07904337604 如果對於房間有問題可以問我 但我已經離開倫敦了 所以安排看房子請找Jack跟Angie囉 ※ 引述《heartcoldly (心寒兒)》之銘言: : 由於我臨時要離開倫敦,現在我的房間要租給新的有緣人 : 房子與環境的詳細情況附在下面,我也大概介紹一下: : 地點:Waterloo tube station走路約3~5分鐘 : 總共四個房間,有共用廚房跟衛浴 : 要出租的房間算是寬敞,有一張雙人床, : 很大的衣櫃,去年才買的五層drawer,還有書桌。 : 有窗戶,光線跟通風都很好。 : 交通方面有搭地鐵從Waterloo出發非常方便, : 另外有30班以上的公車路線可以到四面八方, : 生活機能非常好! : 室友我也要強烈推薦, : 一個新加坡女生,一個中國女生,和一個中國男生, : 三個人都在工作,生活作息都很正常。 : 在家裡你要說英文或說中文都很方便溝通, : 他們人都很友善,跟他們一起住可以很放心很自在。 : 詳細的資訊我貼在下面, : 有興趣的人可以看看了解一下。 : 聯絡方式: : Jack, or 07946248757 : Angie: or 07904337604 : 若是有問題也可以寄站內信給我 : 我很樂意回答你們的問題。 : 但我很快就離開倫敦了, : 所以跟上面兩個人聯絡會比較有效率~ : Subject: To let 1 double room in a 4-room flat in Waterloo for 150 per week, : available from 9th Sep : The flat has 4 furnished bedrooms, a kitchen, an attic, and a bathroom. : Currently three LBS alumni live here, one male, two female, with no overlap : in life schedules, as we work in three different areas of finance. : Location: 3rd floor, 69 Stamford Street, SE1 9NB. 7-minute walk to waterloo : tube station, where Bakerloo, Jubilee, Northern, and Waterloo and City line : cross - you won’t have to miss any travel because of a tube fault. It’s : also superbly convenient to take trains from the Waterloo Station, as you : might travel around the UK. It’s very close to the City, and one of our : flatmates commutes by walking! : Location on map:,-0.109284&spn=0.006478,0.02105&sll=37.160317,-95.712891&sspn=33.73473,86.220703&vpsrc=6&z=16 : Furniture: In the bedroom, there’s a double bed, white wardrobe, a desk : with a swivel chair. View of South End is just outside the window. For the : flat, there’s everything you need, whether British or Asian, in the kitchen. : Neighbourhood: South End of London. Can enjoy Thames River and London Eye by : 5-minute walk. Sainsbury is nearby. Marks&Spencer is just in the station. : Also within 5-min walk, IMAX, Royal Festival Hall, National Theatre, and : Royal Albert Hall are here for you to enjoy. : Internet: already installed with high capacity every month. : Rent: 150 per week, not including bills : Availability: from 9th Sep, letting for over 6months is preferred. : Who we are looking for: non-smoking male/female student/professionals please : It’s not easy to find any more flat with such a reasonable rent at such a : central location. Hurry up! : Contact for viewing: Jack, or 07946248757 : Angie: or 07904337604 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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