Re: [情報] 再見了,ㄎ龍

看板Angels作者 (Massachusetts)時間17年前 (2007/07/27 19:09), 編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 4人參與, 最新討論串9/10 (看更多)
Today's Under The Knife. There's an easy joke any time you get Bartolo Colon in the same sentence with "posterior," but no one in Anaheim is laughing about Colon's latest injury. Colon has a posterior impingement in his pitching elbow, a term you're probably not familiar with. Posterior olecranon impingement is normally an injury caused by hyperextension trauma, where there is now pain, swelling, and what's called "pseudo-locking" in the elbow joint. Pseudo-locking means that the elbow feels like it's locking before it's actually at full extension, reducing the range of motion. The solution is almost always surgical, usually a scoping of the elbow to remove bone chips and/or spurs, arthritic changes, and--you'll love this--fat pad hypertrophy. While Colon should be able to come back, it's unlikely that he'll be able to do so this year. While the injury does sometimes respond to non-surgical treatment, it almost always recurs. It appears that Colon's elbow was compromised by altered mechanics after his return from his shoulder injury. Even though he came back more quickly than other pitchers with similar injuries, Colon had a price to pay that's now been posted. 帶傷硬幹一年半,弄出新的傷來,到底要為他的氣魄感動還是要罵他智障呢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/27 19:17, , 1F
該不會是拿到CY後就開始痛痛了吧 ~_~
07/27 19:17, 1F

07/28 01:15, , 2F
07/28 01:15, 2F

07/28 02:58, , 3F
07/28 02:58, 3F

07/28 07:11, , 4F
07/28 07:11, 4F

07/28 07:12, , 5F
07/28 07:12, 5F

07/28 07:13, , 6F
07/28 07:13, 6F

07/28 08:24, , 7F
07/28 08:24, 7F
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