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看板Aries作者 (愛睏的眠羊)時間11年前 (2013/03/06 00:03), 編輯推噓5(500)
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http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Things in the love department may be looking up for you, Aries, but beware that you aren't getting pushed around. Your partner could feel the need for more freedom in the relationship, while you're hoping to find more commitment. Take it one day at a time. Don't get ahead of yourself by projecting scenarios that may not come to fruition. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment. 羊羊們的愛情股市開盤狀況似乎是看漲! 但要注意你是不是變得咄咄逼人呢?也許你正 希望得到更多承諾,但你的另一半卻感覺到在這段關係中,需要多一點自由。一天只嘗試 一小步就好,別在還沒準備好的情況下,就急著去假設那些尚未發生的事情,否則只會讓 自己大失所望喔~ http://0rz.tw/0HFO1 Try to slow down today — things aren’t going your way, but speeding through this phase just makes it all worse for you. Someone close needs you to explain something, so focus on that. 今天你要放輕鬆~事情有點超乎預期,而且不是好的那種,若妄想速成,只會把狀況搞得 更糟。某個親近的人需要你幫忙解釋一些事情,專心在這份工作上。 There will be quite a few opportunities to have fun today, but one of them might require you to have fun at someone else’s expense. You will get no joy knowing that someone else is missing out, so make sure you know the political circumstances of any new activities before you join in on them. Choose wisely. If you take advantage of other people, you’ll end up being the person who feels used. Stand up for the people who might not be strong enough to stand up by themselves. 今天有很多玩樂的機會,但其中一種的玩樂法,是把快樂建立在別人的痛苦上。如果知道 某個人被忽略,你會一點都開心不起來,所以在加入任何新活動前,確保你了解這活動的 組織政治。想清楚再決定。 如果今天你利用別人,明天被利用的人就是你。為那些無法捍衛自己的弱勢族群發聲! http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ Claire You’ve been stressed but I can see you’re getting back in control now. Money problems begin to get sorted out now and a new start is indicated, just on a day you didn’t expect this week. 克萊兒: 雖然你一直覺得很緊張,但事情已經慢慢回到掌控之中。本周你沒有如此預期,但這一天 財務問題已經逐漸理出頭緒,並展開新的一頁。 Frank Today is emotionally powered by influential alliances that support your secret wishes. By tonight, these relationships supply conviction, intensity and stable direction.. 法蘭克: 今天支持你秘密願望的親友聯盟將會全力為你的情緒充電。這些緊密的關係會提供你信念 、強韌與穩定的方向直到今晚 ------------ 如果有翻譯錯誤或問題 歡迎提出~ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/06 02:01, , 1F
03/06 02:01, 1F

03/06 04:28, , 2F
03/06 04:28, 2F

03/06 15:57, , 3F
03/06 15:57, 3F

03/06 17:59, , 4F
03/06 17:59, 4F

03/06 18:22, , 5F
03/06 18:22, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1HDXTedp (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1HDXTedp (Aries)