[情報] 3/29英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (愛睏的眠羊)時間11年前 (2013/03/28 21:26), 編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Go to an art museum, Aries. Your mind and heart are working in conjunction with each other, and you're apt to be especially receptive to elements of our world that fuse these two together. Make an evening out of the event, and be sure to take a good friend or romantic partner. Have a good meal, and don't forget dessert. Appreciate the world for all its natural wonder. 去美術館逛逛吧,羊兒們。你的腦與心正是互相契合的時候,因此你會更容易接受這個世 界上種種混合心與腦的藝術元素。好好規畫你的夜晚,帶上一個好朋友或浪漫的情人,吃 上一頓好料,別忘了加點甜點。盡情欣賞這世界所有渾然天成的奇景。 http://0rz.tw/0HFO1 You are moving more slowly through your tasks and social obligations than you would like — but there’s no rushing this time around! Try to make sure that you’re on top of your to-do list. 你的工作和社會責任的進展速度,都比原本預期的慢嗎?其實現在真的不用急,只要確定 你待辦事項中的第一名是自己就行了。 Someone who is known for being unusually introverted is going to surprise you today when they burst out of their shell and stir up some exciting ideas. Get involved with what they have got going on — after all, if it has created such a dramatic transformation in their life, it must be something worth pursuing. Things are changing in their life, and you are an inspiration for some of that change. This is your chance to be someone’s personal cheerleader. Get out there and give them a hand 某些感覺極度內向的人今天會讓你大吃一驚,他們將敞開心房,提出令人振奮的創意。別 忘了在他們的計畫中參一咖,畢竟能讓他們的性格有如此劇烈改變的東西,一定很值得追 求。 他們的生命正在改變,而你是激發這場改變的人之一。現在是你成為某人的私人啦啦隊的 機會,去給他們加加油吧! http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ Claire Fear is an invisible force. If it controls you, you’ll never feel freedom. This is your life, so make the effort to pay attention to detail today. Taking charge can change history my friend. 克萊兒: 恐懼是一股看不見的力量,如果讓它控制了你,你將永遠無法自由。這是你的人生,所以 盡你所能地確認大小細節。只要你能掌握,歷史將會改變。 Frank Taking a guess at something could lead to you misjudging something, so take an honest look at everything before committing. Don’t push past your limits. Be realistic. 法蘭克: 在猜是什麼東西會導致你誤判情勢嗎?建議你乖乖地確認過所有的東西再下判斷。別把自 己推出極限,實際一點。 --- 工作進展的確不太如預期啊ˊ∀ˋ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/28 21:41, , 1F
Claire講的真是有刺到心臟 感謝熱心翻譯^^
03/28 21:41, 1F

03/28 21:53, , 2F
03/28 21:53, 2F

03/28 23:11, , 3F
03/28 23:11, 3F

03/28 23:11, , 4F
03/28 23:11, 4F

03/28 23:34, , 5F
03/28 23:34, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1HL4JtQG (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1HL4JtQG (Aries)