[情報] 05/19 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間9年前 (2015/05/18 22:00), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
http://goo.gl/uBDDge Making a sacrifice doesn't have to feel like a loss... keep that fact in mind today when someone asks you to give something up for their sake. This small gesture on your part could make a huge difference for this other person, and could earn you immense (and long-lasting) brownie points. You might even be grateful for the opportunity to do this -- it's up to you whether or not you let this fact be known, though. But even if it isn't ideal, you should do it. 犧牲並不一定要感覺像個損失一樣啊...當今天有人要你為了他們放棄某些東西時,把這 點記在心中。你的這個小手勢對其他人可是大大的不同,並且可能使你獲得更大(又持久) 的印象分數。你甚至可能會很高興有機會這樣做 -- 不過這取決於你是否要讓這個事實變 成已知。但即使這不怎麼理想,你還是該這樣做。 http://goo.gl/RlgH4Q Claire: You’ve come so far since the drama which threw your life out of sync. If you look around you, then you’ll see that you’re back to normal. It’s only other people who can’t let it go. 克萊兒: 自從那戲劇打亂你生活步調以來,你還是走了這麼遠。如果你看看自己四週,你將會看到 你又回到了平常生活中。只有其他人才沒辦法這樣let it go呢。 http://goo.gl/dpUQuC Frank: If you feel everything is getting on top of you today, you need to make a conscious effort to withdraw from everything and everyone, until you can get yourself back to a level playing field. Let partners and close friends make the decisions for once. You sit back and let them run the show. 法蘭克: 如果你覺得今天每件事情都跑到你頭頂上來了,你就必須要有自覺地從每件事和每個人中 撤出,直到你讓自己回到一個公平競爭的環境下。這次就讓伴侶和親近友人做決定吧,你 就坐下來並讓他們去執行演出。 ---- 藥吃完了再去診所報到一次,醫生說這次藥吃完應該就會好了!!! 等完全好了我一定要先去吃雞排!!!!! (欸 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1431957647.A.CCE.html

05/18 22:20, , 1F
05/18 22:20, 1F

05/18 22:42, , 2F
05/18 22:42, 2F

05/19 01:06, , 3F
祝 康復後吃雞排 (?)
05/19 01:06, 3F

05/19 06:27, , 4F
05/19 06:27, 4F

05/20 00:56, , 5F
05/20 00:56, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1LMV2FpE (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1LMV2FpE (Aries)