[情報] 08/20 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間8年前 (2016/08/19 17:58), 編輯推噓11(1101)
留言12則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://goo.gl/7AAkod Astrology.com Bringing your visions into reality is going to be quite easy today -- you've got the creativity, you've got the time, and you've got the support of a heck of a lot of people. It's time to stop looking behind you and wondering what went wrong. Instead, look ahead and see what is possible. Your negative thinking and worrying has done more to hold you back than anything else has, so have faith in yourself. You can do whatever you want to, and you can do it well. 今天(08/20)如果想要將想像化成現實,對你來說是件容易的事 - 你的想像力充足、時間也夠、而且你背後有超多人在支持著你呀! 是時候停止回頭看過去一直想到曾經做錯過些什麼;反而應該向前看看那些可能的事。 以前你的負面思考已經扯你後腿太久太多次了,要對自己有信心一點; 小羊兒,你能做自己想做的事!而且你會做得很好! http://goo.gl/4AD6LV Astrocenter.com Find new ways to expand your horizons, Aries. The web has an infinite number of resources and information to explore. Not only that, but your community and local colleges offer various courses to choose from. Think about what you'd enjoy learning - perhaps a new job skill or craft. Whether it's judo or Italian or woodworking that strikes your fancy, it's out there. Find it. 試試看做些可以伸展技術水平的事,你的學習網有許多資源與訊息可以探索; 不只這樣,你的社區或鄰近的學校都有許多課程可以選擇。 想想看你對學習什麼有興趣 - 新的工作技能或是手工藝術、從柔道、義大利文或木工… 一定有些是你會想學的,去試試吧。 http://goo.gl/aMrZ77 Claire's You begin to mix with new and inspirational faces who can give you the courage you need to make life interesting again. Try not to contact that person from your past who you know will bring you down. 你的生命開始有些新面孔、而且他們很能鼓舞人心,提醒你要把生命再次過得精采; 所以要努力別再去聯絡以前那些你知道一定會讓你失望的對象。 -- 真的不要去想或去看以前那些會讓人沮喪的對象… -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1471600683.A.8C0.html

08/19 19:21, , 1F
08/19 19:21, 1F

08/19 19:21, , 2F
08/19 19:21, 2F

08/19 19:37, , 3F
剛失戀QQ 好難不去想那些會讓人沮喪的對象...
08/19 19:37, 3F

08/19 19:37, , 4F
嗯嗯 停止回頭,努力向前!
08/19 19:37, 4F

08/19 20:33, , 5F
08/19 20:33, 5F

08/19 22:03, , 6F
08/19 22:03, 6F

08/19 23:01, , 7F
太準了啊! 最近真的忍不住聯絡了 之後要好好忍住
08/19 23:01, 7F

08/19 23:03, , 8F
08/19 23:03, 8F

08/20 03:15, , 9F
最後一段也太有感哈哈 感謝翻譯
08/20 03:15, 9F

08/20 06:04, , 10F
08/20 06:04, 10F

08/20 07:23, , 11F
都被封鎖了 也聯絡不了
08/20 07:23, 11F

08/20 11:32, , 12F
08/20 11:32, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1NjjWhZ0 (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1NjjWhZ0 (Aries)