Re: Matt Holliday來了!

看板Athletics作者 (在報告中脫穎而出!!)時間16年前 (2008/11/11 06:24), 編輯推噓13(1308)
留言21則, 11人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
According to Tim Brown of Yahoo! Sports, the A's have traded Carlos Gonzalez, Greg Smith, and Huston Street for Colorado left fielder Matt Holiday. Holiday is owed 13.5 million in '09 and then would stand to become a free agent, barring a contract extension. His agent is Scott Boras. Huston Street is arb-eligible and has two remaining years of contractual control; Greg Smith has five remaining years of team control, and CarGon has six. 好像是用Cargo, Street, Smith來換的 可是athletics nation的鄉民都不太開心的樣子 因為Holiday明年結束就是FA了 而且他的經紀人是 $cott Boras 我個人是滿喜歡Holiday的 我們也很久沒有強力右打了 可是Cargo是用Haren換來的 這樣就走了真的滿可惜的... ※ 引述《Sindush (60-day Disabled List)》之銘言: : : Although the package coming back to Colorado has yet to be determined, it's : believed that pitcher Greg Smith was one of the players under discussion, as : was left-handed pitcher Brett Anderson. : 不過不知道還會有誰跟著出去就是了.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/11 06:49, , 1F
ANers are pretty happy if only those three are involved
11/11 06:49, 1F

11/11 06:51, , 2F
they freaked out a bit when B. Anderson was mentioned
11/11 06:51, 2F

11/11 07:04, , 3F
People were pretty freaked out in the post of
11/11 07:04, 3F

11/11 07:07, , 4F
by the first sources that talked about Cargo but I
11/11 07:07, 4F

11/11 07:08, , 5F
think people are accepting this now, so am I ^^
11/11 07:08, 5F

11/11 07:19, , 6F
I'm gonna miss Greg's pickoffs thats all...~
11/11 07:19, 6F

11/11 08:09, , 7F
11/11 08:09, 7F

11/11 08:49, , 8F
11/11 08:49, 8F

11/11 09:35, , 9F
11/11 09:35, 9F

11/11 09:41, , 10F
之前傳聞小市場願意只用一年果然是綠帽 XD
11/11 09:41, 10F

11/11 09:42, , 11F
11/11 09:42, 11F

11/11 09:50, , 12F
出太多了吧!!!為什麼要用到 Car-Go???
11/11 09:50, 12F

11/11 10:12, , 13F
11/11 10:12, 13F

11/11 10:40, , 14F
11/11 10:40, 14F

11/11 11:05, , 15F
11/11 11:05, 15F

11/11 12:57, , 16F
11/11 12:57, 16F

11/11 13:14, , 17F
Giambi價錢合理其實也是可以找來DH Cust LF
11/11 13:14, 17F

11/11 13:14, , 18F
如果Barton還是鳥蛋 明年拼季後賽他不會有那麼多打席
11/11 13:14, 18F

11/11 13:51, , 19F
11/11 13:51, 19F

11/12 00:20, , 20F
11/12 00:20, 20F

11/12 00:49, , 21F
11/12 00:49, 21F
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