[外電] A preseason primer on the Trail Blazers

看板BLAZERS作者時間16年前 (2008/10/17 16:01), 編輯推噓15(1503)
留言18則, 17人參與, 5年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
From:http://tinyurl.com/4vqpp6 As we head into the final stretch of the Trail Blazers' preseason, here's a look at who is excelling, who is a disappointing and one take on how Greg Oden has looked in his much anticipated rookie season. After four of the team's seven exhibition games, beat writer Jason Quick gets you up to speed on the Blazers as they inch closer to the Oct. 28 season opener at the Lakers. 當我們準備進入拓荒者季前賽的最後階段,現在要來回顧一下誰是突出的,誰讓人覺得失 望,以及Oden如何看待他令人期待的新秀年。再經過四場的季前賽,讓名作家Jason Quick 帶來你了解即將在28號開季面對湖人的拓荒者。 THE BEST IN SHOW Brandon Roy 最耀眼的人; Brandon Roy Just when I think I can't be impressed any more by this kid, he tops himself. Remember, Blazer fan, how you felt on Aug. 14, when Roy underwent arthroscopic knee surgery? Talk about unnecessary stress. The guy has been flat out amazing, from Day One of training camp. His game right now is so smooth, so confident and so pure that it translates into a palpable nastiness. It's almost as if his game now carries this aura of an Assassin. Roy is oozing confidence and I think more and more people are finding out there's a grit and toughness to him. 當我還想著這孩子應該沒辦法再讓我印象更深刻時,他又超越了自我。還記得拓荒者的球 迷在八月中聽到Roy要動手術的感覺嗎?聊聊這不必要的擔心,Roy在訓練營的第一天又讓 人驚艷。他的表現還是一樣流暢,同樣有自信,平息了所有人的擔心。他的比賽有種殺手 的氣息,而Roy也流露出自信,我想更多人會發現他的努力。 I mean, this town was downright concerned/depressed when his surgery was announced. There was question whether he would be ready for opening night. Not only is he back and ready, he is better than ever. Decidedly better 我想,在他宣布要動手術時,整個鎮都很關心也失落。存在一個問題: 他是否能不能在開 季前準備好?現在不只是他回來了,還比以前更好。絕對更好。 I distinctly remember my first vision of Roy this training camp - the team was scrimmaging for the first time and Roy was guarding Travis Outlaw. As Outlaw drove right across the lane and elevated near the free throw line, Roy outstretched and blocked Outlaw's shot. It was the same type of in-your-jock, totally-in-control defense that produced Roy's game-winning block of Carmelo Anthony last season during The Streak. 我直覺回想到我第一次在訓練營看到Roy,是Roy在練習賽時負責防守Outlaw。當Outlaw往 右邊移動,並準備再罰球線拔起跳投時,Roy伸出他的手,賞了Outlaw一鍋。就像上個賽 季對金塊時,一個致勝的火鍋打在Carmelo Anthony身上一樣。 But I really became convinced in Kansas City, when I watched Roy play against Atlanta in their third exhibition game. For long stretches, Roy went against Atlanta's Joe Johnson. For some reason, Johnson brings out the best in Roy. Remember last January, when the game was tied 93-93 with 33.3 seconds left? With Roy dogging him the whole way, Johnson handled the ball for 23 seconds of the 24-second shot clock, repeatedly trying to penetrate, jab step and find some sort of opening. He never found one, eventually having to launch a 21-footer that airballed. 但我在Kansas看對老鷹的季前賽時,更加確信了。長期下來,Roy都負責守Joe Johnson, 而一些原因讓Roy佔了Joe Johnson一些上風。還記得去年一月,當比賽剩33秒維持僵局的 狀況嗎?當Roy一直死跟著他,讓Joe Johnson花了24秒進攻時間內的23秒在處理球,最後 以麵包收場。 "That defensive hold he had on Joe was as beautiful of thing I have seen,'' coach Nate McMillan said after the game. "Just watching it from behind ... it was beautiful to see. Joe couldn't go anywhere.'' "他防守Joe Johnson的這一幕,是我看過最猛的事情。你從後面看過去,這非常猛,Joe 根本無法過去。" McMillan在比賽後說。 Last week, it was apparent Johnson wanted some revenge. He went right at Roy, in what often looked like an attempt to bully/overpower him. But Roy has added some bulk this season - just take a look at his biceps and shoulders - and he was able to constantly hold his ground. One memorable play saw Johnson lower his shoulder into Roy in an attempt to clear space before elevating for a mid-range jumper. Roy absorbed the initial blow, and as Johnson elevated, Roy maintained his position and slapped the ball out of Johnson's hands as he elevated. As the Blazers converted the fast break, Roy proudly stood in place, almost puffing his chest out. It's probably the most bravado/showmanship you will ever see out of Roy, but it's yet another sign of his growing confidence. 上個禮拜,明顯的Johnson想要來點報仇。他朝著Roy過去,似乎很像平常一樣享用力量來 壓過他。但Roy暑假多了些肌肉 - 從他的二頭肌和肩膀看得出來 - 讓他能夠穩住他的重 心。一個記憶猶新的動作是,Johnson將他的肩膀向Roy壓低,並想要清出空間來個中距離 跳投。Roy承受住了這個力量,當Johnson拔起時,Roy維持住他的位置並把球從Johnson的 手上拍掉。接著就轉換成拓荒者的一個快攻,Roy很得意的站在原地,呼口氣振奮了一下 。這幾乎是很難得看到Roy會做出這樣有秀味的動作,但這確實是另外一個代表他的自信 的象徵。 Roy also changed that game from an offensive standpoint. The Blazers took control in the third quarter when Roy began to work a two-man game with LaMarcus Aldridge. It was pick-and-roll perfection, and the two stars played brilliantly off each other. In particular, Roy's stop-on-a-dime, cross-over pull back jumper is a thing of beauty. Keep an eye on this - I think it has progressed to the point where it has become his signature move. Roy的進攻也影響著比賽,拓荒者靠著Roy和Aldridge這兩個人掌控了第三節的比賽。檔切 很完美,這兩位明星互相較勁。特別是,Roy的即停跳投,過人後仰跳投都是很漂亮的動 作。繼續觀察這點,我想這會是他之後的招牌之一。 While his physical skills seem to be blossoming, Roy's mental outlook has become a powerful thing. As we all know by now, he is extremely mature and level headed, but what's new this season is an understanding of his place. Of the Blazers' emerging Big Three (Roy, Aldridge, Oden), only Roy seems comfortable embracing his emerging stardom. He isn't distasteful or cocky about it, but he is sure he belongs and confident enough to throw his weight around the locker room. I really like his aura right now. 當他身體上的技巧綻放時,Roy的心智同樣具有影響力。就像我們目前知道的,他很成熟 ,也是個出色的人,但在新賽季不同的是他了解到他的地位。在三核心中,只有Roy很自 然的去接受他成為巨星的事實。他並不討厭這點,但他確信他屬於並有自信成為更衣室中 有份量的人。我很喜歡他現在的氣質與光環。 THE SLEEPING GIANT LaMarcus Aldridge. 沉睡的巨人: LaMarcus Aldridge Easily the second most impressive player in camp. As always, Aldridge is in great shape. And more so than last season, Aldridge is confident, to the point where it almost seems like he's on a mission to prove he's an elite player. 很簡單,第二名在訓練營令人印象深刻的人。和往常一樣,Aldridge的狀況很好。比去年 更棒的是,Aldridge很有自信,更直接的說,他似乎知道他的任務就是證明他是個天才球 員。 He was the barometer for which everyone judged themselves early in camp, and he continues to set the example of dedication by staying after every practice to work on his craft. His 15-to-17 foot jumper is money, and he has dabbled inside, although I still think he could go inside more. 他總是在訓練營時被大家拿來當作評量自己的工具,而他也在每次練習後又留下來練習自 己的東西,持續維持一個努力不懈的良好典範。他15到17英尺的射程是很好的本錢,另外 他也能偶而去禁區串門子,雖然我很希望他能在多往裡面打一些。 Plus, in an unrelated manner, he's joined the club in warming up to the Portland media. He was never rude or abrasive, but he wasn't exactly the easiest guy on the team to saddle up to for a conversation. I think I speak for all of us in the media in saying that. But this year, he's a dream. He's funny, engaging and thoughtful. He says he is making a conscious effort to be better with the media. I don't know why, but I think it will benefit fans, who will find him intelligent, funny and classy. 加上,不同的風格,他加入接受波特蘭媒體訪問的行列。他從來不會粗魯,但他也的確不 是隊上那種很會處理訪問的人。I think I speak for all of us in the media in saying that. 但今年,他進步了,他很有趣,很投入,也很有想法。他說他想用點心在 如何更佳的面對媒體。我不知道為什麼他要這樣,但我想這對球迷是好事,球迷會發現他 的智慧,幽默又有高雅。 THE SURPRISE Nicolas Batum 大驚奇: Nicolas Batum After watching him in the Las Vegas Summer League there is no way in the name of Ha Seung Jin I thought this kid would even make a blip on the radar screen this year. In a word, he was raw. Now, it looks like the kid might break the rotation at small forward. He's been that good. 在看完他下繼聯盟的表現之後,只有一個名字浮現在我腦中,河昇鎮,這小子今年恐怕毫 不起眼。一句話,他還太嫩。現在,看起來這小子要打破小前鋒的輪替陣容,他就是這麼 棒。 He's one of those guys who has a knack for getting his hands on the ball. He tips passes, he blocks shots, he gets offensive rebounds. On offense, he's extremely unselfish and runs the floor very well. While he is doing all of this, he makes it look easy. Smooth. If there was a "Hello, NBA, I'm here" moment, it was on Sunday when he blocked Utah's Andrei Kirilenko on a drive. 他是那些總是有辦法用他的手碰到球的球員。他會傳球,會巴鍋,可以搶進攻籃板。在進 攻方面,他非常無私,在場上的跑動也很出色。當他做這些動作時,看起來是很輕鬆的。 流暢!如果需要證明他是屬於NBA等級的畫面,那就是禮拜天他賞了爵士隊的Andrei Kirilenko一個火鍋。 THE GUY WHO MAKES YOU GO HMMMM... Greg Oden There's no question he will be factor, and that he drastically changes and improves the Blazers. But I've got to be honest: I was expecting to be a little more impressed. After hearing the reviews from the likes of Roy, Steve Blake, Channing Frye, Kevin Pritchard, Nate McMillan, Chad Buchanan ... I thought Oden would be crushing the likes of Ronny Turiaf and Mikki Moore like 16-ounce Pabst tall boys. I thought there would be thunderous follow-dunks, blocks ending up in row 8, and elbow-flying rebounds. 毫無疑問的他會是個關鍵,他也會徹底的改變以及補強拓荒者。但我必須誠實的說,我有 一點點小失望。在聽到Roy, Steve Blake, Channing Frye, Kevin Pritchard, Nate McMillan, Chad Buchanan等人所描述的之後,我總認為Oden會是能輕鬆幹掉Ronny Turiaf 和Mikki Moore,我認為他會有驚天動地的灌籃,火鍋和籃板。 But quite honestly, he has looked a little awkward, a lot out of shape and rather nondescript out there. Look, I understand all that stuff about him being out for a year, and that teams are coming at him and that he is still out of shape ... and I understand there is obvious, unmistakable indications that he will at some point dominate. I was just led to believe it would be a little more obvious to see right now. 但必須誠實點,他看起來有點笨拙,還沒進入到狀況。恩,我了解到他已經一年沒打球了 ,而各支球隊都瞄準他,偏偏他還沒準備好。我知道很明顯也確定的他在某些地方是具有 統治力的,不過我只是認為現在這時候應該能展現得更明顯一些才對。 Clearly, when he gets the ball down low, it's lights out. He certainly knows how to dunk with force and how to clear people out of the way. But his jump hook looks very rough and forced and he is lumbering up the court much more than I thought he would be at this point. 當然,當他在低位拿到球時,就準備得分了。他很明白得知道如何利用力量來灌籃,並清 除擋路的其他人。但他的勾射還是粗糙,而讓他在場上看起來比我想像中的來得吃力。 At the beginning of camp, I guessed Oden would average 16 points, 11 rebounds and three blocks a game. Today, I would say 11 points, 9 rebounds and 2.5 blocks. All that being said, I will stick to my prediction: Oden will make the All-Star team this season and be Rookie of the Year. 在訓練營一開始時,我猜Oden平均會是16分,11籃板,3火鍋。今天,我得換一下,11分 ,9籃板,2.5火鍋。除了這些,我還是會堅持我的預測,Oden會打進明星隊,並得到最佳 新人獎。 THE BIGGEST DEVELOPMENT Martell Webster's foot surgery. Expected to be the starting small forward, Webster went out with a stress fracture in his left foot after a solid outing in the preseason opener. He later had a screw inserted and will be out until mid-December. 被預估是先發的小前鋒,Webster卻在季前賽第一場傑出的表現之後因為壓迫性骨折掛彩 了,之後就被植入一個要到12月中才能取出的鋼釘。 I have mixed feelings about this. If there was a starter to become injured, I think Martell was the best-case scenario for the Blazers because it opens the door for Rudy Fernandez to play more, if not start. And truthfully, I think for this team to realize it's potential, Fernandez needs to both start and play heavy minutes. He's just too special. 我對這件事有種複雜的想法,如果得有個先發受傷的話,我想Webster受傷是對拓荒者最 好的狀況,因為這樣可以給Rudy更多時間的上場。認真的,我認為也讓這支球隊發覺自己 的潛力,Rudy需要先發和很多的上場時間,他太特別了。 At the same time, I really liked the prospects of what we thought the second-unit would be: Sergio/Bayless at point; Rudy at shooting guard; Travis Outlaw at small forward; Channing Frye at power forward and Joel Przybilla at center. 同時,我也很期待我們的替補陣容,控衛:Sergio/Bayless,得分後衛:Rudy,小前鋒 :Outlaw,大前鋒:Frye,中鋒:Przybilla。 I fully expect the opening night starting lineup against the Lakers to be Blake, Fernandez, Roy, Aldridge and Oden. I like that lineup. 我也很期待對抗湖人的陣容會是: Blake, Fernandez, Roy, Aldridge 和 Oden. 我喜歡 這個陣容。 Still, I was really curious to see what Martell was going to bring this season. I haven't made up my mind yet on how good he is, or can be. I don't think anyone, even Martell, knows. He certainly has incredible upside. I would pay to watch his jump shot. I think he will still have 60 some games to show that, but it definitely won't be the same as if he started from jump. 不過,我還是很好奇Webster這一技能進步到什麼地步,我不確定他會多好,我也認為沒 有人包括Webster知道答案。他確實有潛力,我會注意看他的跳投,我想他應該還有60多 場的比賽可以表現,但 LIVING UP TO THE HYPE Rudy Fernandez. Some people in the media beat up Blazers general manager Kevin Pritchard for raving about Rudy Fernandez when he arrived. Funny how their tune has changed now. 有些人在媒體上擔心KP在Rudy到來的時候太捧他了,但有趣的是,現在這些人的看法都變 了。 The 6-foot-6 guard has been everything Pritchard promised, and more. I'm not going to say he is a fan favorite (Roy has a pretty solid hold there), but Rudy has definitely electrified the Rose Garden with his flashy passes, soaring alley-oops, and fervent overall play. Some turnovers will accompany that flash-and-dash, but that's OK. And I think McMillan understands and accepts that. 6呎6的後衛正如KP掛保證的一樣,甚至更好。我不打算說他是球迷的最愛(Roy可是把這位 置站的很穩),但Rudy無疑地透過他的傳球,飛起來第一時間扣籃,以及整體令人滿意的 表現來能讓Rose Garden的球迷發狂。有一些失誤會伴隨著這些動作而來,但這是可接受 的,我想McMillan是瞭解並接受的。 Can't help but worry about his frail frame, and how that will hold up over the course of the NBA season. 不得不擔心他瘦小的身材,能不能承受住NBA整個的賽季。 A NICE RESPONSE Sergio Rodriguez At the end of last season, no player had plummeted more than Sergio Rodriguez. His mind was a mess. His game - what little we saw of it - was all over the place, particularly his shot, which was so flat it was bordering on hideous. 在去年賽季結束時,沒有一個球員能比Sergio退步更多的。他的思緒相當雜亂,他的比賽 - 雖然我們很少看到 - 也是一團亂,特別是他的投籃,太平了吧。 But after a summer in Spain, which included some workouts with shooting coach John Townsend, Rodriguez has been a pleasant development for the Blazers. He is clearly the No. 2 point guard behind Blake. His shot has shown the most noticeable improvement, particularly from the corner. I also like his court presence - he is directing the team with confidence and ease. 但經過在西班牙的一個暑假,包括和投籃教練一起訓練,Sergio的進步成為拓荒者所樂見 的情況。他很明顯的是排在Blake後面的隊上第二控衛。他的投籃有顯著的進步,特別是 從角落。我同時也喜歡他在場上的視野,他能有自信並輕鬆的指揮整個球隊。 SOME DISAPPOINTMENTS Travis Outlaw. First off, I love Travis. I think everyone who knows me knows he is one of my favorite people on the team. But I was expecting a little more out of him this preseason. A little more assertion, a little more ownership in establishing his place on the team. Travis Outlaw,第一,我喜歡Travis,我想每個人都知道他是我在隊上最喜歡的球員之 一,但我對他在季前賽之外還有一些期待,期待他硬起來,能在對上建立一點自己的地位 。 Travis wants an elevated role on this team - more shots, more prominence - but he is not going out and snatching that opportunity. McMillan keeps dangling that starting small forward role in front of Outlaw, hoping that motivates him, but I wish Travis didn't need a reason to be motivated. I wish he was like Aldridge or Roy, both of whom came into camp with a mindset of dominating and taking a firm hold as a leader. Travis has the talent to do that. He just hasn't processed the effort needed to become that type of player. I think Travis is content at letting it come to him whenever it comes to him. If this was his third year, I could understand that. But this is his sixth. Outlaw想要提升在這個隊上的地位,更多更多的表現,但他並沒有站出來,並搶走機會。 McMillan持續的把先發小前鋒的機會擺在Outlaw眼前,希望這可以激勵他。但我希望 Outlaw並不需要特別的理由來激勵,我希望他能像Aldridge和Roy一樣,一來到訓練營就 展現他們的能力,並有領導者的風範。Outlaw有天份做到這樣,他只是還沒付出足夠的努 力來成為這樣的球員。我想Outlaw總是有點想聽天由命的感覺,但如果這是他的第三年, 我可以理解,不過這已經是他的第六年了。 I still think he will be an incredibly important piece to this team just because he is such an incredible talent. But I worry how his approach is viewed by McMillan and Pritchard, both of whom will have to make long-term decisions on Outlaw after this season. 我仍然認為他在隊上是個重要的腳色,因為他很有天份。但我有點擔心在McMillan和KP的 眼中如何看待他的表現,這兩個人都必須為了球隊長期的發展對Outlaw做個決定。 Ike Diogu. Just haven't seen much from the former lottery pick. I can't remember who wrote it, but I thought it was the perfect description - he's like Zach Randolph without the jump shot. For me, I will pass on that type of player every time. Diogu,沒有看到太多這位前樂透區球員。我不太記得是誰寫的文章,但我想形容得很貼 切,就是個沒有跳投能力的軟豆腐。對我來講,我會對這樣的球員謝而不敬。 Jerryd Bayless. I like the rookie. Love his determination, his scrap, and his dedication. All of that is going to translate well to the NBA during his career. But right now, he looks like a rookie. He dribbles an awful lot, usually because he is not reading the defense correctly or quickly enough. Teammates have told me they are often waiting - hands extended - for him to pass it to them, only to never get it. But the worst part for me about Bayless is it appears he has a little Martell-as-a-rookie syndrome. The common person will recognize that as a know-it-all. I've seen teammates approach him out of frustration during a game, only to have Bayless look the other way as if he already knows and understands what they are saying. Either that or he doesn't feel like he is ever at fault. Bayless,我喜歡這新秀,喜歡他的決心,他的大小事,他的努力付出。這些東西對於日 後在NBA生存都是好的。但現在,他看起來就像個新秀。他運球很糟,大部分是因為他無 法很快很正確的判斷防守者。有些隊員跟我說,他們常常在等他把球傳給他們,但卻很少 接到球。但對我來講最嚴重的是他有一點像Webster在新秀賽季一樣的症狀。一般人俗稱 的自以為自己無所不知。我曾看到隊友想幫他在比賽中打起精神,而Bayless只看著別地 方,似乎他都已經知道隊友在講什麼東西。不只是這樣,他不太明白到他做錯了哪些事。 But as far as skills, I like what he has. When he is able to square his body to the rim and get his feet set, he is money. But I have yet to see him make a jumper otherwise. I love his defense. He gets right up in the opposing guard. He will not back down, and that will endear him to McMillan. He is also a fearless driver, which will result in a lot of jaw-dropping dunks. 但從技巧來看,我喜歡他擁有的能力。當他有辦法衝向籃框並保護好他的身體,也維持住 平衡,這是他的本錢。但我目前還沒見識到他的投籃。我喜歡他的防守,他對防守後衛很 有技巧,他不會退縮,這也會讓他贏得McMillan的喜愛。他同時也是不怕死的球員,這有 時可以做出一些讓人吃驚的灌籃。 -- 收工~ 同樣有錯請多指教和見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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10/17 18:22, 3F

10/17 18:25, , 4F
有看有推 Bayless你這個不受教的死小孩
10/17 18:25, 4F

10/17 19:38, , 5F
推一個 辛苦啦
10/17 19:38, 5F

10/17 20:11, , 6F
亞當大大辛苦了~ :)
10/17 20:11, 6F

10/17 20:38, , 7F
好文 辛苦了
10/17 20:38, 7F

10/17 21:24, , 8F
亞當大大辛苦了,很長的文章啊XD Bayless哭哭,又被罵了
10/17 21:24, 8F

10/18 00:05, , 9F
10/18 00:05, 9F

10/18 00:05, , 10F
10/18 00:05, 10F

10/18 00:08, , 11F
10/18 00:08, 11F

10/18 00:11, , 12F
10/18 00:11, 12F

10/18 02:22, , 13F
10/18 02:22, 13F

10/18 03:48, , 14F
10/18 03:48, 14F

10/18 20:10, , 15F
10/18 20:10, 15F

10/19 13:16, , 16F
10/19 13:16, 16F

12/11 05:20, 5年前 , 17F
感謝翻譯!!! https://noxiv.com
12/11 05:20, 17F

04/20 03:05, 5年前 , 18F
04/20 03:05, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #18-4PXmN (BLAZERS)
文章代碼(AID): #18-4PXmN (BLAZERS)