[外電] Enjoy Rudy Fernandez – while you can

看板BLAZERS作者 (Rudy Fernandez)時間14年前 (2010/04/06 21:41), 編輯推噓19(1902)
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Enjoy Rudy Fernandez – while you can Spanish guard's future with Trail Blazers seems iffy By Kerry Eggers The Portland Tribune, Apr 6, 2010 Enjoy Rudy Fernandez while you can, Trail Blazer fans, through the rest of the season. Because the Spanish sensation won’t be in a Portland uniform next season. Fernandez will do his best to help the Blazers achieve success in the playoffs. Then he’ll be gone – perhaps to play professionally in Europe next season, perhaps to another NBA team via an offseason trade. I’ve thought all season that Fernandez – a household name in his home country with the talent to be the starter on half of the teams in the NBA – wouldn’t be satisfied much longer as a backup. Now I’m convinced. The 6-5 shooting guard is mired in a bonafide slump, lonely and looking forward to a return to his native country in the offseason. “It’s a tough situation for me,” Fernandez confided Monday after the Blazers’ practice session. “I miss my family and my friends. Yesterday was a hard day. My (25th) birthday, and I was by myself.” A year ago, Fernandez had countryman Sergio Rodriguez as a teammate. And Rudy ’s family visited a couple of times, as did his girlfriend and a coterie of friends. “It’s been a tough year for Rudy,” coach Nate McMillan said. “He is without Sergio (now with New York), and his mother was here a little more often (last season). I’m sure that’s tough.” Since coming to Portland before last season, Fernandez has had to learn a new language and culture. “I can’t even imagine going to a different country to play basketball,” McMillan said. “Honestly, I would never have done that. I don’t think I could have dealt with being away from my family that long, or being in a foreign country by myself.” In addition, Fernandez has had to adjust to a different style and level of basketball and take on a reserve role for the first time in his career. He made a big impact as a rookie, averaging 10.4 points, shooting well (.425 from the field, .399 from 3-point range, .839 from the foul line) while playing 25.6 minutes a game off the bench behind Brandon Roy. Oftentimes, Fernandez was on the floor at the end of a close game. This season has been a different story. Fernandez is shooting a paltry .376 from the field, .365 on 3-point attempts and .871 from the line, averaging 8.2 points in 22.8 minutes. Lately, Fernandez has looked like a fish out of water. Over the past seven games, he is 6-for-38 shooting overall (.158) and 5 for 23 (.217) on treys. Over the past two months, Fernandez has dealt with back and quad injuries. I asked Monday if either were still bothering him. “No,” he insisted. “The quad is good. The back is very good.” What’s happening, then? “Confidence.” Has he lost confidence? “Yes, oh yes,” he said. “I don’t know why, but I think I need to get back to hitting my shot.” Has this happened before in his career? “Never,” he said, shaking his head. “And I need to change it.” In February, international press agency Eurosport interviewed Fernandez, the result a story reflecting dissatisfaction with his situation in Portland. “Last year, we had a different team, and at least I had Sergio, who understood my game,” Fernandez was quoted as saying. “I have noticed a change this year. I don’t get the ball as much, and the system is different. “I try to play the way (McMillan) wants, but I don’t feel the trust that he had in me the first year.” Asked by Eurosport if he would be amenable to a return to Spain – where he played professionally from 2003-08 – next season, Fernandez replied, “Right now, in this situation, I don’t rule out anything ... because I just want to play. I don’t mind where.” Fernandez waved off my question about the report the following week, saying, “I’m under contract with Portland. That’s all I can say.” Don’t get the wrong impression. Fernandez has enjoyed the city of Portland and playing for the Trail Blazers. He is a folk hero here – “Roooo-deee!” rings out every time he enters the game at the Rose Garden – and he appreciates the support. “I am happy with the fans,” he said. “I am happy with my teammates.” Asked if he is happy with McMillan as coach, Fernandez paused for several seconds, smiled, and turned toward the weight room at the Blazers’ practice facility. “I got to go work out now,” he said. There’s nothing personal between McMillan and Fernandez. On more than one occasion, Rudy has told me he respects the coach. It’s McMillan’s style of offense, and Fernandez’s reserve role, that is the problem. McMillan prefers the halfcourt set that, coincidentally, is best-suited toward Brandon Roy’s talents. McMillan’s teams ranked last in the NBA in fastbreak points the past three seasons and are near there this season. Fernandez thrives in an open-court, transition-based game. He’d be best under a coach that can live with a player taking a few chances and making a turnover now and then in the process. That’s not McMillan, who regards turnovers and risky plays with disdain. Fernandez doesn’t regard himself as a better player than Roy, nor does he expect to be a starter in Portland. He’d like to be in a place where he can be a starter again, though. With Roy around, that’s not with the Blazers. It might be that Fernandez will break out of his slump Wednesday night at Staples Center against the Clippers. McMillan will give him that opportunity. “Rudy is a good shooter,” the Blazer coach said. “He hasn’t shot well in the games; he has been shooting well in practice. Him just being out there is a threat. It’s not like we’re going to pull him because he’s missing a couple of shots. “You’re going to have times where your stroke may feel different or your confidence is a little shaken. That happens to the best. What you do is keep working, keep shooting. He works hard. I’m not concerned about him shooting the ball. His shots look like they’re on line. Just keep shooting.” Fernandez will do that. But more and more, his heart may not be in it. “I have a contract with Portland,” he said. “I have to be with this team. But I tell you, sometimes I miss my family and my friends. And I miss the Euro competition, too.” And the potential money. Fernandez is under contract to Portland for at least two more years at far below market value. This season, he is making $1.165 million, maybe a fifth of what he could command in Europe. The Blazers need Fernandez to make a Rudy-like contribution to get anywhere in the playoffs. He’ll give all he has to do that, but admits he has thoughts about the future, too. “I’ll focus right now on playing hard the rest of the games and trying to help my teammates,” he said. “This summer, we’ll see.” If he decides he wants to play for Real Madrid, the Spanish team will have to reach a settlement with Portland. Or perhaps General Manager Kevin Pritchard will find a deal that works for both sides and trade him to an NBA team that suits him. Regardless, Fernandez’s days with Portland are numbered. Enjoy him while you can. http://is.gd/bh3Kx 大意是說:Rudy很有可能下一季就不會待在拓荒者了 教練的進攻戰術跟他不合是很大一個原因 還有他也想念在西班牙的家人,朋友,聯賽 上個球季他還有Sergio 但這個球季只剩他一人,他有時候覺得寂寞... 哀 希望Rudy別走... -- ◢███◤ RISE WITH US Blazers███ ███ ◢█◣ ◢◣ ██◣ ◢█◤ ██◣ ◢█◤ ◢█◣ ◥██ █ ◤ █ ◢█◤ █ ◤ ◤◤ █ ◤ █ ◤ █ ◤ ◤ ◤ █◤ █ █◤◢ █ ◢ █ ◢ █ █◤◢ ◢ █ █ ◥█◤ ◤ █ ◥◤█ ◥◤█ ◥█◤ ██◣ ███ ███ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/06 22:02, , 1F
04/06 22:02, 1F

04/06 22:10, , 2F
04/06 22:10, 2F

04/06 22:10, , 3F
不知道在拿Rudy做籌碼換不換的到Mr.Lee 好懷念OUTLAW喔
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04/06 22:49, , 5F
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04/06 22:53, , 6F
換教練 留Rudy
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04/06 23:09, , 7F
換教練 留Rudy
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換教練 留Rudy
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04/06 23:10, , 9F
換教練 留Rudy
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換教練 留Rudy 搖搖:你不要走~~~
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04/06 23:27, , 11F
換教練 留Rudy 你不要走~~~
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04/06 23:44, , 12F
換教練 留Rudy
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換教練 留Rudy 怎麼看也是教練問題大些
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04/07 00:34, , 15F
換教練 留Roooo-deee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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換教練 留Rudy 交易來Rubio解他思鄉之苦!!!
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換Lee 價錢有差吧
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不要走阿阿阿阿 阿阿阿阿阿阿
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04/08 04:23, , 19F
候~~~ 捨不得啦!!!
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04/08 11:25, , 20F
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04/20 03:26, 5年前 , 21F
你不要走~~~ https://muxiv.com
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