Re: BLUR Q and A

看板Blur作者 (Brett u so sexy)時間21年前 (2003/02/10 21:40), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串5/64 (看更多)
2002-09-06 Question (217 of 232) Q: OK I was sitting at my desk trying to think of something to ask you guys and I couldn't think of anything intelligent so I ended up asking my niece what to ask and she came up with a brilliant question. OK here it is: If you could be a super hero who would you be? Desiree H. A: Weevil-Man. My lucky number would be six and I would like swimming and reading. ------------------- 2002-09-06 Question (216 of 232) Q: I was standing near you on a circle and district line tube a few months ago and felt inclined to say something but then chickened out. How do you tend to react in those situations when strangers come up and talk to you? Joe Banks A: I’m very happy to talk to people. ------------------- 2002-09-06 Question (215 of 232) Q: I think the question on everyone's mind is why was Alex in his underwear? Why?! Why?! Why?! Blur Fan A: For your enjoyment. Certainly not for ours… ------------------- 2002-09-06 Question (214 of 232) Q: I think it's awesome that Blur releases Videos unlike so many other bands. Just curious will their be any new videos planned for the future? Alan Ferich A: I hate music videos in general. They’re such a waste of time and money. We’re going to try and do something a bit different. ------------------- 2002-09-06 Question (213 of 232) Q: Hi there! TV they said that the new blur album will be published under another name because Damon wants to test if people buy the music just because of the name or because of the music think that isn't true. But what can you tell me about that? Tobia A: I think he was talking about something else. -- Life is a compromise anyway. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

推 02/10, , 1F
推 02/10, 1F

推 02/11, , 2F
I love underwear...=_=
推 02/11, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #-HwkroD (Blur)
文章代碼(AID): #-HwkroD (Blur)