[閒聊] Working Class Hero(GreenDay/John Len …

看板Brit-pop作者 (御風而行)時間17年前 (2007/07/07 16:42), 編輯推噓1(100)
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網誌版:http://blog.roodo.com/juicybear/archives/3610875.html [Song] Working Class Hero (Green Day vs. John Lennon) 前一個PO文說到翻唱,順帶把吾友lirqa最近分享的一組MV放上來吧! 這是最近一個聽說也引起一些討論的Cover曲, Green Day 翻唱 John Lennon的Working Class Hero。 我把兩個版本放在下去,有興趣的朋友可以點進去看, 至於喜歡哪一個呢?可就見仁見智了,我和lirqa的看法剛好相左, 我喜歡老一點的那個版本(哈~我是老派啦),lirqa喜歡新的; 不過持平而言,Green Day 唱的也不錯,兩個版本各有千秋。 重點是這首歌原先我並沒有特別留意到, 所以也要謝謝Green Day 翻唱以後讓我去找來看, 因為這首歌真的寫得很棒,詞尤其寫得好! 有興趣的朋友請點進去觀賞觀賞吧!Cheers! Green Day - Working Class Hero http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPPgeDhGzKY
附記:我昨天帶華語夏令營的時候(學生主要是8-9歲的ABC), 裡面的小孩突然唱起Green Day的歌,還一首接一首, 讓我一下子不確定要不要跟他一起唱?XD 另一件好玩的是,同學問答偶然帶到Iran的時候(其實是Yi-lan/宜蘭的錯音= =) 班上同學突然開始此起彼落的罵起他們可憐的小布希總統, 然後一起鼓譟:George Bush sucks! George Bush sucks!~~XDDD 讓做老師的我一整個又好氣又好笑!:P (I swear~ I didn't guide them to this at all!) 註:下面是John Lennon的版本,影像部分可能是身後歌迷剪接的, 優點是可以看到很多John的影像與畫作,這是最大的bonus! (可惜他的口音太重,我大部分聽不太懂他在說什麼?......Orz) 我比較喜歡前一個版本,後一個有時間也可以看看, 主要是John很可愛,可以看到他的很多影像也不錯-- 不過不要模糊歌曲的焦點就是了:P PS. 順帶一提有人看過他們的 A hard day night電影嗎 ? 裡面每個人都好有趣也可愛啊!(雖然那時的歌都那麼幼齒) 真的只有Beatles能唱什麼歌曲都那麼有意思~ 真的只能說他們的個人特質太有魅力也太強了吧! John Lennon - Working Class Hero http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njG7p6CSbCU
John Lennon. Working Class Hero. Anthology Version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPe46JbejLY
最後好玩再附一個,Marilyn Manson的Live Cover版, 出乎意料唱得很不錯,可惜只有片段。 (只是下面歌迷的留言說:Manson looks fuckin sexy here-- 我實在看不出哪裡Sexy耶!XDDD) Marilyn Manson - Working Class Hero http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYXGcL7h9Dg
Lyrics : As soon as your born they make you feel small, By giving you no time instead of it all, Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. They hurt you at home and they hit you at school, They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool, Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years, Then they expect you to pick a career, When you can't really function you're so full of fear, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV, And you think you're so clever and classless and free, But you're still fucking peasents as far as I can see, A working class hero is something to be, A working class hero is something to be. There's room at the top they are telling you still, But first you must learn how to smile as you kill, If you want to be like all the folks on the hill, A working class hero is something to be. A working class hero is something to be. If you want to be a hero well just follow me, If you want to be a hero well just follow me. -- Juicybear's Playground:http://blog.roodo.com/juicybear Juicybear不是一隻熊,而是很"多隻"熊。 我們有愛玩的熊,愛吃的熊,愛聽音樂的熊, 愛看電影的熊,愛談中文的熊...... 請選一隻你喜歡的熊,坐下來隨便聊吧!Cheers! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/07 21:41, , 1F
LENNON is the BEST!!至於曼森.......= = sexy???
07/07 21:41, 1F
※ 編輯: juicybear 來自: (07/07 23:03)
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文章代碼(AID): #16Zr7VIa (Brit-pop)