[情報] 12/4在墨西哥將舉辦免費回饋演唱會

看板Britney作者 (R費)時間13年前 (2011/12/01 19:15), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
"I’ve had so much fun and received so much love from my fans all over the world while performing my Femme Fatale tour which I am grateful for. I want to return some of that love so I’ve decided to give my fans in Mexico a special night and perform my Femme Fatale show for free." Brit今天宣布為了感謝全世界的歌迷對巡迴演唱會的支持, 將在 12/4在墨西哥政府的支持下,舉辦一場免費的演唱會回饋歌迷。 http://britneyspears.tumblr.com/post/13553710606/free-concert-mexico-city Mexico City, Mexico — It was announced today that Britney Spears will perform an admission free concert for her fans in Mexico City, Mexico on December 4, and with the assistance from the Mexican government. ”I’ve had so much fun and received so much love from my fans all over the world while performing my Femme Fatale tour which I am grateful for. I want to return some of that love so I’ve decided to give my fans in Mexico a special night and perform my Femme Fatale show for free,” says Britney. Spears is currently touring South America on her highly successful Femme Fatale tour, which she performed throughout North America this past summer as well as a tour of Europe this fall. -- It's the hunger, hunger for an alternative and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness. Sarah Pierce, Little Children -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/01 19:17, , 1F
飛去墨西哥的機票大概五萬,明天出發還來的及。 XDDD
12/01 19:17, 1F

12/01 19:23, , 2F
是會另外準備的表演 還是就是免費看FF ?
12/01 19:23, 2F

12/01 19:25, , 3F
喔 沒事 我看到了 XDD 快來台灣也辦免費的
12/01 19:25, 3F

12/01 20:55, , 4F
靠好爽 >///////////<
12/01 20:55, 4F
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