[-Fx-] 新聞:Firefox的新實驗套件

看板Browsers作者 (loed)時間14年前 (2010/06/19 15:07), 編輯推噓3(302)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1C76mLDi ] 作者: loed (loed) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [問卦] 關於6/16的大學生了沒的陶子爆料 時間: Sat Jun 19 15:04:51 2010 ※ 引述《keybo (唱歌給我聽(b))》之銘言: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFtcwvJRS0A
: 影片的3:34處 : 陶子突然說最近會出現一個東西 : 會取代目前網路取向的所有軟體(臉書.撲浪或其它相關社群網站) : 但都沒說到底是什麼 只是很自信滿滿的說是商業機密 : 有人猜想得到是什麼嗎 很好奇~~ 不確定她是不是指這個,但我第一個就聯想到了Firefox的開放身分(OpenID)實驗性套 件使用計畫,它就像先前的Flock之類的社交瀏覽器。不過新計畫的功能會比以往更加的 強大,這種新式的"社群瀏覽器"試圖整合網路上的各式各樣的社群服務。 但是它和Facebook的差別在於,Firefox的服務為開放身分(OpenID),意即它是:開放 源(open source)與開放標準(open standards)的系統,Facebook則是洽好與其相反。 自從Facebook公布了它的新技術標準(Open Graph API)政策時,確實遭致不少反對的 聲浪,甚至有人用"楚門的世界"與"母體"去形容它,因此就有人組織了推廣開放社交 網路(open source social network)的網站Diaspora,來對抗Facebook的隱私權商 業化政策。更甚者進而成立將Facebook帳號自殺的"切腹"(seppukoo)網站,勸導眾人 脫離社群網站的束縛。 以下就附上Firefox新實驗套件的新聞(有簡單翻譯): http://tinyurl.com/27a3mjy Firefox Steps Up to Challenge Facebook's Claim to Identity Written by Marshall Kirkpatrick / April 27, 2010 5:38 PM / 15 Comments The team behind Mozilla's Firefox browser announced today the availability of experimental code that website owners can add to their pages to allow site visitors to create an account, log-in or switch users with just a few simple clicks and no password to remember. Firefox宣布將提供實驗代碼,讓網站擁有者可以增加他們的網頁,這可讓網站訪問者創 建一個帳戶去登錄或者切換其帳號,它僅僅只要幾個簡單的點擊,以及無須記憶的密碼。 The unveiling comes a week after Facebook fired a big shot across the web, staking a claim as the dominant provider of one-click portable identity. These two technologies seem aimed right at each other and engineers at both companies have no doubt been following each others' work closely. The Mozilla technology is called Account Manager and is intended to become an open specification that any other browser can build on top of as well. Supporting browsers will automatically generate and remember diverse, high-strength passwords for users and allow multiple users to switch easily between accounts when visiting common websites on one computer. The interface mock-ups looks really nice, too. Mozilla的技術稱之為帳戶管理器,它意圖成為一個開放源的規範,並使得任何瀏覽器都 能適用。它能支援瀏覽器自動生成且記住不同高強度的用戶密碼,當用同一台電腦訪問常 用網站時,也能讓複數帳戶之間的轉換變得容易許多。 Account Manager is currently available as an experimental plug-in, primarily for developers to test with, but project leaders say they "are looking to ship this feature as soon as possible in Firefox." 帳戶管理器目前只是實驗性套件,但是會加快其開發的速度。 Mozilla's Dan Mills says "the final feature will almost certainly not look like this - it's just to give you an idea." But it certainly does look exciting. A feature like this would make new account creation super fast, it would eliminate the need to remember your passwords and it would make it safer to use web apps. That could be just the beginning, too: identity is more than just a username and password. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to carry all kinds of payload with you (tastes, contact info, etc.) when you navigate the web with your browser. Mozilla的員工說:這只是一個初步的構想,最終方案的功能肯定會有所差異。但它看起 來確實是令人興奮的。它能超快速建立新的帳戶,但卻不用再記住你的密碼,並會使得網 路的相關應用變得更為安全。這僅僅只是開始:帳號不僅僅是一個用戶名與密碼而已。當 您瀏覽網頁時,沒有理由你不能夠攜帶各種功能不同的帳號(如品味喜好,聯絡訊息等… )。 Hopefully Chrome will institute support for this same code quickly. The browser is a very logical place to transport log-in info. "The browser also has deep knowledge about the user," says Mozilla. "For example, the browser could implement fast user switching with just a click. Or think about picking a username: the browser can look at usernames for other accounts and make some pretty good guesses about what usernames are preferred." 希望Chrome瀏覽器也能盡快支援此一代碼,瀏覽器是一個非常合乎邏輯的訊息傳輸與登入 中心。Mozilla說:瀏覽器能帶給用戶更深層的知識。例如,瀏覽器僅需按一下,就能快速 切換使用者帳號。或者想出並選擇一個用戶名:瀏覽器可以查看其他帳戶的用戶名,並提 出一些很好的猜測,來提供什麼樣的用戶名為首選。 The ability to easily manage multiple identities is big, too. That's something that Facebook doesn't offer, but it's important when it comes to choice, freedom and privacy. 它能讓人輕鬆地管理多重帳號,但更重要的是當談到選擇、自由與隱私權時,這是 Facebook所不能提供的。 Challenging Facebook One year ago we wrote that the most viable challenger to Facebook's fast growing domination of the web could be Firefox, not another social network. Firefox had more users at the time (270 million vs Facebook's then 200 million), but Facebook has doubled its user numbers in the last year alone. 一年前的觀點提到了,Firefox能挑戰Facebook該社群網路的原因為其使用者數量,但是 Facebook一年內卻成長了一倍。 Facebook launched a jaw dropping number and scope of new portable identity technologies last week. Facebook也推出了新的可攜式身分技術。 Here's what we wrote a year ago about these two companies going head to head. 以下為一年多前所寫的,這兩間公司將會彼此競爭的原因: Why compare user numbers between a browser and a social network? Because there's every reason to believe that the two technologies are converging in the near term future. ... 為何需要以瀏覽器的使用者數量與社群網路相比較?因為有充分的理由指出,未來這兩種 技術將會融合。 Though we may not be sure about his prediction that Google will act before Firefox, we think Forrester's Jeremiah Owyang offers a very compelling vision of the future of browsers and social networks in his excellent report The Future of the Social Web. 在Google採取行動前,已經有報告注意到未來的瀏覽器會與社群網路相結合。 '... in a bid to extend the reach of its new browser, Chrome, we expect Google to build OpenID and its associated friend connections into the browser; look for Firefox and eventually Internet Explorer to copy this feature. Facebook and MySpace will also likely build a way for users to surf the Web within the Facebook experience, retaining the social functionality. These connections won't be perfect, but they'll allow social networks to colonize communities and other parts of the Web, extending their experience out to other sites through the shared ID. As a result, in two years, portable identities will become a ubiquitous part of the online experience as they reach maturity.' 透過拉攏其他瀏覽器之結盟,例如:Chrome,以及最終目標Internet Explorer,來建立開 放身分(OpenID),Facebook和MySpace也透過建立使用帳戶來瀏覽網頁,並藉此保持社交 功能。但是這些連接並不是完美的,他們允許社會網絡去殖民(拓殖)社區和其他地區的網 路,並通過共享身份(shared ID),去擴大他們經驗到其他網站上。因此,在兩年內其臻 至成熟以後,可攜式身份將會變成為無處不在的網路經驗。 It's only logical to extrapolate from that analysis that the line between browsers and social networks will become much less clear and the two types of software will very likely compete with each other." 這是一合乎邏輯的推斷分析,瀏覽器與社會網絡之間的競爭將會變得更為白熱化。 Click here to read the rest of our analysis of things changing about Firefox that point towards its importance in the world of online identity. Who do you want to carry your identity around the web for you? How about a nice open source browser, built on open standards, supporting multiple identities and strong security? That sounds better to me than putting Facebook in charge. Despite all Facebook does for hundreds of millions of people, putting our entire portable identity into one company's hands is just too dangerous. Of course if it's quick and easy browser-level identity you want, don't forget about the "Facebook browser" called RockMelt that Netscape founder Marc Andreessen is backing and that we broke the news about last Summer. Last we heard, that super stealthy company was still hiring. 當瀏覽網路時你想要怎麼攜帶您的身份?何謂一個良好的開放源碼瀏覽器?建立開放標準 、支援多重帳號,以及強大的安全性?對我來說,似乎比只將它交給Facebook來得好,把 我們的全部的可攜性身份交在一家公司手中,是件極為危險的事…. …. Let's see some more competition on the browser level! This time with portable data and a world of web applications at the heart of the battle. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/19 15:05, , 1F
END 太長~"~
06/19 15:05, 1F
※ 編輯: loed 來自: (06/19 15:52)

06/19 16:09, , 2F
tiny來源連不進去 我也差不多該讓FB帳號自殺了
06/19 16:09, 2F

06/19 17:50, , 3F
06/19 17:50, 3F

06/19 17:51, , 4F
06/19 17:51, 4F

06/19 18:43, , 5F
06/19 18:43, 5F
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