Re: [閒聊] understanding

看板CCRomance作者 (Navsegda)時間16年前 (2008/03/15 01:44), 編輯推噓7(707)
留言14則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
昨天看了這篇 想說今天我也來學當小派派的角色!! (小派派後援會民眾應該做的) 以下是我剛剛跟我家這隻的MSN對話 - 我 : I think I should sleep now Peri : good night 我 : that's all? you just say good night? Peri : ? 我 : you don't mind? (自以為小派派... ) Peri : why would I mind? (很想捶人唷!) 我 : nothing... you never stop me :P Peri : from sleeping? 我 : it's White Day... can't you just pretend? Peri : stay! (我要哭了啦... ) 我 : anyway, enough rubbish. Good night =_= Peri : stay! (我猜他在他電腦的那端笑) [接著就兩人視訊 我穿著性感的小花睡衣 他在辦公室裡 狂把銀幕遮住怕人看到... ] --- [視訊完冷笑話區] Peri : shit, late I will go back in an hour at least 我 : hard working ueberbabe... (我常叫他ueberbabe,是相對uebermensch :P ) Peri : I am working, but the program isn't working! 我 : shout to the program, "if you don't work, I don't supply you with electricity!" (冷~~~) Peri : doesn't work program is stubborn 我 : like men... Peri : I tell: I will blow you to bits, I will byte you ... (我還是很捧場地笑) --- 最後竟然只有祝福我" Happy White Day" 他到底懂不懂什麼是白色情人節啊!!! (捶地) -- and if a double-decker bus crashes into us to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die and if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us to die by your side well the pleasure - the priviledge is mine. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/15 02:05, , 1F
(拍拍) 阿邊也不知道什麼是白色情人節
03/15 02:05, 1F

03/15 02:05, , 2F
03/15 02:05, 2F

03/15 02:09, , 3F
03/15 02:09, 3F

03/15 02:18, , 4F
那是我開口要的 我說情人節一定要有巧克力!
03/15 02:18, 4F

03/15 02:18, , 5F
03/15 02:18, 5F

03/15 02:22, , 6F
03/15 02:22, 6F

03/15 02:23, , 7F
03/15 02:23, 7F

03/15 05:46, , 8F
哼哼哼 Z今天回家我要跟他要禮物!!
03/15 05:46, 8F

03/15 10:07, , 9F
03/15 10:07, 9F

03/15 10:48, , 10F
03/15 10:48, 10F

03/15 10:49, , 11F
03/15 10:49, 11F

03/15 11:22, , 12F
愛用MSN也不好 我總覺得我老是妨礙Peri工作 =.=
03/15 11:22, 12F

03/15 11:40, , 13F
不過偶爾這樣對話也蠻妙的 我上癮了...
03/15 11:40, 13F

03/15 16:31, , 14F
推 byte you XD
03/15 16:31, 14F
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