Re: [Ika] 10s 邀戰+找盟

看板CGI-Game作者 (特)時間16年前 (2008/04/01 07:47), 編輯推噓7(709)
留言16則, 5人參與, 最新討論串7/16 (看更多)
最近的更新..我們盟員探查你們目標的報告 Target town: Lublin2 Date: 01.04.2008 13:55:14 Troops in Lublin2 Unit Quantity Phalanx 15 Archer 22 Fleets in Lublin2 Ship Quantity Ballista Ship 6 ------------------------------------- Target town: Lublin Date: 01.04.2008 13:56:26 Troops in Lublin Unit Quantity Slinger 1 Swordsman 25 Phalanx 23 Ram 1 Fleets in Lublin Ship Quantity Ram-Ship 3 Ballista Ship 14 -------------------------------------- Target town: Lublin3 Date: 01.04.2008 13:57:49 Troops in Lublin3 Unit Quantity Phalanx 15 Fleets in Lublin3 Ship Quantity No units available. 更新一下目前狀況 為了怕洗版..用修文的方式把戰報貼在這篇 Doom [39,55] 沒人封 沒兵沒船 Die Hard[38,55] 沒人封 兵力10方陣10b Pireos[42,59] 沒人封 1R 4劍2方 Kalamata[50,55] 無情報 Athens[45,55] 無情報 Herakleyon[46,58] 擊沉7f 9r 16b 陸軍到達但沒打到人 Predator[39,55] 還有一大群我打不動的海軍 70方陣+LV15牆 以下是目前我們所知道NF成員的座標(離PTT近的其實很多...?) Stinger(Total score: 4,486 Military score:13,962) Erathia[46,58] LV11 Rotheran[47,58] LV13 Harmondale[47,57] LV12 n3vermore(Total score: 5,726 Military score: 41,328) Kheira[45,56] LV11 Photon[44,56] LV10 Kronos[45,57] LV12 cameron1st(Total score: 4,905 Military score: 40,280) The Stone[45,55] LV12 The Wine[45,56] LV8 The Crystal[44,56] LV11 The Capital[44,55] LV11 MatchoPT(Total score: 7,262 Military score: 55,554) Doomland[45,55] LV14 Doomcrist[44,56] LV11 Doomwi[46,58] LV10 Milkman(Total score: 6,584 Military score: 114,176) Veternik[43,39] LV6 beaver(Total score: 6,547 Military score: 73,106) Mediterania[44,39] LV14 Sudirman Park[44,40] LV11 Taman Anggrek[43,40] LV12 MaxTomcat(Total score: 9,246 Military score: 125,400) Ranuitia[44,40] LV13 Krcelush(Total score: 6,144 Military score: 21,804) Krh Marble[39,55] LV13 Krh Marble 2[39,55] LV8 Krh Capital[38,56] LV13 Krh Wine[37,57] LV10 Knine(Total score: 3,976 Military score: 24,076) K corp[38,56] LV12 Marble Ltd[37,56] LV10 Wine Ltd[37,57] LV10 BORG QUEEN(Total score: 8,733 Military score: 60,474) Doom[39,55] LV12 The Wall[39,55] LV13 Die Hard[38,55] LV13 Unbreakable[38,56] LV11 Herakles(Total score: 13,149 Military score: 77,920) Athens[45,55] LV17 Pireos[42,59] LV12 Herakleyon[46,58] LV15 Kalahama[50,55] LV12 Drakonian(Total score: 6,257 Military score: 61,974) Lublin4[50,58] LV8 Lublin3[51,57] LV12 Lublin2[51,58] LV12 Lublin[52,57] LV13 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/01 09:22, , 1F
好好的盟OQ 我想跳槽XD
04/01 09:22, 1F

04/01 09:31, , 2F
04/01 09:31, 2F

04/01 11:34, , 3F
04/01 11:34, 3F

04/01 13:15, , 4F
其實也不是很多啦XD 只是看到有點感動而已
04/01 13:15, 4F

04/01 13:51, , 5F
46,58 贏了 陸軍前進中
04/01 13:51, 5F

04/01 15:35, , 6F

04/01 16:44, , 7F
他陸軍似乎跑了 沒打到人
04/01 16:44, 7F
※ 編輯: loveFantasy 來自: (04/01 16:51)

04/01 17:59, , 8F
我會按照座標能打的就開打了 先從最近的50.55開始XD
04/01 17:59, 8F

04/01 18:45, , 9F
目標 50.58 51 57 51.58 52.57 各位加油呀
04/01 18:45, 9F

04/01 18:48, , 10F
開戰了 不小心 可能會被滅掉喔XD
04/01 18:48, 10F
※ 編輯: loveFantasy 來自: (04/01 20:59)

04/02 05:29, , 11F
情報 Herakles剛剛上線了 還是蓋港口
04/02 05:29, 11F

04/02 05:31, , 12F
到底是剛起床還是要熬夜啊? 什麼鬼時區
04/02 05:31, 12F

04/02 05:32, , 13F
建議大家沒事盯著他們 什麼時候該"夜襲"就知道了
04/02 05:32, 13F

04/02 05:33, , 14F
本來想在台北時間12:00"夜襲" 再叫大家利用午休去吃的
04/02 05:33, 14F

04/02 05:35, , 15F
04/02 05:35, 15F

04/02 05:53, , 16F
蓋完港又沒動靜了 真是猜不透你呀~
04/02 05:53, 16F
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