Re: [IKA]10s戰爭?!

看板CGI-Game作者 (EVA)時間16年前 (2008/05/22 23:19), 編輯推噓7(702)
留言9則, 7人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
我發信給badsquishy了,說我有發信給那隻醒來的羊, 我也有問他為何我需要跟I羊道歉,就算他醒來也一樣。 以下是他的回信 nope. were not asking for anyones sorry's and stuff. i too "normally" would not say sorry (an explanation or reason will do) for attacking a town while he is inactive... we actually didn't know that you send a message not until zanzarah mentioned it..that is why weve attacked you before... 這段是說要是他不會道歉,然後他不知道我有發信, 這不關我的事,是他盟友自己不說的= =..... Why some of our members got attacked when they have nothing to do with this?? its fine with me to be attacked but not my members.. i find it really unfair since where the only ones involve in this... not unless theyve attacked you..?? 這裡說如果只是那些攻擊我的人被攻擊他覺得OK, 但是為何其他人也會受到波及,他覺得不公平。 oh well, i hope this war could end, and just want to say sorry for damages done (both sides commit).. im speaking on behalf of my members especially(soul_snatcher,deadlyome,dezerja)... thanks. 最後他說希望能結束這場戰爭, 雙方都能道歉......... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 戰爭的確差不多要結束,大家也覺得很失望,對方都不反抗 科科 我自己是不會跟他道歉,沒收到信是他家的事, 各位大大要不要道歉就看自己了。 感想是道理是戰敗者再說的....希望能從戰勝者中得到點東西....... 我想badsquishy應該就是盟主...他英文還真是差...害我還要多花時間猜句意= =... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/22 23:30, , 1F
我很好奇,問他如果PTT不道歉的話會怎樣 =.=
05/22 23:30, 1F

05/22 23:34, , 2F
05/22 23:34, 2F

05/22 23:45, , 3F
如果bad本身是盟主 那就可以理解為何他會找各績分低的
05/22 23:45, 3F

05/22 23:45, , 4F
05/22 23:45, 4F

05/23 00:42, , 5F
05/23 00:42, 5F

05/23 00:43, , 6F
05/23 00:43, 6F

05/23 00:48, , 7F
05/23 00:48, 7F

05/23 00:52, , 8F
05/23 00:52, 8F

05/23 00:54, , 9F
05/23 00:54, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #18DOx-t6 (CGI-Game)
文章代碼(AID): #18DOx-t6 (CGI-Game)