Re: [外電] Wang Injured in Game Against Yankees

看板CMWang作者 (血染八月)時間12年前 (2012/03/17 12:07), 編輯推噓4(403)
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※ 引述《pest (這些分鐘妳有沒有想過我?)》之銘言: : Wang Injured in Game Against Yankees : : 紐約時報的報導,吉拉弟也說了些場面話... : VIERA, Fla. — It was a familiar sight for the Yankees, seeing Chien-Ming : Wang’s sinker leading to a metronome of ground balls and swings and misses. : Unfortunately for Wang, he provided another familiar sight on Thursday : afternoon, when he pitched against his former team in a Washington Nationals : uniform. 這對王來說是很不幸的,又再次上演了與洋基時期類似的戲碼 只是這次是身披國民球衣對抗前球隊洋基 : This sight was a painful one: Wang limping off a baseball diamond. : One out into the third inning at Space Coast Stadium, in what was shaping : up as another solid spring outing for Wang, he fielded a Russell Martin : dribbler to the infield’s right side. But Wang stumbled several steps : before stepping on first and then tumbled to the ground, sustaining what : the Nationals said was a strained right hamstring. : It could have been worse, as the Yankees can attest. 為了防守Martin打出的滾地球,葛格奮力跑向一壘 他的腳在過程中被絆到,導致他最後一拐一拐的下投手丘 國民隊表示這是腿部拉傷 這對建民葛格來說很傷 而這情況可能更糟,問洋基就知道(過去的經驗) : After back-to-back 19-win seasons in 2006-7, Wang became the de facto ace : on a Yankees pitching staff that including Mike Mussina and Andy Pettitte. : He was a rising star. Only Ron Guidry reached 50 victories in fewer starts : as a Yankee (82) than Wang (85). 在洋基時期,經過連兩個19勝球季後,葛格已變成投手群中實際意義上的王牌 在洋基歷史上只有建仔恩師Guidry在較少的先發出賽次數中率先贏得50勝 贏過葛格的場次(82場對上85場) : But on June 15, 2008, with Wang sporting an 8-2 record, everything changed. : In an interleague game against the Houston Astros, he pulled up lame while : rounding third base on a Derek Jeter single. 但在2008年6月15日,正當葛格正投出8勝2負的佳績時,一切都瞬間改變 在一場對太空人的跨聯盟比賽中,他在繞過三壘的時候拉傷了他的腳 : In medical terms, Wang tore the Lisfranc ligament and peroneus longus : muscle in his right foot. In baseball terms, he was out for the season. : His career has never been the same. And now he is hurting again. : “My heart goes out to him,” Yankees Manager Joe Girardi said. “He’s : been through a lot.” 在醫學名詞中,王撕裂了他右腳的中足和腓骨長肌。 就棒球名詞來說,他這賽季已經報銷。 他的生涯歷程從不相同,但他現在又再次受傷。 Girardi表示:『我的心隨他受傷而震動,他今天真的投的很棒。』 : When Wang returned from his foot injury in 2009, he struggled to a 1-6 : record and a 9.64 earned run average, fueling speculation that he had : altered his mechanics. Some reports said his release point was higher : than it was before the injury, leveling his sinker. Eventually, Wang was : diagnosed with a torn shoulder capsule and underwent surgery, missing most : of the next two years while the Yankees allowed him to become a free agent. : Late last season, he made a comeback to the major leagues with the Nationals, : going 4-3 while showing flashes of his former dominance. 當09賽季葛格歸隊後,他投的相當的掙扎(1勝6負),肇因受傷引起的投球機制的改變。 一些報導說他的放球點跟以往相比過高,伸卡掉不下來。 最終,王接受手術,錯過了直到成為FA的剩下兩年的洋基賽季生涯。 直到上個賽季,葛格終於閃現他過去的主宰力,拿下4勝三負的成績 : The Yankees saw some of that same dominance on Thursday. : “He looked really good,” Girardi said. “I don’t remember his curveball : being that good. I feel bad for him now, because it looked like he tore his : hamstring.” 洋基在禮拜四的比賽中再次看到了葛格以前的主宰力。 Girardi教練表示:『不記得葛格以前曲球投的這麼好; 現在很替他擔心,因為他的腳筋貌似撕裂。』 : Nationals first baseman Chad Tracy said Wang’s left leg “was quivering” : as he waited for assistance. “You could see he was hurting.” 國民一壘菜鳥Tracy說,葛格當下左腳顫抖,可以見得已經受傷了。 : Martin said, “I asked him if he was O.K., and he just shook his head.” : Nationals Manager Davey Johnson said Wang was sent for further tests. : “Hopefully, it’s not serious,” Johnson said. “He was having a great : spring. It seemed that when he bent down to field the ball he strained his : hamstring, and then when he straightened up, he felt it. We’ll have to see : what the tests show.” 洋基跑者Martin說他有詢問葛格是否還OK,葛格搖頭。 國民教頭Davey Johnson表示王有更多的試煉,希望傷勢別太嚴重。 他有美好的春訓成績,現在只能等待受傷報告結果出爐。 : Wang easily handled Yankees hitters in the first inning, looking much like : the pitcher they once knew — and had. He struck out Brett Gardner looking, : induced Martin to ground out and struck out Andruw Jones swinging. : By the time he limped off the field, Wang had pitched two and two-thirds : scoreless innings with four strikeouts. 葛格在第一局輕鬆應付洋基打者,就像是以前洋基全盛時期的狀態一樣。 他讓Gardner拿香下場、使Martin擊出滾地出局、使Jones揮棒落空。 直到受傷下場,王投了二又三分之二局,沒有失分,送出四次三振。 : “That was the first time I’ve faced him, and I was impressed,” Martin : said. “I had some hitter’s counts on him, and he still threw some : fastballs up in the zone that had a run to it. It was good. The sinkers : were down in the zone. He had some real good stuff, no question.” 馬丁說: 『這是我第一次面對建民葛格,並且對他感到印象深刻。 我在球數上取得領先優勢,但他仍能夠把球控在好球帶內並且產生良好的尾勁。 這很好,伸卡也能控在好球帶,他有良好的投球內容,毫無疑問。』 --

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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/17 12:08, , 1F
03/17 12:08, 1F

03/17 12:10, , 2F
03/17 12:10, 2F

03/17 14:59, , 3F
03/17 14:59, 3F

03/17 15:57, , 4F
03/17 15:57, 4F

03/17 16:20, , 5F
那個...我想說 Chad Tracy不是什麼菜鳥 他跟葛格同年次的
03/17 16:20, 5F

03/17 16:21, , 6F
就算討論到1B的守備部份 他也早就不是什麼菜鳥了...
03/17 16:21, 6F

03/17 18:47, , 7F
03/17 18:47, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1FP0uD2i (CMWang)
文章代碼(AID): #1FP0uD2i (CMWang)