Re: [情報] CSI犯罪現場男星蓋瑞杜爾登持有毒品被捕

看板CSI作者 (蚊香豬)時間16年前 (2008/04/30 12:22), 10年前編輯推噓10(1007)
留言17則, 7人參與, 5年前最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
避免爆雷的回文 猜想如果這是真的 劇組到底會怎麼處理 因為前面已經有消息說小華不會接第九季@@ 可是如果說是因持有毒品被逮捕 跟CSI的節目形象完全背道而馳.... 好像不能等到節目Final 該不會小華從下集開始就人間蒸發 囧 (不知道劇組的拍戲進度是怎麼算的) 補上CSI Files上的新聞報導 事件內容前文版友已經詳述過 令人在意的是黃字的部份 小華可能是被火掉而非辭演第九季.... By Rachel April 29, 2008 - 9:17 PM Cocaine and heroin were among the drugs allegedly found with a CSI star. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's Gary Dourdan (Warrick Brown) was arrested in Palm Springs, California yesterday according to ET Online. A police officer noticed his car parked on the wrong side of the road at 5:12am. Dourdan appeared to be sleeping in the driver's seat. The officer said the actor seemed disoriented and possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When the car was searched, police found what they suspect to be cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and prescription drugs. Dourdan was taken to jail, where he posted $5,000 bail and was released. This news comes two weeks after it was announced that Dourdan would be leaving CSI. Ausiello reports that the decision to leave may not have been mutual, implying that the actor was essentially fired due to an "ongoing problem personal to Dourdan." The recent arrest for drug possession is not the actor's first run in with the law. In 2005, Dourdan was ordered to attend domestic-violence counseling, and just last year, the star was videotaped getting into a fight with a photographer from TMZ. The original article is from ET Online. CSI Files will keep an eye out for updates on this story. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/30 12:27, , 1F
04/30 12:27, 1F
※ 編輯: katoributa 來自: (04/30 12:35)

04/30 12:40, , 2F
04/30 12:40, 2F

04/30 12:41, , 3F
提示就是Lou Gedda會再度出現。
04/30 12:41, 3F

04/30 12:42, , 4F
那還好(呼~) 至少有個完整的結束
04/30 12:42, 4F

04/30 13:02, , 5F
04/30 13:02, 5F

04/30 14:42, , 6F
不過他在劇外也很衝動 有家暴以及和攝影人員打架...囧rz
04/30 14:42, 6F

04/30 14:52, , 7F
04/30 14:52, 7F

04/30 15:18, , 8F
可以請問一下Lou Gedda是誰嗎?在哪一集?
04/30 15:18, 8F

04/30 15:27, , 9F
8x09 台灣要等到6月初才會播...
04/30 15:27, 9F

04/30 16:12, , 10F
04/30 16:12, 10F

04/30 19:11, , 11F
04/30 19:11, 11F

04/30 19:12, , 12F
更新速度非常頻繁,還有成立粉絲討論版,結果現在 囧|||
04/30 19:12, 12F

04/30 19:13, , 13F
04/30 19:13, 13F

04/30 20:44, , 14F
04/30 20:44, 14F

04/30 21:54, , 15F
04/30 21:54, 15F
※ 編輯: katoributa (, 06/03/2014 08:44:48

11/27 16:07, , 16F
11/27 16:07, 16F

01/22 11:27, 5年前 , 17F
01/22 11:27, 17F
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