[劇情] CSI: NY 803 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/10/10 03:15), 編輯推噓13(1306)
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Danny Boss~~ 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 1) 傳說中的菜鳥警察出現了 2) 阿當你越來越搞笑了~~ 片頭, 一名捲髮女子化妝打扮著. 另一名褐髮女子走向她: Let's go have the world! 兩人走到一台紅色跑車旁邊, 褐髮女子: Ready? 捲髮女子: Give me ten seconds. (拿出破壞車子系統的工具) 褐髮女子: (倒數中) Ten, nine, eight... 而捲髮女子已經打開車了, 兩人上車揚長而去. 警局裡, 丹尼針對近來的名車竊盜事件跟手下員警做解說. 丹尼: ...Our suspects are females. They target vehicles on street... When that happenes, I want us being there. Let's get out there. Let's drive safe. 丹尼跟一名年輕的女性員警搭配巡邏, 兩人進入一間立體停車場裡, 丹尼看到一台紅色跑車的車頭燈亮著, 示意員警下車查探. 丹尼: You know what to do? 員警: Keep an eye open on the back. 兩人接近後發現車上沒人, 但是後車廂並未合攏, 丹尼在員警掩護下揭開後車廂, 結果裡面躺的是捲髮女竊賊的屍體. CSI到達現場... 丹尼: Hi, Mac. OCD confirmed that car was stolen two days ago. And she got photoed when driving past the speed. 包子大: ... victim is our survilliance. That photo put her behind the wheel. Now we need to figure out who put her on the trunk. Jo來到現場蒐證. Jo: (對包子大說) I got powder flakes inside. Other than that, there is nothing. 弗帥前來說停車場管理員說車是昨天晚上才出現在這裡的. Jo: Narrows our time frame. A car like this in black market can worth tones a million. 包子大: And why didn't the killer take the car? Jo: She might not be killed because of the car. It's just she stole the car. The powder flack is not from her anyway. 包子大: ... And it likely came from our killer. 弗帥: (看的屍體被抬走) It would be nice if she can just tell us what happened. 包子大: Maybe her body can. 席德大叔解剖屍體中, 霍克葛格來看狀況. 席德大叔: Overall she is in really health condition. 霍克葛格: Any physical trauma? 席德大叔: One bruise on the abdome and one under there. That's all. ... Here, take a look yourself. 霍克葛格查看死者心臟, 看來有不規則痕跡, 但原因不明. 警局裡大家忙著詢問各家車子被偷的車主... 弗帥: ... your car is stolen on July 26, right? 車主A: Yeah. 弗帥: (查看資料) Leave your keys in the garage. Isn't it stupid? 車主A: I was on a party... 包子大: Mr. Purdue, we recovered your ferrari in a parking garage. With a body on the trunk, though. 蒙大拿: Hum, the car is registered to your father but not you. 車主B: I borrowed it. 蒙大拿: Withought his permission. 車主B: Let's just say I got pissed off that he's going to remarry a woman who is about my age. Anyway, she got everything, other than cutting me out of his heritage. So I took the car. 弗帥: Recognize this woman? 車主A: Never seen her. Can I go now? 包子大: Does she look familiar? Mr. Purdue: No, I wish I can help you. 包子大: You can by leaving the car to us. We'll send it back after we processed it. Mr. Purdue: I'm not sure if I want it back now. 包子大去檢查車, 看到某人正躺在車下. 包子大: (踹) Jo: Oww! Mac, is that you? This ferrari is not the ferrari we thought. This is not Nate Purdue's property. 包子大: What you mean? Jo: The engine sequence is not right, so for other parts of the car. Body parts are swapped. 亞當: (走過來) Looking chick! No one looks so good when covering with dusts. Jo: Oh, I love you, Adam. 亞當: I recovered the box we found in the scene. (走近包子    大的車旁邊) Give me the key. 包子大: ? (交出鑰匙) 亞當: (接過鑰匙, 隨手丟出去) 包子大: Hey! 亞當: (笑) Go get it. But I can still let you in the car! 包子大: Adam. 亞當: Okay... this is a tribian. It generates thousands of streams to break and swith the original car's electronic system. So... (示範, 成功上車也成功發動了)    Goodye to the system. Hello to this reduced tribian.    I checked the use of such equipement before... 包子大: (看著亞當交出的檔案) Arthur Noorman. Jo: He could be potential competitors with those girls. And if the tension heated up... 包子大: (一邊打電話給弗帥一邊對亞當說) Go get the keys. Go. 弗帥去找人... 弗帥: (敲門) NYPD! 開門的女子: Can I help you? 弗帥: Hey, I am Detective Flack. I'm looking for Arthur Noorman. Is he here? Arthur: (在輪椅上推著輪椅出現) You're here for my daughthers, aren't you? 弗帥看到玄關桌上的照片, 是Arthur跟開門的女子以及那兩名竊車女賊的合照... 警局裡, Jo詢問Arthur, 包子大詢問唯一還留在家的女兒Audrey. Arthur: My beautiful Michell... Jo: Forget me, but you seem not too surprised. Arthur: Because this is my worst nightmare come true. Audrey: Michell is the perfect one. 包子大: You mean? Audrey: Stealing car is the family business. Arthur: Both Nicole and Michell followed my route. Audrey? She chose law school instead. Jo: Did you give them this? (出示那儀器) Arthur: I wished I haven't. These kids are on the street because of my failure. Jo: I need to know where to find Nicole. Arthur: ... I can't. Can't. Audrey: They have some disagreement with Dad. That was the last time we spoke to her. 包子大: Or your dad but not you. Audrey: ... (默認) 包子大: Michell is already gone. Your father is really sick. Nicole is the only family you have left. Now is your chance to protect her. Audrey: ... I saw them a few weeks back. They called me. We met in a coffee shop. I have no idea where they living, I swear. 包子大跟Jo看著父女離開... 包子大: Michell and her sister Nicole seem to be very close. Jo: ... and we know she is murdered. So Nicole is possibly also in danger. 包子大: Sid did everything he can but he can't identify the COD... 女員警拿報告書給丹尼, 丹尼指出已經晚了兩個小時. 員警: So what? 丹尼: ... Next time you should stop your think. Account for your behavior for your uniform. It seems nothing, but it means you spent here two hours instead of running after real crimes out there. And that's what I checked with myself before I turning back to my wife and my child after the hours. 員警: I will consider that. 丹尼: (在文件上簽名) Next time you will. 員警離開, 丹尼看到包子大把一切看在眼裡. 丹尼: Hey, I'm trying. 包子大: I think you are already a good boss, Danny. Remeber the guy once in my office? 丹尼: Puuf, long time ago. Felt like I still have a lot to learn. 蒙大拿找包子大 蒙大拿: The powder flakes are extra cellular matters... 包子大: You mean those for generating new tissues, and someday will grow body parts eventually? 蒙大拿: Yeah. I should be able to trace it down. Just need some time. 包子大: Nail it. 霍克葛格跟亞當在模擬詭異的格鬥技, 霍克葛格以手臂勒住亞當. 包子大: ... Gentlemen, can I be inside? 霍克葛格: (匆匆鬆開亞當) Mac! Just in time! It's battle compack. 亞當: (邊皺著臉揉脖子) Those bruise. Targeting most vulnerable parts. 霍克葛格: (出示資料) For example, gallbladder, 31. (作勢打亞當, 亞當哀嚎一聲倒下) Consession vessels, 15. (再打某人在哀嚎) 包子大: (無動於衷) She was deliberately penalized. (往外走) 霍克葛格: (對亞當說) Hey, he is gone. You can get up now. 包子大去找席德大叔看心臟肌紋路切片. 席德大叔: ...Stretched and nailed. So what the cause for? 包子大: ...Something efficienct like a stunb gun. I think I know who killed her. 包子大召集了Jo, 霍克葛格跟蒙大拿, 出示了一位Danno Liano的檔案, 他是FBI在追查的一名恐怖份子, 包子大: His speciality is electric shut. He's been to XXX, where he learned the compack. 霍克葛格: The file says he was caught in a fire. A dead man killed our victim? 蒙大拿: Maybe a burned man did. The generator powder! Jo: That means Nicole is seriously danger. 包子大: So is the family. 弗帥帶人衝去Noorman家公寓, 門是開的, 走進去, Arthur的輪椅是翻倒的, 而他人已經死在床上. 弗帥: (打電話) It's too late. Liano was already here. 霍克葛格來到現場蒐證, 在床下發現手機一只 霍克葛格: Small contact traumas on the chest. Small pin chips around the window. 包子大: He was running, why? 霍克葛格: (出示手機) She was dialing 911... 包子大: He has Audrey. He could see the only family member left now, Nicole. 丹尼再員警下班時叫住她... 丹尼: Listen, about before... 員警: Sergeant, That was what I deserved. 丹尼: Sorry for being hush still. 員警: I was as tough as I look. 丹尼: (笑) Sure you are. You'll make a nice cop. I was once young, impatiant and arrogant... 員警: (笑) Something didn't change? 丹尼: Yeah, probably. We good? 員警: As long as you nailed me still next time I dropped the ball. 丹尼: It's a deal. (準備離開) 員警: Um, Sergeant? We usually go for a couple beers or so at XXXX. There is always one more chair. 丹尼: Oh, I'll see if I can make it. Or maybe next time. 蒙大拿告訴包子大跟Jo說她追查到生化物質的來源了, 基本上是還沒有公開販售上市的療法. Jo: There are hundreds of ways Donna can get that. 蒙大拿: There are also hundreds of side effects... 包子大: How so? 蒙大拿: Well, where to start? Nerves pain, muscle eration, light sensitivity... 包子大: Light sensitivity? (回想詢問車主時的畫面)     We had him. Nathan Purdue is Danno Liano. Jo去調查Nathan Purdue的背景 Jo: Came out all clean... He's been in New York less than 2 year. He reinvested himself into a successful business man. Girls steal on the wrong term. 包子大: What if it's not the car he wants, but something else in the car? 亞當跑進來說Nicole光天化日之下犯案, 大街上員警嘗試攔阻未果, 不過車子的追查系統最後追到xx路附近. Jo: The coffee shop is on the same street. There must be a garage nearby. 包子大跟弗帥衝去那間倉庫, 滿滿的名車... 包子大: (看著紅色法拉利車身的流水號) This is Purdue's real stolen vehicle. 弗帥: Looks like she's trying to recover it? 包子大: (看著工作台上的清單) List of the body parts. That's a trade for Audrey. She'll need to find those, or a black market dealer will be working with her. We just have to get her to it. 於是說當Nicole接近一台黃色跑車後就被警方鎖定包圍了~~ 蒙大拿: NYPD! Don't move. 弗帥: It's over, Nicole. Nicole: You just kill my sister! 回到警局裡... Nicole: Wasting time! Audrey is in his hands. 包子大: We'll help your sister. You have my word. Sit down! Take a seat! Nicole: ... We got the car and seperated that. It's too late already. But I heard a ghost story. So we decide just give a car back to him. Something went wrong, I was supposed to go out to help. The plan is Mitchell handing the car to him. Somehow he knows it is not the car. He's asking for the parts. 包子大: She couldn't tell him because she didn't know. Nicole: Everything happenes so fast, there is nothing I can do. He walked away, and I waited a few minutes. Michell isn't moving already. I supposed to be there first (哭). 包子大: If you did, you will be dead now, too. Nicole: I know it is just time for him to come to me. So I went back, tried to fix the car, and waited. He had her phone. 包子大: And he already kidnapped Audrey. How you supposed to give him the car? Nicole: He said he is gonna call back. But now... (抬頭看包子大) I chose this life. I don't regret. But Audrey never asked any part of this family business. So please, let me try to save her. Let me bring the car back to Liano. 包子大: That's exactly what I'm gonna to do. 紅色法拉利在電話指示下來到了指定地點, Liano要駕駛下車, 說Audrey就在旁邊, 但是他要先驗車, 一開始一切看來都okay... Liano: (發現車子還是不對勁) Bitch! 而下車的長髮女子回身, 原來是扮裝的Jo姐姐啦~~ Jo: It's over, Liano. Looks like you've seen a ghost. 警方團團包圍住紅色法拉利. 包子大: (走過來) You okay? Jo: (笑的很開心) Now we got him. So where is Audrey? 弗帥: Hey! Mac! Jo! Over here! 三人在一台停在旁邊的黑色廂型車裡找到Audrey. 包子大帶著Audrey回到警局, 姊妹倆激動的相擁. 最後的CSI工作~~ 包子大: Liano use three ways to set a security box inside the car. Radio, Thermal span, and light control. (車子裡的盒子被打開了) Jo: (倒出藏在羊皮紙袋裡的東西) Passport, credit card, birth certification... All the things that can trace down Nathan Purdue as Danno Liano. 包子大: Now the car was stolen, he has to get them back. Jo: The uncatchable Liano. You know, I always tell my kids that the only reason that evil can exist in the world is that good can claimed them over. 小員警們輕鬆的聊天喝酒中, 丹尼走了進去... 員警: Sergeant! Nice to see you make it! 丹尼: (裝嚴肅) What the hell you think you're doing?    (三四的小員警紛紛愣住不敢吭聲, 丹尼一笑)    Move over and give me a seat! (大家笑開, 丹尼坐下) Just kidding. It's a joke. 本集心得: 1) 阿當丟鑰匙或者被拿來當人體示範沙包那兩段都滿好笑的~~ 吃Jo姐豆腐也很好笑! 2) 於是說傳說中的菜鳥警察出現了, Danny Boss架式不錯喲~~ 3) 是說都第三集了案件本身我還是無感怎麼辦? 囧" 姊妹情深是okay啦, 但是家族企業跟很雖惹到大白鯊這是啥設定? = =" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/10 10:03, , 1F
阿當這集超好笑 JO姨片尾那長髮飄飄電到我了 3姊妹正
10/10 10:03, 1F

10/10 13:58, , 2F
對ㄚ 劇情太鳥了啦~ 但是還是很愛JO
10/10 13:58, 2F

10/10 14:07, , 3F
10/10 14:07, 3F

10/10 14:22, , 4F
阿嬌姨最後超帥,阿當越來越白痴而且真的變腫了 xDDDDD
10/10 14:22, 4F

10/10 14:23, , 5F
10/10 14:23, 5F

10/10 14:24, , 6F
西小蘿莉啊 XDDD
10/10 14:24, 6F

10/11 03:09, , 7F
10/11 03:09, 7F

10/11 09:24, , 8F
10/11 09:24, 8F

10/11 09:51, , 9F
10/11 09:51, 9F

10/11 09:52, , 10F
10/11 09:52, 10F

10/13 01:08, , 11F
10/13 01:08, 11F

10/13 01:10, , 12F
還有阿當好好笑~~~~~ Danny你還是早點回家吧XD
10/13 01:10, 12F

10/14 09:58, , 13F
這集超好看的阿 ~我喜歡緊湊的劇情
10/14 09:58, 13F

10/15 02:06, , 14F
10/15 02:06, 14F

10/15 17:36, , 15F
10/15 17:36, 15F

10/16 19:53, , 16F
10/16 19:53, 16F

10/16 19:53, , 17F
結果還真的猜到了= =a
10/16 19:53, 17F

10/17 00:17, , 18F
喔喔~~大家都好厲害~~鐵嘴神算這樣~~ XD
10/17 00:17, 18F

10/28 14:00, , 19F
10/28 14:00, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1EaVBGa2 (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1EaVBGa2 (CSI)