[劇情] CSI:NY 809 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/12/04 13:36), 編輯推噓10(10019)
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Jo秀秀喔~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 死好! 片頭回顧上集片段~~ 鏡頭出現一名黑髮女子被推著撞向玻璃鏡面, 女子倒地, 另一名倒地的紅髮女子被拖著離開, 最後一枚子彈彈殼掉在她面前. 時間回到48小時前, 就是上次John Curtis被宣告可以交保時的法庭. Jo走出法庭, 一名男子隔著街看著Jo, Jo正在疑惑中, Serena追了上來... Serena: Jo, what happened? You said Linsey is working with you. I thought she was on our side! Jo: Serena, everything will be fine. She has to tell the truth. Serena: Truth is he raped that girl! And they just let him go! Again. Jo: All that means he has to go with a bail, that's different. Serena: It's the same to me... Jo: We're gonna get him. Senator Matthew: How could you even say that!? Jo: Because there are a lot of good people want to see him behind the bar, and we will do that. Senator Matthew: Isn't it your assistant standing there? I saw this man walked out freely twice, and every time you were there. Jo: I was not involved in this case as you know, Senator. Senator Matthew: And yet it managed to fall apart still somehow! Serena: Dad, let's just go. Senator Matthew: My daughther had already paid her price, nothing can change that, but this is about other daughthers who suffered from the John Curtis since he was let out the first time! Come on. (帶著Serena離開) Jo回想起第一次跟Senator Matthew見面的情景. Jo: Senator Matthew, my name is Jo Danville. Frank: Frank XXX. I worked with the crime lab. Jo: Can you tell us what happened? Since we weren't told very well. Senator Matthew: My daughter- she was attacked. Came home got beaten and drugged today. Frank: Take her to the hospital. Senator Matthew: Of course not! No press! My daughther got to be protected, that's why I didn't call the DC police. Jo: Where is your daughther now? Senator Matthew: (推開臥室門) Serena? They're here. (Serena看著三人哭了出來) Be gentle to my little girl. 回到現在, 載著John Curtis的警車經過, 他囂張的向Jo揮手... Jo回到局裡, 拆開了Allie的證物盒, 檢視照片與報告, 包子大出現. 包子大: You know you shouldn't do that. You even shouldn't be within 10 feet of the evidence. Jo: John Curtis is released with bails now. I can't just sit and see this case falling apart. 包子大: This case isn't yours, Jo. It's Linsey's. She will be the one who go back to the evidence, and you need to back off. Jo: You know John Curtis isn't just another bad guy to me and you want me to pretend this as usual? 包子大: Yeah I got it is personal and it is another reason why you should keep your distance away. Jo: But nobody is familiar with this guy better than me. I spent 11 months in DC to study him. Of course it is personal. But you know I can help this case. 包子大: (嘆氣) Why don't you look at the cases in DC for detail? Maybe some links can be helpful here. Jo: Thank you. 包子大: And others will work with you. You don't do any process by yourself. None of your signatures should be appeared on any sheet. Jo: Thank you. 包子大: Whatever you find, do it quickly. The only thing keeps this case alive is Allie's statement. Allie: You said I will be safe. But look at whom should I be pissed now? The crime lab? 弗帥: Look, Allie, you just need a break here. Allie: They called me a liar. The newspaper. And a whore. 弗帥: I told you not read the papers. Allie: The DAs are doubting my statement now. 弗帥: Well, if they're all in consistancies. Allie: So you think I'm a liar as well now. 弗帥: The GHB in your system suggests that John Curtis gave you a lethal dose. You should be dead! Can you explain that? Allie: I don't know! I'm not a scientist! 弗帥: But without physical evidences, all we can depend on is your words! Allie: Then that's it. I'm not doing this anymore. I'm dropping the case. 弗帥: Let's be clear about something. There is no dropping thing, okay? You cannot unring the bell. Allie: You cannot force me to testify. 弗帥: No, but the DA can, and they will. You're in this, Allie. 丹尼: Okay, so this is all the cases FBI forward to us from DC. Not much you haven't read. Jo: Curtis is careful. He drugged them in their drinks, he raped them in the hotel, and basically there is no evidence on the sheets. Normally those women do not want to recall the details. 丹尼: Right, and Serena Matthew is probably those not so cooperative. Jo翻開Serena的檔案, 想起自己那時採證的過程, Jo當時先向Serena解釋過他們要幹麻以後, 才開始拍照, 但是每按一下快門Serena都像驚弓之鳥一樣斗衣而顫. Jo: (注意到Serena漂像Fred的眼光) Frank, do you mind step out for a moment? Serena: I'm sorry, I was just so embarrassed... Jo: Serena- Serena: I haven't been drinking this whole week... Jo: Serena, listen to me. This is not your fault. Not your fault. Serena: I remember his face. If you find him, I can identify him for you. Jo: Good. 回到現在... 丹尼: Jo. Jo! (Jo回神) Your cell phone is ringing. 螢幕顯示為unknown caller. 另外一邊~~ 蒙大拿告訴包子大說她對於從Allie的傷口採證的swap重新做了分析, 包子大說很好, 也許可以重建出傷口發生時間並將time frame縮到Curtis與Allie在旅館的時候. 蒙大拿: Right, unfortunately it supports the opposite. Johm Curtis left Allie 8 hours ago before I took the sample, but one of the wound is made just a few hours ago. 包子大: That means Allie not only lie about the GHB but also when she got beaten. 蒙大拿: I wish she's not lying about everything. 外頭的咖啡店 Jo: I saw you out the court yesterday. Frank: I saw you, too. You were busy. Serena Matthew. Jo: Yeah, my golden time. How about you, Fred? Frank: Fine. ... xxx lab. Jo: Yeah? You like it? Frank: (聳肩) It's a job. Jo: What about the boys and Alice? Frank: I don't know. We weren't together. Jo: I don't know that... I'm truly sorry for what happened to you, Frank. Frank: (笑) What happend to me? You mean after you fired me from FBI? Jo: Is it why you invite me for breakfast? You want to blame me for that decision as well? Frank: No, it is not what I- Jo: You made a mistake when you processing the evidence, and you tried to cover it up. Frank: Jo- I'm not arguing that with you. I went to the courthouse to let you know that I understand. Jo: ... Okay, thank you. Frank: Then that John Curtis walked out again! Looking at his face almost make me throw! Jo: Okay, is it what you want to say about my decision? Frank: I'm not saying I didn't make any mistake, it took me a while to figure out... but I would do anything not to let the man go! Jo: I have the responsibility, Frank. Frank: To Serena! And to other victims! How can you let him go twice!? Jo: Clearly you still don't understand what happened to years ago! Frank: You're right, I don't understand. I shouldn't have called you. 蒙大拿跟弗帥前往一個案件現場, 蒙大拿在跟弗帥說Allie的事. 蒙大拿: ... and the cut under her eye? She probably do that to herself. 弗帥: Well, I hope she didn't do this to herself. 兩人接近陳屍在公園水塘邊的屍體, 赫然就是Allie. 蒙大拿開始拍照蒐證, 在Allie的衣領採集到奇怪的碎片. 亞當: Whoa! This is like a post card! I mean, not the dead body, but the rest part of it, yeah? A post card, right from here... 蒙大拿: Shut up and help me rolled her. (兩人將屍體翻身) One force trauma on the head. 亞當: One to the skull? Or several? 蒙大拿: I can't tell. It depends on what hits her. 弗帥: (那著顆石頭走過來) Here. It has blood on it. 蒙大拿: So she was killed. Here is the dump job. 亞當: Kill with a stone? 弗帥: Could be something not intended. 蒙大拿: Like an argument out of heat? 亞當: I'll say it's one of her customer. (蒙大拿瞪他) What? She was a call-out girl! 蒙大拿: I am sorry we have to bring you out here, Adam. 弗帥: If it's about the rape case, one guy will definitely want to confront her. 蒙大拿: And John Curtis just got out from bail. Jo趕回局裡, 經過收押審訊室看到看到John Curtis坐在裡面, Jo想起兩年前John Curtis被宣判無罪時, 他也是那樣盯著她看的. Jo: Is everything good? 包子大: Not to Allie Rand. Jo: I don't get it, why did you call me. And why would he even bother to agree coming in to talk. 包子大: He isn't agree to talk to me. He specifically request you. Jo: (走進房間打開錄影機) This is Detective Jo Danville. ... in the room with me is John Curtis. Curtis: This is not an interview. Jo: Excuse me? Curtis: This isn't an interview. I asked you to be here. If anything, I interviewing you. But I preferred to call it a discussion. Jo: Neverthless, the camera is here to record you. Curtis: Make sure that I didn't falsely claimed or something happened? I mean, I could leave, and then come back to claim police retality. I hope you appreciate I was already here. You're so eager that you'll believe everything? Believe this Allie - is it her name? Against my judges, agianst what my lawyer wished, I'm gonna tell you this: I did sleep with her. I didn't rape her. Jo: Why are you lying about this? Curtis: I don't want to admit I spent the money. The hotel suite is comfortable anyway. Jo: Where were you last night? Curtis: Where were you last night? Jo: I don't find this amuzing. Curtis: Because it didn't meant to be. Now tell me this: I would love to know what your alibi is about Allie Rand's death. The way I see it, you have more motives than I do. I mean you were so closed that I could taste it. Another victim. Another GHB evidence. Another reminder of my name. You were so close to laying your hands under your pillow and forgetting what happened. But your star witness turned out to be a fraud, so you let Allie Rand to know what you thought about it. Send me a copy of that, would you? I want to reply the look on your face. (離開) 席德大叔跟霍克葛格開始驗屍... 蒙大拿: Hey, Sid. Have you ever seen someone punch herself in the face? 席德大叔: No. Are you going to punch yourself on the face? 蒙大拿: Hum, let me tried again, have you seen anyone in your table has a self-punched trace on their face? 席德大叔: Based on what I passed through, no, I have never seen someone successfully punched himself on the face. 蒙大拿: Allie Rand. The old brouse and cuts on her face, could it be self-placed? 席德大叔: ... no, her fist didn't match and she had to put a full power for that kind of wound to happen. 蒙大拿: ... so she has a compromise. 席德大叔: (拿出在Allie頭部採到的跡證) And, whoever killed her, left this behind. 包子大: Adam! 亞當: Boss, check this out! 包子大: (看顯微鏡) Okay, so what am I looking at? 亞當: Dermal denticals. 包子大: Shark skin? This is the trace from Allie Rand's coat? 亞當: Yeah, weired, right? 亞當解釋說他查了說網路, 發現有藥商使用鯊魚皮製作slow-releasing的膠囊, 這種膠囊可以在服下抵達胃部後緩慢放出第二劑量的藥物... 亞當: Pretty cool, huh? 包子大: Have Linsey mentioned if Allie had any kind of connection with pharmacy schools? Jo: (走過來看到網頁) Rothwill Laboratory? (想到Frank說的工作地點) It's Frank Waters. Jo跟弗帥到了Frank家, 沒人, 但是滿牆跟蹤Curtis的照片... 弗帥: How well you say you know this guy? Jo: (手機響, 是Frank) Frank? Frank: None of there are meant to happen. Jo: Where are you, Frank? Frank: If I could go back... just go back to fix what I did... I know John Curtis is guilty, if I could go fix it... Jo: Why don't we just talk through this, Frank? Just tell me where you are. Frank: (Jo跟弗帥走到窗邊看到馬路對岸的Frank) That son of bitch. I know there were more. Jo: More what, Frank? Frank: It's all my fault. Jo: Your intention is good, Frank. I know that. Frank: All I want is to go away, so I'll never do that again. I'm sorry, Jo. 弗帥趕到了樓下對面, 但是Frank已經掛了電話, 往馬路中間走... Jo: No, no, no!!! Frank!!! 一台巴士把Frank狠狠輾過. 霍克葛格, 丹尼和包子大來到Frank公寓搜查. 法蘭克的公寓充滿跟蹤Curtis的紀錄, 廚房設備則根本是小型化學實驗室. 包子大: Easy to make GHB in the kitchen. 霍克葛格: You think Frank worked with Allie to set up John Curtis? 包子大: He wanted John Curtis paid for what he did in DC. Or over New York. Allie could came here, got dosed and beaten before she came in for report. All pre-set. 霍克葛格: Something is wrong here. Frank has worked in the crime lab years at DC. 包子大: So how could he get the amount of dose so wrong? 丹尼: ... there are a lot of things could go wrong here. 包子大: If he did, Frank might be afraid Allie decide to drop. 霍克葛格: So he could confront her. 包子大: And then make sure she was silent. Jo在停屍間裡看著Frank的屍體, 想起當年的事... Jo: Close the door, Frank. Frank: Oh-oh, so I was in trouble? Jo: I spent all night on this, I can't sleep. I am just sick on my stomach. You miss-mark John Curtis's DNA profile. Frank: ... there're more than 50 loci so probably I made some minor mistakes? Jo: Yes, you did. I signed on that and you testified on the court. Then I found this day of the second! The first time you test John Curtis's DNA you mis-marked- Frank: Where did you get that? Jo: From the XXX lab. I assumed you destroy the original. Frank: Look, Jo. I made a mistake. Jo: It's not just a mistake. You know I have to defend the case. Frank: Well if you do that the case will just fall apart! Jo: Forgive me, Frank, but you give me no choice! 回到現在, 席德大叔走進來... 席德大叔: He's a friend of yours? Jo: We used to be close. How can you misjudge people so much? I used to trust him 席德大叔: And now he's a suspect of a murder. Jo: Yeah, I can't ground myself from that. 席德大叔: Well, I haven't find any evidence can coonect Frank physically to Allie Rand. But I found those erosions on his fingertips. Could be from chemical burns. Jo: Means supposedly Frank is making up GHB in his apartment. 席德大叔: It's possible. Jo: Also supports the theory that Frank is helping Allie setting up John Curtis. 席德大叔: (點頭) I'm sorry, Jo. Jo: Yeah, me, too. Sid. 霍克葛格從手機重建出一段Allie與Frank的對話, 在Allie死前一天發生的. Allie: So what are you? Some kind of cops? Frank: Yeah, used to be. I once worked in a crime lab in DC. Allie: So you're the once from the hell. Frank: Yes, and so are you! I was at the court today. If you're going to dose yourself with GHB, you should at least get the amount right! Allie: You're crazy. Frank: Yeah, I'm. But at least I'm consensus. ... Right now they're going to pull out any details on your story! Allie: All right, leave me alone! Frank: (抓住Allie) I'm right, ain't I? You're trying to frame him! But this isn't gonna work just by screw your face! Allie: Just let me go! 包子大: When this happened? 霍克葛格: Just one hour before her death. 包子大: Why would he even record that? 霍克葛格: Looks like he was trying to record evidence by himself to prove Allie set herself up. 包子大: This doesn't exclude Frank from our suspects, but it did change the story. 霍克葛格: It could like it sound. But he could still follow Allie up to the park, and then kill out of anger. 包子大: It is possible. But if Frank isn't involved in the framing, what are those suvilliance of John Curtis about? And why he is doing GHB? 霍克葛格與丹尼向包子大與Jo報告. 霍克葛格: So the jars we found in Frank's kitchen didn't belong to him. We got John Curtis's fingerprints all over it. Jo: How did Frank get them? 霍克葛格: He's following John Curtis. Took a photo of Curtis throwing his trash bag. 包子大: Hoping to prove that Curtis is making his own GHB? 丹尼: And Frank is a busy man. Along with thousands of survillance images? There are hundreds of recieves on 67 hotels John Curtis once been there. All link back to the two months of John Curtis's life in New York. Jo: And the car recieves? 丹尼: All from the same hotel, the same bar, but different womens there. 包子大: Frank is trying to figure out John Curtis's potential targets. Jo: He wasn't looking for the victims, he war more forward. 包子大: He has to trace hundreds of credit card recieves to cross that. Jo: Frank was always incrediably stubborn. 丹尼: And that's how we got this. (出示照片一張) That's Curtis's car. I found that there is this single hair attached on the back of this photo. 包子大: You run the DNA yet? 丹尼: Yeah, but no hit in CODIS. Jo: Maybe it doesn't have to be. 蒙大拿在試驗各種正面撞擊杆狀物可以留下的痕跡 包子大: Batting coach will tell you you need to follow through it. Good swings though. 蒙大拿: What do you know about rare wood? 包子大: Not much. But I assume this has something to be with Allie Rand. 蒙大拿: ... it's pink practical. It's one of the three rarest plants on this planet. It's orignated from South Africa. Could be used for club or cane stick. The head is round, so I'm wodering if it can cause the trace on Allie Rand's temple. Although it's not much useful in New York. 包子大: (接過柺杖) But it can be used in other place... 包子大去找Senator Matthew. Senator Matthew: (開門) Detective Taylor? Come'in in. I hope this house call means some good news about John Curtis's case. 包子大: I'm not here about John Curtis. I'm here about Allie Rand's murder. Senator Matthew: (轉頭對Serena說) Sweetheart, can you leave us a few seconds? (Serena離開, Senator Matthew轉頭看包子大) 包子大: I came here for respects to you and what you accomplished in your life. I was also wandering where your umbrella is. The one you carried with your briefcase. Senator Matthew: What it has to do with the woman's death? 包子大: Your umbrella is one of the weapons killed her. Senator Matthew: So now I'm the suspect? In the murder of a woman I don't even know. 包子大: Last you took a high-profit trip in Miami has been two weeks jumping, isn't it? Senator Matthew: Yeah, it's all Senator business. 包子大: According to our credit record, Allie was in Miami around that time, too. Senator Matthew: It's just a match of time window. 包子大: How much did you pay her? Senator Matthew: I am a United States senator! 包子大: How much did you pay her for framing John Curtis? Senator Matthew: That's enough! I have to ask you leave! 包子大: And I will come back with a warrant for your special umbrella. If you even think about making it disappear, your face will replace John Curtis on the news and they won't even talk about the case of DC rapist anymore. Senator Matthew: What would you do, detective? If it is your daughther being humuliated like mine? He was gonne rape another woman again unless someone holds him behind there. 包子大: And so you hired Allie to trap him. Senator Matthew: I wish I don't have to do that by myself. I made sure Curtis picked her up at the hotel, and then we set things up. She wants to make sure that's a high-profile case, but when things turn around... 包子大: Then she start get panicking. Senator Matthew: She called me every ten minutes. I told her we cannot have any contact before the trail ends but she insisted on we have a meeting. 包子大: And that's how you decided you have to let it meant to an end. Senator Matthew: The only thing I want is that John Curtis paying for what he did! 公園裡... Allie: I want to help you. But they know that I'm lying! Senator Matthew: Allie, you are so close. If you quit now, Curtis will do that again! Allie: I'm so sorry... (轉身要走) Senator Matthew: Allie! Allie! Don't walk out from me! 傘柄導致Allie跌倒在地, 然後Senator Matthew又用石頭再敲了一次致死. Senator Matthew: I was desperated. 包子大看著他無言以對, 然後Serena房間的門打開了, Serena看著老爸哭了出來, 而Senator Matthew看了女兒一眼, 回頭看著包子大, 把臉埋在掌間... 警局裡... Jo: Amanda Taylor? Amanda: Yeah. Amanda: I'm Jo Danville. Mandy: Can you tell me what is this about? Jo: Why don't we go to another place that's more private? Amanda: Well, I need to go somewhere else. Can you just tell me what is this about? Jo: We need to talk about this John Curtis. Amand: I don't know who it is. Jo: You were raped in Spring Street three weeks ago, right? He... spilled your drink, maybe offer to buy you a new one? 兩人移到小房間 Amanda: We left the bar about one hour later. He drove me back to my place... We just met, but I- Jo: I'm not here to judge you, Amanda. I just want to know what happened. Amanda: I asked him up. He opened a bottle of wine. We start talking. I just felt the room start- Jo: You blocked out. Amanda: I woke up the next morning. I was naked. My wrists are all red. And- I looked in the mirror and saw my face- (哭出來) Jo: It's okay. Amanda: How did you find me? Jo: We found your hair. We crossed bar recieves and DMV photos. And we figured our it is you. Amanda: I- I throw out the sheets, the wine bottle- Jo: Do you still have other things? The cloth you're wearing? The wine glasses? Amanda: (點頭) Jo: Would you mind if we go back to your apartment and I get those things from you? It's really important. 兩人回到Amanda家 Jo: Great place. You got a lot of lights. Amanda: Yeah. I'm moving. I just can't stay here anymore. Jo: (接過Amanda遞來的玻璃杯) Oh, this is great. It may still contain some reminants of GHB. Amanda: The clothes are in the back. I'll be right back. Jo: You think to talk to a therapist? It would be helpful to talk to someone about what happened. Amanda: Yeah. I've thought about it. I just- need some time. Jo: I understand. What about your parents? Did you tell them? Do they live in the city? Amanda? Amanda? Jo跟進房間, 看到被打破的窗戶, 還有倒在地上的腳, Jo準備掏槍, 卻有一拳迎面而來. 回到片頭, Jo清醒了過來, 看到的是John Curtis. Curtis: Get up! Come'on! Get up! Jo搖搖晃晃起身, 被推去撞玻璃, Curtis移開Amanda Curtis: (回到Jo旁邊) Beg me not to kill you. Come'on. I want to hear you said that. Jo: Never. (吐口水) Curtis: What a girl. You never did know when to give up, did you? (開始把Jo手槍裡的子彈一顆一顆丟出, Jo勉強翻身, 看到倒在另 一頭頭上有傷的Amanda) You know some experts said sick people, people like me, ultimately we want to be caught and the mistakes we made are intentional. That we strake intentionally because we like the risk. Those experts are maroons. I have no intention to be caught. This, was not intentional (拿起玻璃杯踩碎) You got too close, Jo. Can I call you Jo? Oh, no bullets. (Jo翻身攀著去拿槍) Come'on, you can do that. Jo: (舉槍對著Curtis, 某人根本不怕) You know how much times people accidentally shoot themselves? Curtis: (張開雙手) Bang! You got me! You finally got me! (雙手握胸諷刺著Jo) Jo: They always forgot the one in the chamber. (Curtis臉色大變, Jo開槍) 一槍沒死, Curtus爬起來朝著Jo前進, Jo檢起地上的子彈, 裝填, 再次開槍. 這次Curtis是死透了, Jo氣喘吁吁的看向Amanda, 發現Amanda只是昏過去而已, 大大的鬆了口氣. 最後, 包子大確認了Amanda的傷勢, 看著Curtis的屍體被抬出來, 回到Jo的身邊幫Jo披了件外套, Jo看到人群裡面出現了匆匆趕來的Serena... Jo讓包子大攬著把頭靠在包子大肩上 本集心得: 1) DC rapist線完結篇, Jo姐拍拍~~ 2) 確定Allie是設局以後第一個想到的是Matthew爸爸, 中間Frank出來有默默的稍微希望不要是爸爸太衝動這樣, 但是結果還是...... 這樣是要叫Serena情何以堪哪...... Orz 3) Frank到底為什麼要選擇自殺呢? 心理壓力這兩年來一定都很大沒有錯. 可是如果把蒐集到的東西交給警方, 他希望的正義還是可以成就的不是嗎? 還是說他以為Allie的死也是他的錯? (抱頭) 4) Curtis的囂張跟海灘那個醫生有拼, 死好~~ 不過可以的話希望海灘那個不要一槍解決(太便宜這些人了!), 送進牢裡讓何公交代下去好好"照顧"吧~~(煙) 上週三家店因感恩節暫停, 本週本店是因為葛來美入圍名單揭曉, 下週好像都是新的內容, 再之後聖誕節期間停播新進度大概又快要開始了這樣~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/04 14:00, , 1F
不太喜歡Jo在這幾集的態度 因為她的任性 讓Frank跑去
12/04 14:00, 1F

12/04 14:02, , 2F
自殺 最後Curtis那段也有點突兀 他根本沒傳言的那麼小心
12/04 14:02, 2F
我是也覺得Jo姐跟Frank吃早餐那邊有點over-react, 不過也是因為她自己對Curtis案子一直耿耿於懷吧? 至於最後一段, 我覺得是阿編在製造蘋果店女主角都要莫名被揍一下的傳統...(攤手)

12/04 20:25, , 3F
12/04 20:25, 3F
比如說像某絕命終結者Casey先生那樣嗎? XDD

12/04 22:20, , 4F
12/04 22:20, 4F

12/05 00:07, , 5F
...任性?個人認為她是太公正 而非任性
12/05 00:07, 5F

12/05 00:09, , 6F
很神的是John 在上一集說Allie只會讓CSI失敗
12/05 00:09, 6F

12/05 00:10, , 7F
我還以為他準備了啥詭計 結果居然是Matthew爸設的局
12/05 00:10, 7F

12/05 00:10, , 8F
12/05 00:10, 8F

12/05 00:22, , 9F
12/05 00:22, 9F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (12/05 03:28)

12/05 04:41, , 10F
12/05 04:41, 10F

12/05 04:44, , 11F
還有Mathew(24 S7的Larry Moss XDD)以前也有跟Jo姊
12/05 04:44, 11F

12/05 04:45, , 12F
12/05 04:45, 12F

12/05 07:01, , 13F
個人還是覺得Jo任性 Frank把Jo找出來很明顯有情報要給她
12/05 07:01, 13F

12/05 07:02, , 14F
但Jo還是離不開過去 當面指責 結果Frank連話都沒說就跑
12/05 07:02, 14F

12/05 07:02, , 15F
12/05 07:02, 15F

12/05 20:10, , 16F
12/05 20:10, 16F

12/05 20:13, , 17F
12/05 20:13, 17F

12/06 00:48, , 18F
12/06 00:48, 18F

12/06 00:49, , 19F
12/06 00:49, 19F

12/06 00:50, , 20F
12/06 00:50, 20F

12/07 07:51, , 21F
那個Amanda Tanner是怎麼冒出來的 為什麼Jo只看了一眼頭髮
12/07 07:51, 21F

12/07 07:51, , 22F
12/07 07:51, 22F

12/07 08:01, , 23F
我不該一邊看一邊發問的 答案馬上就演出來了 = =;
12/07 08:01, 23F

12/07 11:04, , 24F
這個梗跟結局 有點瞎 竟然可以拍到三集@@a NY這一季還沒
12/07 11:04, 24F

12/07 11:04, , 25F
令人印象深刻的劇情說 = = 感覺劇本很混
12/07 11:04, 25F

12/07 11:49, , 26F
樓上說的沒錯 我還期待John跟csi們有啥高超犯罪技巧攻防戰
12/07 11:49, 26F

12/08 23:47, , 27F
12/08 23:47, 27F

12/14 07:53, , 28F
劇本混+1 既然都是一槍解決,還不如讓Matthew爸開槍算了
12/14 07:53, 28F

01/04 02:24, , 29F
還以為是什麼很高深的詭計...結果竟然這麼瞎= =
01/04 02:24, 29F
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