[麻醉] 甲班第九組請進

看板CSMU-MED95作者時間13年前 (2011/11/08 19:56), 編輯推噓1(100)
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跟前幾組一樣 為了避免10分鐘的尷尬 把教案分配給大家先查一下 A 37-year-old pregnant woman with a gestational age of 42 weeks (G1P0) and regular uterine contraction, was admitted for induction. EBM 1. 產婦問:雖然減痛分娩可以減少產痛,但對於我的孩子會不會有影響?(李薇) She received painless labor to palliate her labor pain during induction after admission. 1. Please discuss the procedures in painless labor. Including: a、 Necessary evaluation before this procedures(絨毛) b、 Procedures in performing the painless labor(絨毛) c、 How is painless labor working to palliate the labor pain?(詩茹) d、 Indications and contraindications(詩茹) However, 4 hours after induction, moderate to severe bradycardia (below 80 BPM) with loss of beat-to-beat variability was noted on the fetal heart beat monitor, and emergent cesarean section was planned under impression of fetal distress. EBM2. 產婦問:剖腹生產做區域麻醉或全身麻醉比較好?(阿古) 2. Discussing anesthesia for the emergent cesarean section. Including: a、 pre-anesthesia evaluation for a pregnant woman.(在下) b、 Which anesthesia method (general anesthesia with endotracheal intubations, spinal anesthesia and epidural anesthesia) you will choose for the patient’s cesarean section? Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.(在下) 3. How to manage the postoperative pain(銘源) 跟上面幾組一樣懶人分配法 希望禮拜四課上完大家也留下來討論一下 順便偷聽別組要問甚麼 就這樣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/08 19:58, , 1F
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11/08 19:58, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1EkHa8rp (CSMU-MED95)
文章代碼(AID): #1EkHa8rp (CSMU-MED95)