Re: [皇帝] 一路向南 直往台中 台中幫請看!!!!!!

看板CTSH92301作者 (hungyu)時間18年前 (2006/03/22 18:42), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
I prefer March 31 , Friday! We can reach Taichung about 6:00 pm, then enjoy "night life" there which is the "Johnny King" specializes at. If the other mates want to come together such as"Miss Stupid" , We can meet in the Train Station at the night and play together. The classmates studying there can take us fooling around their daily region, I hope as many as people come to meet us. So please give us the responds whether you can come or not as soon as possible. After all, this is the first time we visit Taichung, right? Finally,April 1 is the beginning of the Spring vacation of some universaties, so we can come back to Miaoli by train together and enjoy the short break! -- Sorry I can't key in Chinese. Please skip any grammar and spelling mistakes, Haha!! ※ 引述《ovsp (肥貓)》之銘言: : 這次回去和大哥有個默契 : 因為好像大學至今都沒有到過台中好好的玩一下 : 和台中幫的各位聚聚聊聊 : 只有大哥和二哥去台中找強皇 : 沒想到卻遭受到強皇麻將的迫害損失慘重 : 所以想去台中玩 不知道台中個各位是不是歡迎大哥和貓小弟我 : 希望這次下鄉之旅也能夠有趣 : 時間是希望再春假前 那再和大哥商議 : 台中幫是我們班最大領地 : 有強皇帶領著大家 : 班花 猴子 DOMO 瑞文 小晴 客家 耍帥*2 阿楷 阿榜 小偉 青蛙 屏屏 : 哇靠 有15個之多 太殺了啦 : 所以 看各位有沒有時間能夠一起聚聚囉 : 不知強皇室不是歡迎我們 : 一直以來都沒去台中 嘿嘿 : 這次火力全開 等著 ^^ : 當然 阿呆 阿酷*2 阿滿 欣妘 聰 饅頭 烏龜也都可以來唷 : 台中大會師 嘴炮大X芳 唷耶 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/22 20:02, , 1F
03/22 20:02, 1F

03/22 21:29, , 2F
酷唷!!!我330就可以出發了 台中的各為贏結巴
03/22 21:29, 2F

03/22 21:37, , 3F
靠腰 打中文啦
03/22 21:37, 3F

03/22 21:47, , 4F
不錯呀 提倡英文教學
03/22 21:47, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #148Ieamr (CTSH92301)
文章代碼(AID): #148Ieamr (CTSH92301)