
看板CZE-SVK作者 (Les Habitants)時間16年前 (2008/07/23 21:18), 編輯推噓0(000)
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依舊維持他無聊的流水帳風格 他說會去找Dima討教 怎樣讓Blog變有趣 第一天他都和一些捷克人(Stepanek, Dlouhy,還有教練Navratil)一起待在休息室玩飛鏢 另外他的教練有一些在多倫多的捷克朋友來拜訪他們, 一起聊了一些捷克的新聞, 像是捷克在定向越野錦標賽拿到一金二銀,還有聊了Jaromir Jagr從NHL轉會到俄羅斯聯盟 (定向越野世界錦標賽今年剛好在捷克Olomouc舉行) 他也看了British Open,他說還蠻希望Greg Norman奪冠的. 最後講了他的第一輪對手Nieminen,是個好人,之前捷克聯盟網賽的時候, Nieminen和他同隊,當時每個人都用捷克話交談,Nieminen也想試著說幾句, 可是捷克話太難學了,對Nieminen來說實在不是容易的事 Monday, July 21, 2008 Hi everyone, It's good to be blogging from Toronto. But I don't want to get anyone's hopes up... I'm no Dmitry Tursunov :) I haven't had a chance to speak with him this week, but when I do he may have some tips he's willing to pass along!. I'm here with a good group of Czech guys, including Radek Stepanek, Lukas Dlouhy and my coach Jaroslav Navratil. We've been playing some darts here in the player lounge, which was a good way to pass the time Sunday with all the rain. I don't want to start my first post by bragging, but I have to say that it was my day yesterday and I won all but one game. When we played as teams my coach wanted to play with me all the time! But today I started poorly in the morning and wasn't in the same shape as Sunday. My coach has a few friends from the Czech Republic who came to visit us and I hadn't seen them since the last time I was here, so we talked about the news in Czech. I don't follow politics so there wasn't any talk about that. We have the world championships in orienteering and Czech won one gold and two silver. There was also a lot of talk about hockey and of course Jaromir Jagr - whether it's a good choice for him to go to Russia or stay in the NHL. We also spent some time Sunday watching the final round of the British Open. I was hoping 53-year-old Greg Norman was going to win. To be in a position to win a major at that age is a fantastic effort. I play Jarkko Nieminen in the first round tomorrow. He's a very nice guy and we've spent a lot of time on the tour together. Last year he also played in the Czech league and played for our team. Everyone was speaking Czech so I'm not sure how much he understood. He tried to speak a few words but Czech is one of the worst languages to learn, so it wasn't easy for him. Thanks for reading my first post. Talk to you tomorrow, Tomas -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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