Re: [Atalanta] Vieri...............

看板Calcio作者 (離題我命不離我幸)時間17年前 (2006/11/16 12:40), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《Okuthor (離題我命不離我幸)》之銘言: : : Vieri faces surgery threat : Friday 3 November, 2006 : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 據報導,Vieri又傷了,可能需要再動一次膝蓋手術......... : 他八月轉會到 Atalanta之後沒有為球隊出賽過, : 還在嘗試從三月在 Monaco受的膝傷中復原。 : 週五有報導宣稱 Vieri將被迫再次進行手術以解決左膝的軟骨問題。 : 如果傳言屬實,Vieri將至少三個月不能出賽。 -- Vieri set for more surgery Wednesday 15 November, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Atalanta striker Christian Vieri is expected to undergo surgery in the United States in order to solve a cartilage problem in his left knee. Vieri預計將前往米國動手術解決左膝軟骨問題。 The former Azzurri ace has not yet made his debut for Atalanta since his summer arrival, as he is still recovering from the injury suffered on March 26 in the match with Paris Saint-Germain which ended his brief spell at Monaco and ruled him out of Germany 2006. And now the latest reports suggest Vieri has decided to travel to Colorado where he will be operated on by Professor Richard Steadman. 最新的報導猜測,Vieri決定到科羅拉多去給 Richard Steadman教授開刀。 The former Juve striker underwent meniscus surgery in May and continued his therapy at Milan Lab during the summer, but the pain in his knee continues and has prevented him from training regularly with Atalanta. 他在五月動過半月板手術,夏天持續在米蘭實驗室復健, 不過膝蓋的疼痛未止,讓他無法在 Atalanta正常參與訓練。 Although no official announcement has been made, Nerazzurri Coach Stefano Colantuono has seemingly confirmed the player's desire to go under the knife yet again. 儘管沒有官方聲明,主教練 Colantuono看似證實了球員再次動刀的意願。 “Christian will need surgery on his knee. It won't change much for us if he returns to playing 20 days earlier or later,” said the tactician. Colantuono說:「Christian的膝蓋得動手術, 對我們來說,他早20天或是晚20天歸隊的差別不大。」 (是不大,Atalanta靠 Ventola、Zampagna配 Doni已經相當威了。) “We hope to have him back by the end of January or the start of February.” 「我們希望他能在一月底或二月初歸隊。」 Vieri accepted a Bergamo switch in August when he agreed to a minimum wage deal worth just over £1,000 a month, after cancelling the contract he had previously signed with Sampdoria in July. -- ★Juventus 看看我!看看我! [/2006 00:00:55] ★Juventus 我身體裡的離題已經長得這麼大了哦! [/2006 00:00:56] To Juventus: (默) [/2006 00:00:59] .....................看過《Monster》的人,就會懂…(遠目) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/16 23:06, , 1F
The day will come.
11/16 23:06, 1F

11/17 01:09, , 2F
11/17 01:09, 2F
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