Re: [整理] 國際友誼賽(BRASILE-ITALIA)

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英文網頁︰ (goal的英文有三個,我看的是英國版)(美國版那個版面更不熟了) Brazil: Julio Cesar 8.0 Forced into action on more than one occasion and impressed with a range of stops. 塞薩爾:8.0 - 不止一次的經受住了考驗,撲出托尼的近距離射門或許有點運氣 ,但對格羅索的任意球防得很出色。 Maicon 7.5 Defensive question-marks will linger after his part in Grosso's early chance but proved again that going forward, no right-back in the world is his equal. 麥孔:7.5 - 開場之後讓格羅索被吹掉的進球還是讓人對他的防守有點擔心,但 此後他再次證明,在助攻方面,這個世界上沒有右後衛能與他相比。 Marcelo 8.0 More even-handed in his duties than Maicon; his attacking sorties were matched by a solid defensive display. Looks infinitely more at ease in yellow than Blanco. 馬塞洛:8.0 - 與麥孔相比他的攻防能力更加均衡,而且都十分出色,在國家隊 要比在皇馬更能適應。 Juan 7.5 Solid, no nonsense defending. Good usage of the ball. Looked justifiably jaded as the game ebbed out. 胡安:7.0 - 表現穩健,防守中沒犯什麼錯誤,傳球也不錯。比賽最後顯得有些疲 勞,但情有可原。 (這個不一樣了,剛剛沒發現) Lucio 8.0 Led the charge forward in characteristic fashion for the second goal and was a tireless energy in his defensive duties. Made vital blocks and won his challenges. Good show. 盧西奧 :8.0 - 本隊的第二球是由他的一次標誌性的帶球助攻發起的,在防守中顯 得精力充沛。 Felipe Melo 8.0 Had an unexpectedly easy debut; had the space to use the ball, feeding it to his more accomplished frontmen. Rarely had to press the Italian midfield, but was swift in the execution of challenges and led breaks with gusto. 梅洛:8.0 - 處子秀的表現出人意料的好,獲得了足夠的空間來給前方的隊友傳球。 Gilberto 8.0 Much like Melo, had a quiet night. His positional awareness meant he swept up the majority of Italian threats. 吉爾伯托:8.0 - 和梅洛差不多,度過了一個平靜的夜晚。良好的站位和意識幫助 他清除了義大利隊大部分的威脅。 Elano 8.5 Why buy Kaka when Elano can do this? His approach play, positivity and indeed, finishing skills will have given Mark Hughes food for thought. 艾拉諾:8.5 - 如果艾拉諾能夠踢成這樣,曼城還要卡卡幹什麼?他的積極性以及 全能的表現,特別是射門能力都是馬克.休斯應該好好加以利用的 地方。 Ronaldinho 8.5 A different 'Dinho, and one with a point to prove. Matched his marquee skills with some determined roving in midfield. A consistent 90 minutes that proved his best days are not beyond him. 羅納爾迪尼奧:8.5 - 這是一個想要再次證明自己的小羅,在中場他又讓我們看到 一些他所擅長的魔術,90分鐘的表現都很穩定,說明他距離 巔峰期並不是那麼遠。 Robinho 9.0 Enjoyed himself. The busy frontman gave Zambrotta more than he cared to deal with and the World Cup winner could not hang with the former Santos man. A standout tonight, his goal is among the best seen at the Emirates. 羅比尼奧:9.0 - 今晚他踢得非常享受,讓贊布羅塔忙得不亦樂乎,他的進球是酋 長體育場最為精彩的進球之一。 Adriano 7.0 Used more as an axis for the attack, rather than the spearhead of it. Laid off well and showed good movement, but his best work was selflessly done far from goal. 阿德里亞諾:7.0 - 他被當作進攻中的支點,而不是一個箭頭人物,表現還不錯, 有一些很好的跑位,為隊友們做出了貢獻。 Subs: Dani Alves 7.0 Charged around like a man on a mission; threw himself into challenges and demanded possession right on the right. 阿爾維斯:7.0 - 上場後表現很積極。 Pato 6.0 Had limited involvement, all with his back to goal. 帕托:6.0 - 沒有太多的時間讓他展示自己。 Thiago Silva 6.0 Just a run-out for the new Milan defender. He will have enjoyed it. 蒂亞戈.席爾瓦:6.0 - 抵擋住了義大利人最後的衝擊。 Josue n/a Julio Baptista n/a Italy: Buffon 6.0 A long way off his own high standards; looked uneasy on crossed and spilled some dead balls. The more games Gigi plays the better for Italy and Juventus. 布馮:6.0 - 要找回他的最佳狀態還有很長一段路,接傳中球時似乎有些信心 不足,還有幾次脫手的表現。 Zambrotta 4.5 Booked in frustration at his own ineptitude tonight. Could barely catch Robinho's shadow and endured a thoroughly uncomfortable evening. 贊布羅塔:4.5 - 只能追著羅比尼奧的影子跑,的確是個不太愉快的夜晚。 Grosso 8.0 The best-in-show for the Azzurri; solid at the back and also willing and able to contribute to attacks. Good movement and accurate passing. 格羅索:8.0 - 義大利隊表現最好的球員,防守穩固,進攻中也有不俗表現。 跑位出色,傳球精準。 Cannavaro 5.5 Unsure of his marking positions in the first-half, when he looked a little off the pace. Second half was more to his liking when the Azzurri weighed in with the heavy stuff. 卡納瓦羅:5.5 - 上半時對於自己的盯人任務不太確定,速度也有點跟不上, 下半時有所好轉。 Legrottaglie 6.0 A committed display buy below the technical standard required. Took some dubious positions as the Brazil attacks approached but let no one down with his determination for the cause. 萊羅塔列:6.0 - 很投入,但是技術上還不能達到要求。面對巴西的進攻站位 有些問題,但以自己的決心做出了彌補。 Montolivo 6.5 An uneventful display. Passed well and tried to tackle the balls he saw. Replaced and was no real loss. There is work to be done for his potential to reveal international ability. 蒙托利沃:6.5 - 表現平平,傳球不錯,防守也很賣力。要想真正達到國腳級的 水準還需要做出一些努力。 Pirlo 4.0 Horror show. Unrecognisable from his usual unflappable self. Gave the ball away in vital areas continually and was profligate in the pass during a disastrous first half in particular. 皮爾洛:4.0 - 實在糟糕,讓人難以相信這就是那個鎮定自若的皮爾洛。上半時 的表現尤其糟糕,巴西的第二個進球就是因為他在自己的禁區玩 火造成的。 De Rossi 7.5 Along with Grosso, can hold his head high. Tried to fight against the tide during the first half, in which he was the only fully functioning component of the Italy midfield. Shot and tackled well and showed energy lacking in his colleagues. 德羅西:7.5 - 他和格羅索都能夠高昂著頭離開球場,上半時試圖阻擋巴西的黃 色狂潮,他是義大利中場唯一還在正常運轉的球員。射門和鏟斷 都不錯,顯示出了隊友所欠缺的活力。 Pepe 4.0 Anonymous aside from one header. Hauled off at half time after a worryingly under-par display. A long way off international standard. 佩佩:4.0 - 除了一次頭球,幾乎看不見他,中場就被換下。要留在國家隊,他 還需要做出巨大努力。 Di Natale 5.0 Showed nothing of his club class, even with a potential loose link in Maicon facing him. Rarely passed his full-back and disappeared after some early neat work. 迪納塔萊:5.0 - 沒能展現出在俱樂部的水準,總是很難突破對方邊後衛的防守, 比賽開始不久就消失了。 Gilardino 4.5 Contributed little or nothing. Blows too hot and cold to be considered a dependable member of La Nazionale. 吉拉迪諾:4.5 - 幾乎沒有做出什麼貢獻。以他目前在國家隊的表現,還難以讓 人信任。 Subs: Perrotta 5.5 His cynicism prevented Melo from marching towards a third goal; for this he deserves commendation. Aside from that, he added perhaps a degree more in midfield than Pirlo. 佩羅塔:5.5 - 他阻止了梅洛攻入第三球,這一點值得讚揚,比皮爾洛的表 現要好一些。 Toni 7.0 Showed indefatigable fight; a willing runner, even if his technique is sorely lacking. Made the right movement and was ultimately unlucky not to register a strike. 托尼:7.0 - 顯示出了不屈不撓的戰鬥精神,只是技術上還有所欠缺。跑位 還不錯,一次近在咫尺的射門未能成功應該說有些運氣不佳。 Camoranesi 6.0 Saw more action than Pepe and gave Italy a semblance of a right-wing option. 卡莫拉內西:6.0 - 比佩佩的表現要好得多,讓義大利隊看到了右翼。 Rossi 7.0 Sprightly and lively; he looked Italy's most likely outlet after the break. 羅西:7.0 - 表現活躍,下半時出場後,他看起來是義大利隊中最有希望得 分的球員。 Aquilani 6.0 Involved himself in the midfield quagmire. 阿奎拉尼:6.0 - 陷入了中場爭鬥的泥潭中。 Dossena n/a Peter Staunton, ---- 以上, 因為以前有版友貼過英文版幾次,我再對中文版發覺幾乎一樣, 所以就推論大陸記者是翻英文版的,然後在評論那邊也大致是翻的, 不過偶而會多加灌水或是簡略。 這次中,就只有「Juan」的分數不同,其他的評分完全一樣呢, 其實看新浪也會發現「翻譯」的影子很大, 尤其是新聞一開始出現時,之後再自己找資料灌進去,並且再加自己的話, 有時二段的原文新聞,可以灌上數倍的文字, 我想,大陸記者為了賺稿費也是很努力的,^^||| 再聊一下kata的評分, kata自己自身的二隊評分和後來再出來的評論+評分,分數是不一樣的呢, 可能是不同組的人評的吧。 (kata的網頁最近在改版面了呢,^^) -- 『You still have lots more to work on...』 (你還有得學呢!) 『Nobody beats me in tennis.』 (沒人在網球上贏過我。) ... Ryoma Echizen -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: anisemyc 來自: (02/12 13:42)
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