[情報] 06/23 魔 * 英文版綜論 * 羯

看板Capricornus作者 (小武)時間11年前 (2013/06/22 16:05), 編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 You show off a little and instill a bit of envy in the competition today -- and why not? You should be able to build on today's news, and your accomplishments speak for themselves. 今天的你有點愛現,而且在競爭上加入了些許的得失心 -- 而有何不可呢?今日你應該能夠藉由新聞建立起(形象), 而且他們會討論著你的成就。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20130623.html Love 愛情運 You may find that things are much less clear between you and a good friend or housemate today, thanks in part to a minor communication error that grows and grows until it reaches epic proportions. 今天你也許會發現你與好朋友或同居人間的事情是如此的不明確, 這部分得歸功*於溝通上日積月累的小誤解,直到它達到了前所未有的地步。 *譯註:"thanks"是類似"看你幹的好事!!"之類的反話嗎 0.0 ? Couples 情侶 The stuff you've got on the agenda, whether solo projects or for the two of you, tends to go better this morning than later in the day. Get the errands out of the way so you can just relax together afterward. 無論是你個人或是你們兩個的待辦事項,早一點去進行會比晚一點來的好。 這樣一來你們才能在事情完成後一起儘管的放鬆。 Singles 單身 Ask yourself what you can do to help out the community. After all, love comes in many forms -- it's not just between individuals. Cultivate that sense of bond and affection in new ways. 問問你自己可以做些什麼來幫助社會。 畢竟,愛情來自於各種形式 -- 它並非僅存在於個體之間而已。 在新的方式上培育(建立)起感情聯繫的直覺吧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20130623.html Career 工作運 Get prepared for a Monday full of data, data and more data -- it'll come in from all sides and will be difficult to take in. Try to separate the important stuff from the drivel, but don't worry too much if you have to leave some of it for later in the week. 為充滿著資料、資料、以及更多資料的禮拜一做好準備吧 -- 它將來自於四面八方且難以去化解。 試著將重要的部分從混亂中分離出來, 不過,如果你必須將其中的一些留待這週稍晚(再處理)的話,也別太過擔心喲。 -- 今晚還是由小武來為各位服務~ :) 情侶運勢有些苦手,所以只針對大致的語意來嘗試翻譯, 若有誤解的部分還請大家指正了...m(_ _)m -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/23 00:08, , 1F
06/23 00:08, 1F

06/23 00:11, , 2F
06/23 00:11, 2F

06/23 00:16, , 3F
資料, 資料, 更多的資料... 好準...
06/23 00:16, 3F

06/23 00:43, , 4F
06/23 00:43, 4F

06/23 14:01, , 5F
謝謝大家的推推~^^ M大加油!! XD
06/23 14:01, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1HnSix6- (Capricornus)
文章代碼(AID): #1HnSix6- (Capricornus)