[外電] VS Spurs

看板Celtics作者 (瓶子不是這樣看低)時間15年前 (2009/12/04 12:47), 編輯推噓12(12013)
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新聞出處(必填):http://tinyurl.com/yankjn2 C's Hold On To The Win (Not The Ball) It is a good thing this team is awesome, because they couldn't rebound to save their lives tonight and still pulled out a win. The Spurs outrebounded the Celts 55 to 32. And get this, they pulled down 20 offensive rebounds while the C's only managed 2. Yet the Celtics still pulled out the win. Crazy. 這真是件好事。什麼好事呢?今晚就算馬刺籃板以55:32完全壓制C's、就算馬刺 摘了20個進攻籃板,相對於只有2個的C's,仍舊是由C's帶走了勝利。很瘋狂吧。 No idea how this Blair kid slipped so far. Sure he's undersized, but he knows how to get the ball up and in and he can sure rebound. We could use someone like that right now. Another day, another double double for Rondo. He came up with some key plays late in the game too. KG looked spry today. Not sure if this is one of those "good days/bad days" things or if he's getting better and better, but I'll take it. It helped that the Spurs missed over half their free throws and only 2 three pointers. Odd game but a solid win against a very, very high quality opponent. 唉,不知道首相(Dejuan Blair)今晚怎麼能打這麼好。(因為第一節那顆補籃讓他為之一 振嗎?)他的體型真的不算大,但是他就是能把球搞進,也當然能搶籃板。 又一天的DD,軟豆今天也有些關鍵的Play(如第四節被拉到4分後的那個中距離)。 KG今天看起來頗活潑的。不知道是一天好一天壞那種,還是逐漸變好得那種。 當然對手今天的罰球跟僅有2顆三分球也有幫了我們,一場奇怪的比賽對吧。 不過還是贏了。 新聞來源:http://tinyurl.com/ycfrqa7 Road Warriors Chalk up another road win for the Celtics. They beat the Spurs 90-83 thanks to a great defensive effort. 又拿下一場客場勝利。他們靠著不錯的防守以90:83擊敗馬刺。 Rajon Rondo (12 points, 12 assists, 3 steals) had two clutch plays in the final two minutes. With the Celtics clinging to an 85-81 lead, he drilled an open 19-footer. And with the Celtics up 4, with 30 seconds left, Tony Parker drove to the hoop but had the ball slapped off his leg by Rondo It was a HUGE defensive play. 軟豆12分12助攻3抄截以及在最後兩分鐘內有兩次關鍵Play。 在C's被追到85:81 僅有 4分領先時,軟豆跳出來一記19呎跳投。而在最後30秒,跑車想要上籃,結果軟豆手快 讓跑車有個關鍵失誤。真是防的好! KG had another great game: 20 points, 9-15 FG, 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals. KG也有場不錯的比賽:20分 FG 9/15 7籃板 5助攻 2抄截 Dejuan Blair (18 ponts, 9-11 FG, 11 rebounds) was a beast. He single-handedly lead the Spurs back from a 12 point 4th quarter deficit. It reminded me of the breakout game Glen Davis had two years ago against the Pistons. 今天首相(Dejuan Blair)真的很亮眼:18分 FG 9/11 11籃板。真是頭猛獸。 他今天的表現讓人回想起兩年前對上活塞的那個大寶貝。 The Spurs outrebounded the Celtics 55-32, thanks to 20 offensive rebounds. I'd say at least half of those off. rebounds came on backtaps. 阿籃板阿籃板,囧a Gregg Popovich had a couple of questionable personnel moves. Tim Duncan (16 points, 15 rebounds) stayed on the bench for 8 minutes in the 4th quarter. He returned with 3:59 left in the game. Yes, Dejuan Blair was playing out of his mind, but couldn't they play together? Pop also stayed with Roger Mason instead of Manu Ginobli for much of crunch time Pop今天的調度也有點怪。第四節石佛(Duncan)溫板凳長達8分鐘?! 在最後4分鐘時回 到場上。當然,首相的表現是很亮眼的,但他們不能同時在場上嗎?而且在某些關鍵時刻 Pop選擇放Mason而不是馬妞,hmmmm..XD 影片區 1.個人區 軟豆快攻灌籃 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC2in4LIYRg
首相(有意的?)的幫忙 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV1y-EQWxrM
KG AND1 Alley Oop! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jix09fDOHp4
第三節末軟豆不回頭傳球+Sheed拉弓進球 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aovqck8oWXY
軟豆假傳真切 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA7NCcb5NTU
2.高光 官網 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo0M9nXAKvo
ESPN http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4712104 (第一球就是雷槍快攻雙手扣籃!) -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ▂▂ ██ █▆ █▆█ █▋ ██▆ ▊█ █▆▆ ██ ██ ███ ▊█ ██▆ █▊█ ██▋ ██▆ ▊██ ▆▆█ ██ ███ ██ ▊██ ██▆ R by ωaterζantasy -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/04 12:49, , 1F
謝謝整理!Not The Ball很好笑
12/04 12:49, 1F

12/04 12:49, , 2F
12/04 12:49, 2F

12/04 13:06, , 3F
其實該說我們守馬刺跳投守的好 還是.....
12/04 13:06, 3F

12/04 13:14, , 4F
Rondo 那球不回頭傳球真是帥暴阿 XD
12/04 13:14, 4F

12/04 13:15, , 5F
請讓Rondo低調進明星賽 謝謝
12/04 13:15, 5F

12/04 13:29, , 6F
12/04 13:29, 6F

12/04 13:52, , 7F
12/04 13:52, 7F

12/04 14:04, , 8F
12/04 14:04, 8F

12/04 14:06, , 9F
12/04 14:06, 9F

12/04 14:15, , 10F
軟豆那招有點耍球的味道 但進球後會覺得很爽XD
12/04 14:15, 10F

12/04 14:31, , 11F
12/04 14:31, 11F

12/04 16:30, , 12F
12/04 16:30, 12F
※ 編輯: rayensighner 來自: (12/04 17:13)

12/04 19:39, , 13F
想到一個有點低級的XD 軟豆OS:用屁眼想就知道Rasheed
12/04 19:39, 13F

12/04 19:40, , 14F
還站在三分線外... 往後一拋 ast+1 XD
12/04 19:40, 14F

12/04 21:29, , 15F
12/04 21:29, 15F

12/04 22:13, , 16F
12/04 22:13, 16F

12/04 22:26, , 17F
12/04 22:26, 17F

12/04 22:47, , 18F
推 會樓上 也有人說是離最近的球員
12/04 22:47, 18F

12/05 00:34, , 19F
12/05 00:34, 19F

12/05 00:38, , 20F
12/05 00:38, 20F

12/05 00:39, , 21F
12/05 00:39, 21F

12/05 00:40, , 22F
12/05 00:40, 22F

12/05 05:58, , 23F
TD其實六分多鐘就在計分台等了 只是一直等到四分半才
12/05 05:58, 23F

12/05 05:58, , 24F
有得上 還有播報有說到Doc說現在超賽有個問題就是
12/05 05:58, 24F

12/05 05:59, , 25F
12/05 05:59, 25F
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