Re: [轉錄][新聞] Del Negro未來 週末定案

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (Go Hawks!)時間14年前 (2010/04/29 01:00), 編輯推噓6(602)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
現在讓我們來聽聽球員的看法: The Chicago Bulls are expected to fire head coach Vinny Del Negro now that their season is over. Melissa Isaacson of reports no announcement will be made until this weekend, at the earliest. Points guard Derrick Rose told Isaacson that he wants Del Negro to remain as the head coach, but know it's not up to him. "That's a guy, when we both came in, he let me have my freedom," said Rose. "He still coached me. He let me make my mistakes. We watched film together every day. He taught me a lot of offense and defense, what I'm supposed to do. But the decision is not up to me. It's up to the front office, so I'm just going to let them deal with that." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/29 02:07, , 1F
04/29 02:07, 1F

04/29 02:37, , 2F
有啊 他有說希望他留下啊 只是決定權不再他啊
04/29 02:37, 2F

04/29 02:37, , 3F
不然怎麼樣才算有說啥 Orz
04/29 02:37, 3F

04/29 08:45, , 4F
04/29 08:45, 4F

04/29 13:10, , 5F
有人來問 都會說客套話 美國人從小就會bull shit
04/29 13:10, 5F

04/30 09:30, , 6F
Noah 被問到也說希望留下教練
04/30 09:30, 6F

05/01 01:16, , 7F
CBS有文章提到Del Negro不會被fire,不知是真是假?
05/01 01:16, 7F

05/01 11:56, , 8F
05/01 11:56, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Bs6cqzw (ChicagoBulls)