Re: [轉錄]豆子評分法

看板Coffee作者 (養一隻可愛小田鼠)時間20年前 (2004/05/30 21:36), 編輯推噓2(201)
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※ 引述《SamuelWang (幹)》之銘言: : 要怎麼評啊??? : 就拿一杯咖啡喝下去就評了嗎??? : 那這樣不就很主觀了??? : 沒有比較格式化一點的品評嗎??? 在此提供SCAA Consumer cupping form (如果還要更專業的話, 還有SCAA Pro cupping form) Coffee Sample: _________________ Source: ________ Date: _______ Aroma Flavor Aftertaste Acidity Body o Flowery o Nutty o Berry-like o Earthy o Soury o Thin o Fruity o Caramelly o Citrus-like o Spicy o Bland o Light o Herby o Toffee-like o Peanutty o Tobacco-like o Mellow o Medium o Chocolaty o Malty o Clove-like o Winey o Full o Piney o Molasses o Woody o Heavy o Smokey o Peppery Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 Final Score: (Sum Ratings x 4) ______ Notes: Roast Color: ___ Light Medium ___ Medium ___ Moderately Dark Grind ___ Fine ___ Drip ___ Coarse Scope/Cup: ___ Level ___ Rounded ___ Heaping Reminiscent of: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ “Quality Coffee Measures Up” Seven Easy Steps for Rating Coffee Step #1: Take freshly roasted (not more than 7 days old) coffee beans and grind them to a “drip grind” in a burr-type coffee mill. Measure out 1 scope (10 grams) into a 7 to 8 fluid ounce coffee cup. Step #2: Bring “crystal fresh” (125-175ppm hardness) drinking water to a boil and pour directly over the coffee grounds so that the grounds rise to the top of the cup and form a cap level with the top of the cup – 6 fl. oz. of water. (Note: if the grounds immediately sink to the bottom of the cup, try using a slightly coarser grind.) Step #3: After infusing with water, allow the grounds to steep for 4 minutes. Break the cap by stirring 3 times. As the foam run down the back of the spoon, gently sniff the aroma vapors. Note on the form if the aromas are “flowery, fruity, or herby” and rate your personal preference on a scale of 1 to 5. Step #4: Using your cupping spoon, remove any grounds still floating on the surface of the cup. (Note: if too little of the coffee grounds sink to the bottom of the cup, try using a slightly finer grind.) When the coffee has cooled to 160 degrees F, evaluation of the brew begins by vigorously slurping a small portion of the fluid from the cupping spoon so that it is aspirated in such a way to cover as much area of the tongue as possible. Note on the form the flavor(s) experienced – “nutty to peppery”and rate your personal preference on a scale of 1 to 5. Step #5: Rinse your cupping spoon in hot water and repeat slurping a second spoonful. This time note on the form the aftertaste(s) experienced – “earthy to woody” and rate your personal preference on a scale of 1 to 5. Step #6: When the coffee has cooled to 140 degrees F, rinse your cupping spoon in hot water and repeat slurping a third spoonful. This time note on the form the acidity of the brew – “soury to winey” and rate your personal preference on a scale of 1 to 5. Step #7: When the coffee has cooled to 120 degrees F and can be comfortably held on the tongue, rinse your cupping spoon in hot water and repeat slurping a fourth spoonful. This time note on the form the body of the brew – “thin to heavy” and rate your personal preference on a scale of 1 to 5. Preference Rating: (Circle Choice) 1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good 4 – Excellent 5 – Outstanding Final Score and Notes: Calculate the final score by adding each of the individual ratings for aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity and body together and then multiplying by 4 to reach a 100-point basis. In the notes section record any taste and/or odors experienced reminiscent of other flavors that are not listed on the form. Be sure to note roast color, grind, and scope size for later comparison. It is best to compare at least two coffees (juxtapose) during each cupping session. 看看就好, 不一定對每個人都適用. 最後, 我完全不認為每個人都需要按照杯測表格來做紀錄. 因為在嚴格杯測下所嚐到 的咖啡和平常沖煮時所喝到的, 有蠻大一段差距. 如何獲得其中的關聯性, 可能需要 長時間的訓練. 我認為對初學者來說, 更重要也更有趣的應該是如何去描述自己所喝 到的咖啡, 特別是細膩的味道, 變化等. 和 o大大相反, 我認為對某些味道沒有必要 做太過程度化的區別; 因為有些東西, 不適合, 也很難變成數字. 與其把味道定下來 變成數字, 倒不如去發掘更多的變化. 應該說, 杯測是認識咖啡的一種方法, 但不是 絕對的. 有些豆商的杯測結果都是80~90的數字在random walk, 這樣的數字到底有多 少值得參考的, 很令人懷疑. 對於味道的描述, 可以參考SCAA Taste Wheel, 圖片可以在SM抓到 (不過有問題不要問我, 我有很多看不懂) AROMAS ORIGIN FLORAL: jasmine, wintergreen, FRAGRANT: cardamum, caraway, basil, anise CITRUS: lemon, tangerine, apricot, melon BERRY: blueberry, raspberry, blackberry VEGETAL: onion, garlic, cabbage, alfalfa SUGAR BROWNING NUT: peanut, almond MALT: corn, barley CANDY: toffee, praline SYRUP: honey, mollasses CHOCOLATE: dark, milk VANILLA: custard, white chocolate DISTILLATES RESINOUS: pine, balsam, camphor SPICY: nutmeg, pepper, clove, thyme SMOKEY: tarry, tobacco, burnt, charred, ash TASTES SWEET: MELLOW: delicate, mild, ACIDIC: nippy, piquant SOURNESS/ACIDITY: WINE: tangy, tart SOUR: hard, acrid BITTER: MILD: warm, tannic, bitter-sweet PUNGENT: roasty, smokey, spicey HARSH: alkaline, caustic SALT: BLAND: soft, neutral SHARP: rough, astringent DEFECTS (* desirable in small quantities from some origins) ABSORBED TASTES BAGGY: mineral oil, fatty, MOLDY: cappy, starchy, yeasty MUSTY: *mulch, mildew, concrete ABSORBED ODORS DIRTY: barny, grady, dusty GROUNDY: erpsig, raw potato, *mushroom EARTHY: humus, *wet soil, fresh earth DEGRADED FATS SWEATY: soapy, lactic HIDEY: tallowey, *leathery, wet wool HORSEY: animal-like, *gamey DEGRADED ACIDS FERMENTED: sauerkraut, acerbic, leesy RIOY: iodine, carbolic, acrid RUBBERY: rubber-glue, *kerosene, *alcohol LOSS OF AROMATICS GRASSY: green, hay, strawy *AGED: full, round, smooth WOODY: wet paper, wet cardboard IMPROPER ROASTING TIPPED: cereal, biscuity, skunky SCORCHED: cooked, charred, burnt BAKED: bakey, flat, dull -- 戰爭即和平 自由即奴役 無知即力量 《1984》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 05/30, , 1F
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