Re: [躲人] Did L.A. give up too much for Blake?

看板Dodgers作者時間15年前 (2009/04/16 22:45), 編輯推噓4(404)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Indians 看板] 作者: goopa (除此之外) 看板: Indians 標題: Re: [轉錄][躲人] Did L.A. give up too much for … 時間: Wed Apr 15 16:36:07 2009 ※ 引述《goopa (除此之外)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 Dodgers 看板] : 作者: Belladonaa () 看板: Dodgers : : : As a Dodgers fan, I'm still trying to get my head around the deal that sent : Carlos Santana and Jon Meloan to the Indians for Casey Blake. Is there any : precedent for a team to trade its No. 1 or 2 prospect for such a mediocre : talent? I know the Mets sent Scott Kazmir away for Victor Zambrano. Are there : any other deals like this? I understand money may have played a part in the : deal, but it's one thing to trade Matt LaPorta for C.C. Sabathia, but it's : another thing entirely to trade Santana and throw in Meloan. 身為一個道奇球迷,對於去年交易Blake那個交易,我現在還是沒辦法釐清我的頭緒... 我在想為什麼會有人把自己隊上的頭號新秀拿去換一個不是很突出的球員.... 是的,我知道大都會做過拿 Victor Zambrano 去換 Kazmir 這種事(METS:贛,我們都已經 被射的千瘡百孔了,這邊還補一槍是怎樣...) 其他還有任何像這樣搶很大搶不用錢的交易 嗎? (譯者:how about this one? AJP for Nathan & Liriano.) 我了解球隊預算常常會影響交易,但我認為那應該像是 Matt LaPorta 去換 C.C.Sabathia 但丟出 Santana 還附贈 Meloan 就是另一回事了... : Phil Gurnee : Woodland Hills, Calif. : You're being a little harsh when you call Blake "mediocre," because he provides : steady offense and defensive versatility, and the Dodgers probably wouldn't : have won the National League West without him. Santana was one of Los Angeles' : best prospects at the time of the deal and on the rise, but he had yet to : receive the universal acclaim he does these days. The Dodgers also purposely : gave up more talent in their deals last summer so they wouldn't have to take on : more salary in return. 菲爾回應: 你講 Blake 是個B咖有點太苛了,因為他提供了穩健的火力跟防守位置的彈性 最重要的是,如果去年道奇沒有交易到他,可能最後會差臨門一腳而錯失西區冠軍... Santana的確是當時道奇農場數一數二的新秀,而且是正在上漲的股票.... 但在去年夏天他在市場上的交易價值就是那樣而已.... : And yet it's hard to look at the trade and not think that Los Angeles paid : more than it should have. 所以說你不能簡單的認為道奇在當時買貴了.... : Most of the time when a team deals its No. 1 or 2 prospect, it's as part of a : blockbuster to acquire some like Sabathia or Mark Teixeria or Miguel Cabrera or : Josh Beckett, to name just four examples. I searched through five years of : Trade Central archives to look for other instances where a club dealt one of : its two best prospects for a lesser talent, and I came up with just five : others. In reverse order: 大部分的時間,當一個球隊要交易出隊中的頭號新秀,這一般是為了要交易頂級球星如 C.C.Sabathia,Mark Teixeria或是 Miguel Cabrera,除此之外我在過去五年的交易史上 只找到五個例子是付出頂級新秀去買回一個不是A咖的球員,表列如下..... : July 2008: The Phillies send Adrian Cardenas as part of a three-player package : to get Joe Blanton from the Athletics. 費城拿 Cardenas 去交易 Blanton..... 譯者:雖然Blanton真的算不上是A咖,但是Cardenas也還有著不少需要證明的地方, 再加上費城有黃金二遊,導致另一個MI的年輕好手Donald可能也會移防三壘。 所以儘管買貴了,但費城當的起這個大款,更何況他們去年最後也紮實的贏下了WS 雖然我覺得買到天梯(Stairs)那個交易幫助更大就是了! : December 2006: The Astros ship Jason Hirsh as part of a three-player package to : obtain Jason Jennings and Miguel Asencio from the Rockies. 2006年太空人拿當時的頂級新秀 Jason Hirsh 等三人換回一個B咖? Jason Jennings... 譯者:事後看來這是一個雙輸的交易,JJ在太空人的日子是一場災難,無論是對球隊還是 對球員來說都是一場災難... 而 Jason Hirsh 在太空人的日子也過的不好,反倒是交易中的配菜 Taylor Buchholz 去年在太空人擔任setup表現優異,一度還有機會搶下CL.... : January 2006: The Red Sox surrender Andy Marte as part of a four-player : package to land Coco Crisp, David Riske and Josh Bard from the Indians. 印地安人在三隊交易中付出了 Coco,Riske跟Bard 換回了當年的頂級新秀 Andy Marte... 跟當時評價不錯但只算配菜的Kelly Shoppach.... 譯者:某種程度來說這也算是雙輸的交易? Marte在印地安人的日子讓大家認為他可能只是比較早熟而非比較有天份。 Shoppach在印地安人的日子讓大家認為他可能只是大器晚成? Crisp在紅襪度過中規中矩的三年,然後交易到皇家... Riske在紅襪過水之後在釀酒人撈到一張足以養老的合約.... Bard雖然曾經在教士拿到開幕戰先發,但沒有把握住.... : December 2005: The White Sox part with Chris Young as part of a three-player : package to pry Javier Vazquez from the Diamondbacks. 這個交易不錯啊.... : July 2004: The Mets give up Scott Kazmir as part of a two-player package to : acquire Victor Zambrano and Bartolome Fortunato from the Rays. 上面已提過,此處不再補刀.... : Blake homered to give the Dodgers a 4-3 lead in the sixth inning of Game Four : of the NL Championship Series. Had that advantage stood up, it well could have : been the turning point of the series for Los Angeles and spurred them to a : championship. That would have made the trade much more palatable, but now it's : going to be tough for Dodgers fans to take if Santana blossoms into an all-star : catcher as expected. Blake在國聯冠軍戰的第四場曾經打出一支使球隊超前的全壘打... 如果道奇能維持住這一分領先,也許他們就能逆轉殺入世界大賽..... 但事實是他們沒有守下來.... 所以他們對把 Santana 拿出去換 Blake 這件事有很大的怨念也是很正常的... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/16 13:05,
04/16 13:05

04/16 17:53,
= = Manny 要讓他回笑臉人嗎!!
04/16 17:53

04/16 20:11,
04/16 20:11

04/16 22:44,
04/16 22:44
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/16 22:49, , 1F
我覺得這交易挺不錯的~三B的洞我們已經弱很久了 拿一個會被
04/16 22:49, 1F

04/16 22:50, , 2F
04/16 22:50, 2F

04/17 00:03, , 3F
是要這樣看:Blake in, DeWitt & LaRoche blocked
04/17 00:03, 3F

04/17 00:03, , 4F
Manny in, LaRoche traded;
04/17 00:03, 4F

04/17 00:04, , 5F
DeWitt switched to 2B; Hudson in, DeWitt 哭哭
04/17 00:04, 5F

04/17 00:07, , 6F
04/17 00:07, 6F

04/17 00:28, , 7F
04/17 00:28, 7F

04/17 03:10, , 8F
04/17 03:10, 8F
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